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Starting hanging routine

Starting hanging routine

I’m not new to PE (I’ve tried it all jelq, pumping, sqeezes, clamping) thought I’d try hanging for a while. I did this today

12 min hanging 5lbs
50 dry jelq (get some blood back, alittle pump)
12 min hanging 5lbs
50 dry jelq (get some blood back, alittle pump)

I used the sock method and a clamp (oval shaped so no stress on top nerve, just sides:-) . It was comfortable, I know I could add another 2.5 with this method. Should I drop my other PE methods for a while?
How many days. I’ve had some gains over the last 3 yrs (6.5 X 4.5 to 7 X 5 1/8) but I’ve been stuck for a while.

A lot of exercise do alright by themselves, but I find that hanging works well when combined with pumping + jelqing. It is about experimentation. When you find the best combination…stick with it.


What direction are you hanging in? (SD, BTC, etc.?)

I got great gains, and broke my own plateau using a hanging/traction wrap routine. Plateau Busting is a case of “Find the Limiting Factor”, so what I would suggest is that you work some of the angles, seeing as you are an experienced PE’er.


I tried hanging straight down today. How would you put a workout of hanging, jelq, and pumping? Different days? I’ve been doing the pumping jelq combo for a while thought that this might spark some new gains.

Thanks for talking time to answer!

Well, getpump, the biggest issue, in my mind, with combining hanging & pumping is swelling. I’m usually “pumped” for at least a few hours after a pumping session, and this is no good if I want to pump right afterwards. Different days might just be the answer.


I agree, actually that was my question is how the combine the differert method.

Although today I had some extra time and did this WO:

10 min hanging straight down 5 lbs
50 drop jelq, 1 300 squeeze
10 min hanging straight down 5 lbs
50 drop jelq, 1 300 squeeze
pump 10 min
50 drop jelq, 1 300 squeeze
pump 6 min
50 jeql

Got some pretty good expansion still have thero-band on couple hrs later. I think the hanging (with heating pad) help to sorta relax it then the pump took advantage of this and really got a good expantion.

If time is limited I might try this routine again but shorten it to this:

10 min hanging straight down 5 lbs
50 drop jelq, 1 300 squeeze
pump 10 min
50 drop jelq, 1 300 squeeze

I have two kids and a wife so my time is limited plus Im getting ready for a bodybuilding show I’ve been in the gym more lately.

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