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Rice Sock warm up tale

Rice Sock warm up tale

Well I finally did it, I had some family over for the holidays and one of them brought a “rice sack” and when they were out I tried it! WHOA!! its Great you guys were right!!

Well that next day I went to a local wholesale club and bought a 20 lb bag of rice for 3.00! and then wnet to the material store and bought some flannel material. I got home that night and my wife said how much she liked the rice sack. So I told her my plans to make some of them. She was excited to say the least. So I hand stitched the first one for her and she was sold. So I took out an old sewing machine out and before you know it we now have 10 of them in all different sizes and shapes!

I never used to do a warm up before hanging except when showering. And waht a difference the rice makes.

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone, it took awhile but I’m a believer now.

I owe all of my gains to Bib, Thunder & DLD.

Thank you just dosent seem to cover it.

I'll be forever indebted to Them!!


>>I got home that night and my wife said how much she liked the rice sack. So I told her my plans to make some of them. She was excited to say the least. So I hand stitched the first one for her and she was sold. >>

what kind of routine does your wife do?!

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

How are you heating the rice bag?

My wifes workout

Is PE also , Na Just messing around. She does aerobics and weights and it eases the stress after a long day of work.

I heat it up in the microwave for 4-6 min depending on the size of the sock & amount of rice.

I owe all of my gains to Bib, Thunder & DLD.

Thank you just dosent seem to cover it.

I'll be forever indebted to Them!!

Have your wife use it on her groin when having cramps. She’ll love it.

Oh, meant to add that she made mine out of two terry washcloths. Simply sewed the edges together.

Heck yeah!!

She will love that, thanks for the info!! Score one more for the rice sock!!

I owe all of my gains to Bib, Thunder & DLD.

Thank you just dosent seem to cover it.

I'll be forever indebted to Them!!

Re: My wifes workout

Originally posted by ctmwm
Is PE also , Na Just messing around. She does aerobics and weights and it eases the stress after a long day of work.

I heat it up in the microwave for 4-6 min depending on the size of the sock & amount of rice.

How much rice does that thing have in it? If I heat mine for more than a minute it’s way too hot for use on body parts. I didn’t measure but there’s somewhere between 1 and 2 cups of rice in my sock. Mine’s not sewn, just tied in a knot. :D

amount of rice

I have about 2-3 lbs of rice in it. Its approx 5”wide and 12” long - I like to heat the entire area instead of just a small portion.

Good luck , I made a few more and gave them away as xmas presents. and people love them! Huh figure that out,

I owe all of my gains to Bib, Thunder & DLD.

Thank you just dosent seem to cover it.

I'll be forever indebted to Them!!

Re: amount of rice

Originally posted by ctmwm
Good luck , I made a few more and gave them away as xmas presents. and people love them! Huh figure that out,

Maybe PE is more widespread than any of us knew? ;)

and all this time I just put the rice in the gumbo…….

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

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