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Started hanging this week, two Questions.

Started hanging this week, two Questions.

OK I started hanging on Monday and I think this might be the right form of PE for me.

Basically I just have two questions:

I find it difficult to hold my penis wile I wrap and put the hanger on. I can accomplish this but I can’t pull my base skin back because my hands are full. This results in my skin being very tight in the hanging session, it’s not really painful but I hate how it feels.

So, today I fashioned a noose out of small rope, HOLD ON just hear me out, I know the general prospective is that noose = bad news but just listen to how I use it.

I fashion the noose around my glands and stretch out the penis I hold it in place with my foot. This allows me to wrap and get the hanger on while being able to pull back my base skin, making the hanging session a lot more comfortable. In addition I feel I get a more efficient pull out of it. The noose is on my glands at most for sixty seconds. Am I still asking for trouble here?


SO I am supposed to take a 10 minute break and jelq in between sets. I understand this is a necessary step but I don’t understand why I need to jelq. At my age if I get my dick semi erect and jelq it’s not that easy to get back to baseline. Would a deep message work? Basically where just trying to replenish blood supply right?

First, sounds fine. I guess it beats putting your tip in a vice, cranking down lightly and pulling back to do the same. You are fine. Relax, you are an inventive Little pragamtic Fonzie with that one.

Second, Hanging is meant to work with as little blood as possible in the rod. Jelqing does no harm. A light massage to get it going would work. But a jelq continues to condition the wang for further toturous exercise over a simple massage. As long as you lightly milk/jelq it you will be utterly okay.

Good Luck.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

It is common for new hangers to experience the I need a third hand syndrome. Over time, you will be able to wrap and attach the hanger lickety-split.

It’s easy, really. Stretch out your noodle by the glans straight out using your thumb and first two fingers. You use your third and little finger to help hold in place the wrap as you throw it around your shaft. (I use a scotch tape on both ends of the wrap to hold it in place.)

When you’re finished wrapping, continue to stretch out your penis and, with the your free hand, gently pull back the skin just below the bottom of the wrapped shaft. If done correctly, you will feel the wrinkles (gathered, pinched skin) being stretch out. You’ll notice that the wrap will be pulled a little further down the shaft, this is okay.

Finally, you’re ready to attach the hanger. While you’re still stretching out your penis, grab your hanger and attach it to your shaft semi-tightly. You can now stop stretching your penis. But, make sure the hanger is tight enough to be secured on the shaft, and not loose enough to move around and disturb the wrap on the shaft.

The last step is tightening the hanger. Simultaneously, tighten the hanger, squeeze the blood out of the glans, and pull back any gathered skin under the wrap.
Also, you want to gently push the hanger towards the glans to help get the blood/fluid out of the glans.

I know it sounds difficult and tricky, but it’s really easy when you get used to it. It’s a lot like learning how to shuffle a deck of cards.

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.

As for your second question about jelqing between sets, you’re right, all we are trying to do is restore circulation. We, (most hangers), do not do a full 10-minute jelqing session in between sets. Personally, I take a little vitamin E gel and massage/jelq for about 1 minute and then slap my penis against my leg for a few seconds. That’s all.

And I don’t think it’s a good idea to engorge your penis with blood during a hanging session. It will cause problems with trapped blood, discoloration, and fluid build-up. No, my opinion is that you want to be as flaccid as possible to avoid these problems and get a good grip on the internal shaft. Some, however, believe it is beneficial for a slightly pumped-up shaft to build up the “shoulders” that the hanger rests on.

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.

I don’t unwrap between sets. When I finish a set, I do a BTB jelq which is using two fingers of both hands and put pressure on the inner shaft below the balls. I kegel and at the same time massage toward the outer shaft. This moves a lot of blood back into the shaft and glans. I do this for a minute or so and it gets me back to normal. Wait 10 minutes and hang another set.

The wrap is everything in hanging and it just takes some time getting it down.

One more thing to ask is what are you using for wrap and hanger?

Hanger: Bib Starter
Wrap: well this is a little more complicated,
I started using this brownish self adhesive stretchy wrap. It’s made to wrap around your leg to keep a bandage on, stuff like that. I didn’t think that it was very comfortable though so I got some different stuff almost exactly like the brown, only this stuff was white and looked softer. It also said on the label in big bold letters “SICKS TO ITSELF AND NOT YOU” Ha, yea right. I might as well have wrapped duck tape around me shlong. Any way, I don’t want to use that stuff again because pulling it off was pretty painful. I’m thinking I might cut up an old tee-shirt and see how that goes, or maybe a few layers of gauze?

