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Swinging while Hanging

Swinging while Hanging

I have discovered that if I stand up, place my legs approximately 3 feet apart, bend my knees slightly as if I were straddling a horse, and gyrate my hips, I can get my weights swinging in a circular motion. This gives me a very complete stretch in all directions. I also achieve lig fatigue much faster. I alternate every 5 minutes between sitting and swinging. I currently hang 10 to 15 lbs - plate weights. Just curious if anyone else has ever tried this method. If you haven’t, give it a try and let me know what you think. IM4

I swing weights like that sometimes but right now I’m focusing on hanging BTC. Swinging weights in a circulation motion probably hits all of the ligs more evenly but I like to fatigue one angle before finishing off my workout with some swinging.


It can also really help you out on the dance floor. ;)

I don’t do this, I must be too lazy. My dancing is bad too.

I don’t know there just seems to be something to swinging 18 lbs. from my dick that doesn’t sound right. Might just be me though.

Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."

Swinging works for me! It seems to make it feel worked all over , and feels like it keeps the blood flow going better too.


That’s exactly how it makes me feel - worked all over. It’s almost as if I manual stretch left, then right, then front and back. And as far as circulation, it really makes me feel pumped, almost as if I were mixing a jelqing routine in with the hanging. You described the feeling well. I know there are many who won’t try it, because the thought of swinging 10 to 20 lbs from the ole’ trout does seem a bit demented. However, speaking for myself, not only does the swinging make my hanging sessions more tolerable, it gives me a more pumped, more fatigued feeling than the standard hanging methods. I still practice BTC and the many other hanging methods. I just find that adding the swinging to my current program gives me that extra umph I have been looking for.

By the way I have been hanging for 3 years as of Sept. 20. I started out at 5.75 x 5.5. I am currently at 7.125 x 6.00 As you see, my gains have come slow, but I am happy with where I’m at. If I can eek out 1 more inch over the next 3 years, I will be one happy swinger. Im4

I used to swing while sitting in the BTC position, side to side fairly often. I also did crunches while hanging BTC and would bounce a little. It can get intense. Be careful.


I saw buddhist monks swinging weights from their penises on TV, right before they pulled a freight truck down the street (using their penises).

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