Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The PE World according to Shilow.


The PE World according to Shilow.

Some people are overthinking and overworking the strategies to get gains. In my way of thinking there is not a great deal of complexity in why the penis gets bigger. Your penis gets bigger during an erection because there is an increased amount of blood available and it expands in proportion to the volume of blood supplied. I always laugh when people talk about increasing their flaccid size, this is a fallacy in my opinion. The balloon is an excellent example for this test. You can take a balloon and fill it with a volume of air, it will respond accordingly. Now, take that same balloon and fill it with 3x the amount of air, it will increase in size proportionately. The penis responds the same way, you have not increased the flaccid size, you have only increased the volume of blood supplied to the organ.

The penis is a receptacle for blood, you can no more change its inherent physical size (absent blood) than you can change the size of your finger. The erection is all that matters in PE, your flaccid size does not change in real terms. The exercises performed during PE are done to enhance the erectile circulatory system, you are changing out your pipes for larger pipes to ultimately supply a greater volume of blood. Your tumescent size variations will be altered due to larger pipes, in hot weather you will experience greater hang (larger flaccid size due to increased capacity, its not due to microtears and magic caliginous materials forming a monster cock), your flaccid size has not increased just the capacity of your pipes to retain a greater amount of blood. If the cold wind blows or the heater goes off in the pool your still going to have a breakfast sausage because that is what God gave you (its the erection that gets bigger). We are all endowed with varying size packages, you will have to be satisfied with that package but you do not have to be satisfied with the erection.

People do what I would consider ridiculous things because the science is so inexact and there are so many myths perpetuated in the back rooms, if you use common sense this should be evident. To put clamps on your flesch and blood and strap ADS contraptions (this is absurd), your not working on your car its your penis. Think about it, hang tough and hang long.

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo


So using your logic you say you can not increase the size of your flaccid penis. only the blood supply, leading to erect gains….then whats to say you can increase your erect size? only the blod supply increased.

Surely all of the people on this board that have increased their flaccid sizes as well as erect aren’t out their minds right?

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

I enjoy being out of my mind.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by Shilow
The penis is a receptacle for blood, you can no more change its inherent physical size (absent blood) than you can change the size of your finger. The erection is all that matters in PE, your flaccid size does not change in real terms.

Hmmm… Mine has.. I’m probably an inch and a half - two inches longer flaccid now, on average..

See Ya,


I believe that flaccid hang depends on the suspensory ligament. Once this is cut or stretched permenatnly, one hangs longer flacid. Thats why guys with a low LOT are showers not growers.

They have enough blood hanging in there penis to keep looking semi erect. With a short lig, the penis will retract.

In my humble opinion…….

Feb 2003: 7" BPEL x 5" EG. June 2006: 9" BPEL x 6.5" EG

(6" base girth)

Originally Posted by bombazine
I believe that flaccid hang depends on the suspensory ligament. Once this is cut or stretched permenatnly, one hangs longer flacid. Thats why guys with a low LOT are showers not growers.

They have enough blood hanging in there penis to keep looking semi erect. With a short lig, the penis will retract.

In my humble opinion…….

I don’t believe this is the case for me either… I hang fatter and longer now, but I am still definately a grower, with a low LOT..

See Ya,


Flaccid size is highly dynamic, it always is changing due to environment; warm, cold, tight shorts, boxers, levi’s, hagger’s etc. This dynamism is a result of blood and suspensory changes responding to thermoregulatory actions and nerve center affects. If you measure your smallest flaccid and largest flaccid, you would see that your smallest flaccid will very closely approximate your original (before PE) flaccid. This is very convoluted due to the ever changing sizes, you can throw out these measurements, how can you trust anyones calculation. If you want to get an understanding for the truth about PE you have to throw out any discussions related to flaccid size. I believe this is one of the stumbling blocks to PE acceptance, the erection is what matters. I could show you my flaccid size before PE and after and you would not see a difference (assuming I did not fluff) but if I show you my erect gains from my original erection the uninitiated would be blown away.

I agree, you can fool people in the shower or any place you take the priviledge of “whipping it out,” in hot weather or by “fluffing” it you can stimulate engorgement or the tumescence of your penis and thereby realize a “pseudo increased flaccid size.” I enjoy an improved receptacle that holds more blood and gives a larger visual impression, but all that you have done is improve the blood carrying tissues (there larger and less resistant to expansion). The flaccid balloon between your legs for all intensive purposes has not changed, you have just improved how you can blow it up (high pressure air tank vs. low pressure human lungs).

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo

Originally Posted by Shilow
Some people are overthinking and overworking the strategies to get gains. In my way of thinking there is not a great deal of complexity in why the penis gets bigger. Your penis gets bigger during an erection because there is an increased amount of blood available and it expands in proportion to the volume of blood supplied. I always laugh when people talk about increasing their flaccid size, this is a fallacy in my opinion. The balloon is an excellent example for this test. You can take a balloon and fill it with a volume of air, it will respond accordingly. Now, take that same balloon and fill it with 3x the amount of air, it will increase in size proportionately. The penis responds the same way, you have not increased the flaccid size, you have only increased the volume of blood supplied to the organ.