Oh, I bought the Theraband® with the hanger and I have been using that over the under wrap items I was describing above.

Sorry to double post but tonight’s hanging session left me with some questions.

1. No matter what I do I can’t keep my head from getting a little bit cold towards the end. Sometimes it’s better than others and it’s not as much of a problem. What kind of coldness should worry me? What about Discoloration, my head turned a bit on the dark purplish side for just a few moments and I took the hanger off. Everything fully recovered just fine, is light discoloration normal?

2. Sometimes I find myself swinging the weights back and forth just for fun. I was wandering if maybe this could be beneficial by targeting ligs of both sides? Or if it should be avoided.

3. I heat ten minutes before hanging and ten minutes into the 20 minute session. I try to heat for 5 of the 10 minute break. Do I need to heat more? Less?

4. For a wile when I was doing hand stretching exercises I would start to get soreness in my ligs. Nothing very painful, it just felt like they had been worked. I don’t seem to be getting any such sensation with hanging. I started Monday with 5lbs and 2X20 minute sets a day. Tonight I increased it to 7.5lbs and 3X20 minute sets. Should I be looking for this strained lig sensation? I will be very weary of advancing from 7.5 for a wile, I figured since I have done stretches before that the 1 month conditioning period of 5lbs wasn’t really necessary.

A side question: Doesn’t really have anything to do with hanging, I hear about people talking about nutrition allot, and that you might not experience you full potential if your not eating the right stuff. What kinds of things do I need to be taking in?

>1. No matter what I do I can’t keep my head from getting a little bit cold towards the end. Sometimes it’s better than others and it’s not as much of a problem. What kind of coldness should worry me? What about Discoloration, my head turned a bit on the dark purplish side for just a few moments and I took the hanger off. Everything fully recovered just fine, is light discoloration normal?<

This could be several things. Too much blood in the glands. Wrap too tight or too much wrap. Hanger sliding to close to glands. Dark purple in not good.

>2. Sometimes I find myself swinging the weights back and forth just for fun. I was wandering if maybe this could be beneficial by targeting ligs of both sides? Or if it should be avoided.<

I take it that you are hanging SD. I don’t thing this will do much but get you conditioned for hanging.

>3. I heat ten minutes before hanging and ten minutes into the 20 minute session. I try to heat for 5 of the 10 minute break. Do I need to heat more? Less?<

I don’t use heat between sets but I don’t think it would hurt. I also keep my unit wrapped between sets.

>4. For a while when I was doing hand stretching exercises I would start to get soreness in my ligs. Nothing very painful, it just felt like they had been worked. I don’t seem to be getting any such sensation with hanging. I started Monday with 5lbs and 2X20 minute sets a day. Tonight I increased it to 7.5lbs and 3X20 minute sets. Should I be looking for this strained lig sensation? I will be very weary of advancing from 7.5 for a wile, I figured since I have done stretches before that the 1 month conditioning period of 5lbs was’t really necessary.<

I would not move up too quickly in weight. It may take a week or two before you feel fatique. I started with 5 lbs and it took me 3 months to move up to 10 lbs.

I would be more conserned about the dark purple glans. Stay with the lighter weight (5 lbs) and give your unit time to adjust to hanging. This will also give you time to get the wrapping down and play with some different hanger adjustments. Try hanging more sets with less weight. Hanging is more about hang time than weight.

Originally Posted by SNM
I take it that you are hanging SD. I don’t thing this will do much but get you conditioned for hanging.

I couldn’t find the Abbreviation “SD” in the PE hanging FAQ. But my guess is that it’s sitting up in a chair and just letting it hang? All go ahead and assume that so I can ask a question. Will the SD position in general just get me conditioned or is it possible I will see gains from this position. I do notice that a lot of people don’t hang in this position

SD=Straight down. (Sitting or standing).

Stats: (start 9-08) nbpel: 5 1/2 eg: 4 1/2 hg: 3 3/4 (2-09) nbpel: 6 1/4 eg: 4 3/4 hg: 3 3/4.

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