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straight out hanging

straight out hanging

Does anybody hang straight out, when I say this I mean completely straight out ie. laying face down with weights hanging between two objects. I use to do it before a two month lay off, but now I just can’t get it done. I believe I lost about a 1/4 inch in girth and use a bib starter. It’s like the hanger starts sliding off no matter how tight, and really starts to hurt the head. I’ve tried numerous styles of wrapping, this is so very frustrating, especially when I know I used to hang this way alot.

I really feel this is the main position for me, btc doesn’t do anything for me but stretch skin. ots is not as productive as s.o. for me as I really need to stretch my tunica, as it is my #1 limiting factor.

Any educated opinions would be appreciated, Bib if you are out there could you chime in.

thanks in advance.

maybe I’m just the most unimaginative person ever…but…what would you lay on…as for being the most unimaginative person ever…drill a small hole in a wall in your house somewhere and put a hook into it and attach the bib to the hook and walk backwards as needed?

Hey Big B. when I hang s.o. , from my waist up is laying on the bed, then right under my knees and lower thighs is a dining room chair. It’s simple and I usually read a magazine on the bed, gotta love that multi tasking.


> Does anybody hang straight out, when I say this I mean completely straight out ie. laying face down with weights hanging between two objects. I use to do it before a two month lay off, but now I just can’t get it done. I believe I lost about a 1/4 inch in girth and use a bib starter. It’s like the hanger starts sliding off no matter how tight, and really starts to hurt the head. I’ve tried numerous styles of wrapping, this is so very frustrating, especially when I know I used to hang this way alot. <

Hmmm. I think most guys hang straight out while sitting, and hang the weights over the edge of the chair. Some use a tripod or pulley to hang over. You seem to imply that it is the angle which is causing the slippage, but I don’t see how.

What we need to do is go over exactly how you are attaching and what your hanger settings are. If you think you lost some girth due to the layoff, then you might need a little more wrap in order to use the same hanger settings. Obviously, the slippage is due to the hanger not being tight enough. If the top teeth are closed, then you need more wrap or adjust the settings so you can tighten more. Just give a little more info.


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