The penis is a receptacle for blood, you can no more change its inherent physical size (absent blood) than you can change the size of your finger. The erection is all that matters in PE, your flaccid size does not change in real terms. The exercises performed during PE are done to enhance the erectile circulatory system, you are changing out your pipes for larger pipes to ultimately supply a greater volume of blood. Your tumescent size variations will be altered due to larger pipes, in hot weather you will experience greater hang (larger flaccid size due to increased capacity, its not due to microtears and magic caliginous materials forming a monster cock), your flaccid size has not increased just the capacity of your pipes to retain a greater amount of blood. If the cold wind blows or the heater goes off in the pool your still going to have a breakfast sausage because that is what God gave you (its the erection that gets bigger). We are all endowed with varying size packages, you will have to be satisfied with that package but you do not have to be satisfied with the erection.

People do what I would consider ridiculous things because the science is so inexact and there are so many myths perpetuated in the back rooms, if you use common sense this should be evident. To put clamps on your flesch and blood and strap ADS contraptions (this is absurd), your not working on your car its your penis. Think about it, hang tough and hang long.

The balloon analogy eh? The PE guru says this in his interview, I thought it was kinda funny. ADS contraptions absurd? Perhaps, but they can’t be muvh so if surgeons reccomend them after lengthening surgery. Infact after surgery, it can often be the case that if patients don’t wear an ADS their penis will return to normal size. If you think penis size is all about vascularity then why bother hanging then? Why not just clamp, jelq, edge and pump?

Even with your theory, flaccid would increase, because as your “pipes” (more commonly known as veins), are enlarged, would hold a greater voume of blood residually.

Originally Posted by mgus
Infact after surgery, it can often be the case that if patients don’t wear an ADS their penis will return to normal size. If you think penis size is all about vascularity then why bother hanging then?

Surgery is a whole different kind of trauma and requires another methodology. Newly pierced ears will close-up if left unattended, cut ligatures will leave scarring and retracted physiology if not held in traction devices. I do not believe the two can be compared. Hanging is a critical component to weakening the suspensory structures; it is in the weakened condition that increased blood flow can improve pressure characteristics that will result in exposing the inner penis and hence a larger erection (a bigger balloon/increased inflation pressure).

Originally Posted by magus
Even with your theory, flaccid would increase, because as your “pipes” (more commonly known as veins), are enlarged, would hold a greater voume of blood residually.

Your arterioles are visibly larger, however, without some kind of stimulus the CC will not engorge (however, you can facilitate this easy enough). I will concede that there is girth improvement but it is not noticably larger in the flaccid presentation. Hang tough, hang long.

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo

If we could increase flaccid size in real terms that would be the holy grail because then we could theoretically enlarge our penis’ to our knee caps. Just keep stretching that Johnson like play-doh (this is a fallacy), we are limited by our inner penis (some have more, some have less).

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo

Originally Posted by Magus
If you think penis size is all about vascularity then why bother hanging then?

I was also going to ask that very question. Many PEers have said hanging brought them gains.

Originally Posted by Shilow
Hanging is a critical component to weakening the suspensory structures; it is in the weakened condition that increased blood flow can improve pressure characteristics that will result in exposing the inner penis and hence a larger erection (a bigger balloon/increased inflation pressure).

Your arterioles are visibly larger, however, without some kind of stimulus the CC will not engorge (however, you can facilitate this easy enough). I will concede that there is girth improvement but it is not noticably larger in the flaccid presentation. Hang tough, hang long.

You answered before I posted..

Minor serial injuries (hanging) will surely cause repairs and thus gains in one direction or another. But ADS in any way, shape or form will also of course give gains. Try to hang a 30-pound watch around your wrist for a year and see what happens. I have played golf for 25 years and from my 5th to 15th year I carried my golfbag of about 20-25 pounds. Guess what? My shoulders hung differently. My right shoulder was waaaay lower than the left one. Started using a trolly after that but it took a lot of working out with the right side and therapy to get “straight” again. So; hang heavy to get injury-repair-gains, hang (stretch) light over an extended period of time to get cell-division gains. I do both, albeit very light hanging (2lbs) for 30mins daily.

__________________________________________________ _

Since 2004 oct 10th: 1,25" BPEL , 0.6" Girth

“I do both, albeit very light hanging (2lbs) for 30mins daily.” …..and ADS for maybe 5-7hrs/day.

__________________________________________________ _

Since 2004 oct 10th: 1,25" BPEL , 0.6" Girth

Originally Posted by Shilow
If we could increase flaccid size in real terms that would be the holy grail because then we could theoretically enlarge our penis’ to our knee caps. Just keep stretching that Johnson like play-doh (this is a fallacy), we are limited by our inner penis (some have more, some have less).


I don’t know if you’re correct or not, but you do bring a compelling side. You demonstrate a middleground between the mainstream world that says nothing can be altered, and the PE world that says much can be altered. Correct me if I’m missing the boat, but you’re basically saying penile structure can be weakened to hold more blood—-but there is limit because only penile structure weakening, not complete change, is occurring? However, you aren’t applying that to ligaments as they can be stretched outward, correct?

About the hanging to kneecaps, what about the reports of tribal men hanging limp 12 to 15 inches. We’ve had a couple of pictures at Thunder’s, but they were in canes. I may be wrong, but I think one poster said his relative (or he himself) had seen these tribal men hanging rocks in person, and that they were very long. The report is that they start hanging rocks when very young, so perhaps that could play a role?

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