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Short term hanging detrimental?

Short term hanging detrimental?

I think I know the answer to this, but is the general consensus that hanging that does not result in “fatique” is not only non-productive, but is actually detrimental? Theory being it can strengthen ligs without elongating them making future gains more difficult.

Due to interruptions in schedules the past fews weeks I’ve not been getting the 5 days straight hanging. Day here, couple of days there.


Have you seen any gains with this schedule?

IMO, you can become stronger without stressing the tissues enough to realize gains. You can do this with any PE regimen. But you should be able to do enough in one session to reach fatigue and beyond.


Hi Bib;

Well I have not measured. This “schedule” has just been for the last few weeks.

Regarding getting fatigued in one session: I have been hanging with a program with generally did not result in fatigue until after the second day - I have had good gains with that. Seemed to be a “safe” approach to increasing the hanging weight.

Does this mean if you are going to hang for say 12 months, your ligs should never be in a state when they are not fatigued during that whole time to make the fastest gains? Once you begin hanging , I guess you should carry it out that whole time to get the most out of it.

This may be a dumb question, but what exactly does fatigued feel like? Is it just a sore penis, or just so worked that it wont get hard or what. I’ve nearly pulled mine off for 45 minutes to an hour before and it still not feel wore out. I could still screw like a mad man.

I’ll throw in another dumb question: Because of my hanging, my ligs are constantly tender — if I press above the base of the dick, especially slightly to the right and the left, there is soreness — but they never are sore by themselves, just sitting there. Is this considered lig fatigue??

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The soreness in ligs is quite often non-existent or very faint unless there is pressure applied to them. At least, that is what I noticed when working on ligs.


Because I believe that it is probably best to try to be fatigued as often as possible when hanging and thus have not started on my actual hanging regimen yet (just making sure all settings are perfect so my limiting factor has nothing to do with hanger attachment, comfort, etc), I have only reached fatigue when working the tunica once, but the feeling is basicly just as you guessed - a general worn-out feeling. When I continued to work in this state, the sensation to me was a very mild burning-type sensation. This is nowhere near an accurate description (in fact, it’s admitedly a pretty bad one) of the feeling, it is not painful but you will know soon after it starts if you stay with your initial weight as it becomes uncomfortable (still not painful per se). Lig fatigue while hanging is not as hard to reach, and feels much like the soreness that accompanies it afterwards.

I’m sure some of the veteran hangers could add much to that as I am a novice hanger.

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>Regarding getting fatigued in one session: I have been hanging with a program with generally did not result in fatigue until after the second day - I have had good gains with that. Seemed to be a “safe” approach to increasing the hanging weight.<

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


> Does this mean if you are going to hang for say 12 months, your ligs should never be in a state when they are not fatigued during that whole time to make the fastest gains? Once you begin hanging , I guess you should carry it out that whole time to get the most out of it.<

I think with any PE, the more time you can work in the fatigued state, the better your gains will be. Your penis will heal somewhat while you are working. If you take a few days off, your penis will become stronger as it continues to heal. However, if you take a long time off, six weeks or more, it will begin to return to previous strength levels, atrophy.

I essentially had a five on, two off schedule because of privacy. But I could usually get in a couple of sets at night on the weekends. I think this helped me return to fatigue on Mondays.


> This may be a dumb question, but what exactly does fatigued feel like? Is it just a sore penis, or just so worked that it wont get hard or what.<

When workig on ligs, the entire genital area can have that sore worked out feeling. The tunica usually is sore only to the touch. That is what I experienced.

>I’ve nearly pulled mine off for 45 minutes to an hour before and it still not feel wore out. I could still screw like a mad man.<

I never was so sore that I could not perform. A couple of times, I felt like maybe it was not the best idea, but I always arose to the occasion.


I’ll throw in another dumb question: Because of my hanging, my ligs are constantly tender — if I press above the base of the dick, especially slightly to the right and the left, there is soreness — but they never are sore by themselves, just sitting there. Is this considered lig fatigue?? <

Yes, the level of fatigue can vary. Any time you feel soreness, whether touching or not, the tissues have been damaged. Controlled damage. You just do not want any pain.

There are not too many dumb questions. Guys experience different things. Even with a search, you might not find an exact description of what you have felt, or are going through. It does not hurt to ask.


Thank you VERY much for the responses, guys. I’m happy to hear that I’ve been succcessful at hitting my ligs, despite their feeling okay when untouched!

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Thanks for the replies. I have been doing manual stretching, no hanging yet. I usually do 10 minutes of sretching and 10 of jelqing. I,ve been doing it for about a month now with very little soreness. I found out about PE about 2 years ago. I started then and worked it for about 3 weeks. I was really sore then, and my wife even said it looked bigger!!!! But I was not very informed on PE and had read about damage it can do. Then once while stretching I had what I know now as a “lig pop”. But it scared the crap out of me then, I was afraid I nearly pulled the poor little guy off! So I quit. I stayed sore for like a month after I quit. Do you guys think I toughened up my ligs back then and it is going to be harder for me to gain?


I am sure you have had enough time for the tissues to return to normal.


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