Thunder's Place

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the no wrap zone


the no wrap zone

This is my first full week of hanging without a wrap!

Nothing, Nada,Zilch.

The verdict so far it’s better than anything I’ve tried yet.

A couple of comments:

With the wrap(s) the attachment to the penis internal structure isn’t as competent as with no wrap. The flip side of this is that a little wrap is probably better for circulation.

Consequently I’m limiting my sets to 20 minutes.

I’ve dropped the weight 20% in order to work my way up and allow my dick to get conditioned to not wrapping.

I’ve tried this approach in the past for a day or so and found it too uncomfortable however these last few days have been great and the pull is really nice, total internal stretch with no wrap materials comprising the hang.

I’m not suggesting this is for everyone just thought I’d share this new situation.



I also hang a few sets each day with no wrap. Cannot handle all day, but a couple is better than none :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'


That’s interesting. Please keep us updated on how its going. I tried hanging without a wrap once and it didn’t go well. However, my willie is better conditioned now, so I might try it again.


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!



Definately takes some getting use to but if it works out it could be a good thing. I’ve always thought that the wrap was the single most difficult part of hanging.

JT, I tried it about six months ago and passed on it also, but decided to give it another go and here I am. It could prove too hard on my dick but we shall see.

2, agreed a couple sets is probably better than none and something to built on as you get better conditioned.

Bottom line will it help my dick grow more than using a wrap?




If boxcar is any indication the answer is yes. I would like to do more sets without the wrap, but my girth goes down through the day and I can’t get it tight enough after a while. I agree that it grabs the tissues better- just overall feels more ‘right’ :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'


I tried the BIB starter riding barebib and thought it would be much easier and quicker to use this way. the only problem I see is being careful not to pinch the skin when clamping down. Really stretching out while installing the bib helps avoid this. I have only tried this once, so I’m hardly an expert, but I do plan to experiment with this.

Well, I just tried the regular BIB with no wrap. It didn’t work for me because I couldn’t stop the twisting. I’ll try again later with the starter.


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!


I’m not getting this twisting thing with you.

I know you have had issues with it in the past but what’s up? We are close to the same size I maybe have .5 ” girth and length on you but whatever. I have never had any issues at all regarding twisting.

Please explain because I’m bummed this is going on with you.

Sandman, agreed on the top pinch however what I really like about wrap free (WF) hanging is you get to see the hook up. The down side is it takes some conditioning of the skin to make it work.

Ah if only the padding on the Bib Hanger was a little more spongy or something like that.



Twisters need a wrap

I’ve tried hanging without wrap a few times. My dick mashes out vertically and the skin gets pinched top and bottom. Or, when I’ve managed to keep the skin away from pinch points, my shaft twists 45 degrees counterclockwise as weight is applied and the hanger moves down slightly. Twisting is a nuisance even when using a wrap, but much worse without one.

JT and I are both prone to twisting in the Bib. I think my problems arise from having an oval-shaped penis. I’m only 4 5/8” erect midshaft girth, yet measure 1 5/8”+ across the top (width). I also have a slight curve to the right when erect, and this may also have something to do with it.


I’m going to try a layer of Silly Putty (mentioned before on this forum) under moderately snug silver Thera when I resume hanging after my break. I’m hoping the putty will squish as the hanger is tightened to add enough support high and low on the sides to prevent twisting. It’s worth a try.

twisting & no wrap


>I’ve tried hanging without wrap a few times. My dick mashes out vertically and the skin gets pinched top and bottom. <

I’m at 6” girth and I am able to avoid the pinching thing if I’m careful and manipulate my penis while tightnening the screws.

>Or, when I’ve managed to keep the skin away from pinch points, my shaft twists 45 degrees counterclockwise as weight is applied and the hanger moves down slightly. Twisting is a nuisance even when using a wrap, but much worse without one.<

Have you tried attaching the hanger 45% off center(say 3 o’clock) orginally ? Without the wrap I get zero downward movement.

I’m not fully convinced WF is the way to go put so far so good My sense is within another week or two I’ll have a better sense of the effectineness of this approach.

Last edited by ledzep : 10-04-2002 at .

Zep & Hobby

I solved my twisting problem from before by wrapping with thera first and wrapping over the head. I never twist anymore in the regular bib or the starter. However, without the wrap, it twists like crazy. I am fairly sure that it is related to the sloppy circumcision that I have. The Dr. must have been drunk. I dont want to try to compensate by attaching the hanger at an angle. I suspect that this technique would place shear stresses on my unit. I don’t want scar tissue if I can avoid it.

BUT - Zep, please let us know how it is going for you. I, like you, am focusing on ways to lengthen the tunica. Its one tough bugger. I have been mixing jelqing and hanging for a while and will start pumping soon. My idea is to loosen the tunica up and then let the hanging stretch it. It may be a flawed theory, but I’m giving it a try.


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Per pumping and hanging


I would recommend pumping only after hanging, as pre hang pumping affect the glans such that you are much more predisposed to blisters. For example, once I pumped before hanging, additionally early on I was not careful to incrementally squeeze the glans to remove excess blood in prep for hanging. The end result was a huge blister which took weeks to heal.

Therefore to avoid the risk of blisters, pump only after hanging in my view as I would not want you to have my experience.


Alchemy of PE

Thanks Merlin

I plan on pumping AFTER hanging. That was my intention from the moment that I decided to try it. I tried pumping several years ago and got blisters on the glans, so I quit. I just purchased a better quality pump and intend to follow Avocet’s instructions.


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!


Well not to be the proverbial wet blanket BUT,as a multi-decade pumper and two year hanger IMHO you may want to reconsider this method period.

Why ?

First let me say this:

(1) This is a topic worthy of some time and space and already has it’s own thread .


(2) With the recent surge in PE in general and hanging in particular this maybe a combination of techniques discussed more and more moving forward.

(3) Certain guys on this board have significant gains by incorporating pumping into their PE programs.

From my own experience with these two PE methods during the past couple of years I have found NO desirable results from these efforts. I’ve tried pumping before, after, and in between,hanging.

If the ultimate objective is to increase tunica or CC volume after hanging stick with jelqing and or squeezes. Considering this;

Pumping enlarges the penis by drawing intratissue liquid and blood in the penis against the cells ( more external pressure) versus jelqing and squeezes which enlarge the penis by drawing blood into the cells( internal pressure) .

Instead try staying a slight bit more firm during your hanging (new thread coming on this) and consider more recovery time between sets .

This is my opinion based upon more than two years of attempting to hang and pump and the results of the same.

Last thing when you pump you inflate your dick by introducing a large volume of non blood liquids into your dick. This effect seems to me to actually reduce the tunica stretch by stretching the skin instead.

That’s my buck 3 eighty.




I hate the burning feeling of stretching skin with my hanger. I was curious as to if instead of doing this, I could perhaps pump to get the same affect? If so will this stretch be less painful? Easier or harder to get the same results? Maybe about the same then?

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

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