>So, for a guy like me with a low LOT who hangs BTC, my tunica will take the stress when my ligs reach their limit?<
Your outer tunica will always have stress. The important thing is that as the ligs stretch, the stress on your inner tunica will continue to increase as the stress on the ligs decreases, at the BTC angle of stretch.
However, the stress on the ligs will never reach zero. So, if you do not have any potential for gains from lig stretch at the moment, you should raise your angle of hang, or stress, to allow all of the stress to be on the inner and outer tunica, taking the ligs out of the picture, and possibly increasing your LOT.
>But, will it only apply stress to the top side (top of penis) of the tunica because of the arc from the BTC position?<
This will depend on other factors such as attachment of the hanger, etc. In the BTC angle, the stress will only be on the outer tunica and ligs for most guys. I do not believe it will have too large of an effect on what area of the outer tunica that receives the stress.
>Could you provide more clarification on the “exit point”? You mentioned in another thread that you determined this on yourself from your “base”, or an area near the prostate. I’m confused. How do I determine if I have a high/low exit point?<
I will try to come up with some drawings that make this clearer.
>Do you believe it is most common for one to have?:
High EA
Low Exit Point<
I believe, in general the corellation between LOT and exit point is very high. But EA is not correlated because of other influences, such as the shape of the tunica.
>I’ve always wondered the same. Can this be determined only with respect to change in one’s own anatomy over time (“my exit point has dropped”), or can you simply look at a naked dude and determine whether his exit point is low or high? If the latter, two photo exemplars of guys with low vs. high exit points would be helpful. Could anyone try putting that in the pictures forum?<
I will try to come up with pics also.
>Well once again I am the odd duck here. When I first started PE with a high LOT I swear that my EA was higher and over time when I got a nice 6 o’clock LOT my erection angle was about parallel to the floor. Now it seems like my erection angle is going up again with upper angled hanging and a LOT of about 9 o’clock. I prefer having a lower angle because if your unit is pointing up it looks smaller.<
Your ligs probalby DO have an effect on EA. As your LOT goes up or down, so goes your EA. But everyone please realize, this is not the case for everyone, thus the non-correlation.
It is very interesting to be able to see the difference LOT makes solely by examining erection angle. But this is surely not the case for everyone, and probably not many.