Staying relaxed while hanging
Bigger recently brought up a very important issue that has been mentioned in the past however perhaps overlooked by many. When hanging try and stay as relaxed as possible and “let the weight do the work”. I know personally sometimes this is no easy task, considering you may be hanging 10 pounds or more off you prized possession. My natural tendency is to tense up just prior to releasing the weight and during the set. However I would encourage you to make every effort to relax your entire body and in particular the area your working.
I’m not one to do meditation however if you have the mental makeup to do so this would surely appear to help here. Recently I have been working on staying relaxed and feeling the stretch rather than sometimes gripping my way through a set. For me this has meant I needed to lower the weight some in order to get more comfortable during my hang time. This way I’m not “fighting” the weight but rather going with the flow so to speak.
As Bigger said the weight shouldn’t be something that you are focused on but rather the task at hand such as some computer work or TV or whatever. If the weight is the focus and you find yourself tensing up while hanging because the weight might be to heavy, try dropping down a few pounds and focusing on staying relaxed.
Feedback here would be appreciated.