Selling my Vacuum Hanger & Bib Hanger
Hey all,
I have moved on to the wonderful world of pumping. I no longer feel the need to do any hanging.
I have both the medium and large cylinders as well as all the silicone sheaths and everything that came with MB’s vacuum hanger. MB’s hanger is a fine product and I was pleased with it, but it just wasn’t for me.
I also have the Bib Hanger.
I realize there might be some issues of sanitation but rest assured I will wash everything thoroughly with soap and water. Let’s be adults about this. You can even double wash it whenever you receive it.
I do not have a set price that I am selling at, but I paid about $160 for MB’s package and about $120 for the BIB Hanger back in the day. If you are interested in purchasing either of these products for a huge discount, send me a private message with the amount you are willing to pay. I will simply select the person with the highest offer.
I have a paypal account, so I would hope to conduct transactions through there.
Thanks everyone.