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Rice Sock?


Rice Sock?

What is a rice sock? I keep hearing it being mentioned in terms of warm up, i gather it may be what it sounds like…..a sock filled with hot rice? :)

Whats the best way of creating one?

take a sock, fill it with UNCOOKED rice, tie off the end, don’t microwave too long or it will stink, and drop on your crotch, instant heat.

BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

Cool, nice one thanks!

Roughly how long in microwave do you reckon? 650 watt oven

I use minute rice (uncooked- ha, ha..) because its thick and holds heat well. Don’t use a sock that is too thick. Leave enough room in the sock to allow the rick to move around so you can wrap or do what you wish with it. I heat about 1 minute in my 1000 W MicroW. Don’t get too hot or you’ll have to wait for it to cool…..I like to use a Rice Sock as a wrap while I hang….

Start 030104 EBPL: 6.25" EG : 5.6" Mid LOT : 7:30 GOAL: 0.25 in any direction...."I'm not picky"- length would be nice "GIVE ME A %&#'N INCH OR GIVE ME DEATH"

experiment dude!! do you want me to heat your crotch too??;)

just kiddin’

BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

How long should you heat the sock for?

I bought this thing awhile back for sinus pressure relief called a bed buddy and it works great. :p

It’s sort of like a rice sock except it has crystals in it that warm up in the microwave and it stays warm for hours. You can buy it at any drug store fairly cheap.

Rice sock is the best. Easy to warm, long time hot, AND easy to hide.

BPEL 7.00 in (17.7cm) WANT 8 in (20cm)

Can you get any radiation/bad microwaves from the microwave that can give you cancer or effect your sperm count?

Ahah, I don’t think so…

I use steelcut Irish oatmeal (also uncooked) because it’s got fewer carbohydrates and more dietary fibre.

Originally Posted by Swinteck
I use steelcut Irish oatmeal (also uncooked) because it’s got fewer carbohydrates and more dietary fibre.

Were you gaining weight using rice?

OMG!! don’t eat the rice, I repeat don’t eat the rice…<shaking head and laughing>

BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

lol to the above post. I guess it’s time for me to try the rice sock method of heating for my hanging, the wet towel wrap is too messy.

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