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Strange feeling

Strange feeling

Well , I’ve been hanging SO for an hour 3*20 min … first 20 min is just a warming up with 5 kgs , but in the second session ,when I put 7 kgs I feel like burning warm feeling in my outer shaft,but after the session I don’t feel any soreness …Am I doing thing OK or wrong …??

Sounds right to me, assuming the “burning warm feeling in my outer shaft” isn’t skin stretch.

I have a high pain tolerance, and hang at fatigue with the feeling you are describing quite a bit. The minute I release the weight, it’s gone. I get lingering feelings throughout the day, but nothing remotely close to the feeling I get toward the end of a set.

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

I just started handing a few weeks ago and rarely hit fatigue at my current weight of 7.5 lbs, even after 3-4 sets of 20 minutes. I am thinking of going up in weight on the first set and then cutting back to my current weight. I got that burning warm feeling only after hanging 8 sets one day at the office. It sucked.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

789 -> I just started handing a few weeks ago and rarely hit fatigue at my current weight of 7.5 lbs, even after 3-4 sets of 20 minutes.

I encountered the same thing, was not getting fatigued, at least not like I thought I should be. Decided to -up- the wgt over a couple weeks span until I really felt it, and that seemed to work well. I only have time for about 3 sets.

Man, 8 sets in one day at the office? Pretty cool, wish I could do that. You must have pretty good camouflaging skills :)

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

Originally Posted by DarkTrick
789 -> I just started handing a few weeks ago and rarely hit fatigue at my current weight of 7.5 lbs, even after 3-4 sets of 20 minutes.

I encountered the same thing, was not getting fatigued, at least not like I thought I should be. Decided to -up- the wgt over a couple weeks span until I really felt it, and that seemed to work well. I only have time for about 3 sets.

Man, 8 sets in one day at the office? Pretty cool, wish I could do that. You must have pretty good camouflaging skills :)

I was sneaky that day. 1) I told my staff that the exterminator was coming to the office in the morning so dont come in until 9:30 a.m. which gave me two hours to hang. (there is no exterminator) Then I sent them home early at 3:30 paid on a Friday which added an additional 1 1/2 hours. In addition, I got on the phone with CaptnHook and missed my workout and ended up staying at the office till almost 7:00 p.m.

You have convinced me that I need to increase the weights until fatigue and then back off.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

But what that burning feeling means ?? is it fatigue feeling or what ?


Is fatigue a concept limited to the ligs or the tunica also?

Very sneaky 789, you obviously have your priorities in order :)

Fatigue is defined as:

  1. The decreased capacity or complete inability of an organism, an organ, or a part to function normally because of excessive stimulation or prolonged exertion.
  2. The weakening or failure of a material, such as metal or wood, resulting from prolonged stress.
So I’d say that applies to ligs, tunica, just about anything and everything can reach a state of fatigue. And reaching that state is, in my mind, is critical to substantial gains.

In my case, I hang until I pretty much cannot bear it anymore, to me, that’s fatigue. I’m sure other guys have differing views on that.

In that light, I try to make the weight heavy enough so that it takes about 20 mins per set to produce that level of -fatigue-.

I dont like to hang longer than 20 mins, cannot be good for him (though some would argue hanging weight off your dick isn’t really -good- for him in the first place, so fk it…)

I dont think you should feel -soreness- after the weight comes off, just as RB indicated. I do note that when I actually take the weight off, that moment of unstressing him is uncomfortable.

Not sure if that helps.

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

Last edited by DarkTrick : 03-25-2004 at .


Damn good post.


I see now … So my fatigue would be when my dick is so exhausted and I could not get an erection after the sessions and feel so limp :) I menaged to do that several times … and it really felt exhausted


Thanks Bib, really I was just reiterating stuff I’ve learned from you :)

Electro, I’m not sure the ability to get an erection figures into it, at least in reference to hanging, as that’s a different process entirely. I don’t think I’d use that specifically as a metric for determining fatigue level.

For example, after a couple sets, I usually feel the need to back off on the weight, I’ve stressed the tissues sufficiently to reach a state of failure for that weight (not for getting an erection). I can tell my dick simply cannot support it safely. That’s how I would define experiencing and measuring fatigue levels related to hanging.

Everyone is different though. And I’d suggest always erring on the side of safety.

Another thing: grab the weight if you’re going to cough or sneeze :)

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

Last edited by DarkTrick : 03-26-2004 at .

Originally Posted by DarkTrick

Another thing: grab the weight if you’re going to cough or sneeze :)

And dont try to JUMP UP to shut the door real quick to your office only to find out its a false alarm. OUCH

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

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