Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The PE World according to Shilow.

Penis structure can be optimized to carry more blood to the organ and the elasticity of the cylinder and connectivie tissue can be made less resistant to erectile pressure/expansion. The vast majority of us have built-in capacity that is not being utilized under our normal/weak pressure erect states, we have to optimize the vasculature to realize our optimal erection. Ligatures are just another piece to the anatomy that have to be weakened inorder to expose more of your hidden penis (inner penis).

The tribal scenarios are more myth than reality, I will give way to the occasional “freak of nature,” but you have to realize if these Zulu tribesman had totem poles for penis’ they would be tapped by every California porn distributor on the golden coast.

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo

Originally Posted by Shilow
and the elasticity of the cylinder and connectivie tissue can be made less resistant to erectile pressure/expansion.

If this is correct, then doesn’t it make sense that the normal non-erect blood pressure levels will result in a larger flaccid hang?

By the way Shilow, could you post your routine and gains?


Just for the record, the qoutes in #39 are from MAGUS, not mgus.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by sparkyx
If this is correct, then doesn’t it make sense that the normal non-erect blood pressure levels will result in a larger flaccid hang?

You can experience larger flaccid hang, I am not saying that this is not a phenomona that results from PE. But the conditions have to be right to result in greater tumescence and a larger hang. A 90 degree day on the golf course and the inherent heat build-up in the shorts will result in thermalregulatory actions (elongation of the penis to expose more surface area for cooling) this will cause the exposure of your inner penis and a handsome flaccid hang. You can impress the foursome and the clubhouse with a nice droopy, meaty member when you relieve your self on the 10th tee.

We all have different size receptacles and they generally maintain that same flaccid size unless circumstances like the above present themselves. The guy in the shower with a 2 inch receptacle can be standing next to a guy with a 7inch receptacle; when aroused the 2incher can grow to 8inches and the 7incher can stay at right around 7inches (you can never be sure how the erectile circulatory will react for a given flaccid size). For the purposes of PE discussions it would be much simpler to discard flaccid measurements, there to unreliable and they do not mean anything.

Under normal circumstances your flaccid hang will be the same, because there is nothing acting on it that would result in engorgement (and exposing the inner penis) and your PE workout is not affecting the external appendage just the plumbing. A very rare minority can have very elastic suspensory structures and they can get huge gains (3-4inches), but the rest of us average souls can get 1-2+ inches (if genetics allows). I hang and Uli, this has gotten me to about 8 x 6 over three years.

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo


BIB said he started with a flaccid hang of 1-3 inches at best depending on conditions. Now he said hangs anywhere from 5.5 to ~7 inches. 5.5 being the minimum. Using your logic, how do you explain this?

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

There is a lot of shit said in this thread I don’t agree with, but it is a great thread displaying ideas freely with no closed fists. (:


I was routing for you for a while, but we parted ways when you compared the penis to a balloon. Certainly, erect size is determined by the penis’ blood holding capacity. However, it is the collagen framework that determines the maximum dimensions of the penis.

As we have heard many times, collagen fibers have greater tensile strength than steel. These fibers form an envelope that defines the shape of the penis and its maximum dimensions along any axis. During the flaccid state, the collagen fibers fold up in response to retraction forces induced by by elastin fibers and smooth muscle contraction. Erection overcomes these forces and pushes the penis toward its outer limits.

The important thing to remember is that there are limits. Collagen fibers at body temperature can stretch about 5% of their length before breaking. Even if you could improve bloodflow to the penis, that alone would not change the properties of the collagen. Penis size is limited by the size of the collagenous envelope. Enlarge the envelope and you enlarge the penis. I believe the contents will grow to fill the available space.

As for whether ADS works, I’ve slugged this one out before. The only thing I can say is that ADS may work for some people some of the time. To me, it seems more like superstition than science, but I could certainly be wrong.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by Shilow
You can experience larger flaccid hang, I am not saying that this is not a phenomona that results from PE. But the conditions have to be right to result in greater tumescence and a larger hang. A 90 degree day on the golf course and the inherent heat build-up in the shorts will result in thermalregulatory actions (elongation of the penis to expose more surface area for cooling) this will cause the exposure of your inner penis and a handsome flaccid hang. You can impress the foursome and the clubhouse with a nice droopy, meaty member when you relieve your self on the 10th tee.

Under normal circumstances your flaccid hang will be the same, because there is nothing acting on it that would result in engorgement (and exposing the inner penis) and your PE workout is not affecting the external appendage just the plumbing.

You can keep arguing this all you like shilow, and maybe this is the case for YOU, but pre-PE I had a flaccid hang about 3 inches and probably 2.5 - 3 inches girth. It wasn’t quite infantile - but I didn’t like the urinal experience… Now on average it hangs around 4.5 - 5.5 inches long and about 3 - 4 inches girth. Urinals now, are no problem..

These figures are all the time, although in warmer weather it is on the higher end of those averages, and on colder days towards the smaller end. None the less it is pretty much never as small as it used to be, as even on cold days my flaccid hang is larger than it used to be on a hot day.

That is my experience, so I would say your reasoning is flawed, as my direct experience contradicts it…

See Ya,


Originally Posted by ModestoMan
Penis size is limited by the size of the collagenous envelope. Enlarge the envelope and you enlarge the penis. I believe the contents will grow to fill the available space.

A very fine distillation of PE theory, IMO.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Shilow, you are stating that those that have experienced a marked enlargement of their flaccids are merely experiencing normal variations that have always happened.

Yet, if we use your balloon analogy, doesn’t make sense that it WOULD have a larger flaccid hang?

If you get a…lets say…a party balloon that they twist into shapes. Initially the elasticity of the ballon wall is strong enough that it maintains its original shape.

So lets just say, we blow it up beyond its normal boundries, enough to damage or slightly stretch out its walls. Now when you let the air out, it will be bigger than it was before. How could it go back to its normal dimensions when the walls have been stretched and damaged?

Remember, as you have said, once it is stretched and damaged…its a done deal.

You are obviously smart and educated…but do you think those that have reported major enlargement of their normal flaccid lengths ( Avocet and Peforeal come to mind…it was always a point of embarrasment to them before the expansion) are so ignorant that they can’t differentiate normal fluctuations from real change?

Circumferential fibers keep the penis from bulging out when the end is being pushed in, and longitudinal fibers keep its length when it is being squeezed. The structure is designed to perform its job flawlessly. Yes, the balloon analogy will not be appropriate to illustrate the complete functioning of the penis.

The penis is a hydrostatic structure that relies on pressurized liquid for rigidity. A structure that relies on internal pressure for stiffness must have a means of restraining that pressure—a tough skin—to make sure its innards stay innards. The structure must contain a degree of flexibility, it must bend without crimping—an inability to do so could lead dangerously to a pinched blood vessel. The physiology is so robust (for a penis), that it is very difficult to influence the receptacle; instead, we must influence the inner workings (vasculature) that cause it to enlarge and become erect. My posts are more about discarding anything to do with “flaccid size” and concentrating on only erect size. There are going to be variations between individuals on what constitutes their “resting flaccid size” because there are so many factors that go into it (I mean its wired to brain centers and influenced by everything under the sun).

I use the balloon analogy to amplify the criticality of increasing volume, that for a given volume of blood or air the balloon will expand proportionately. The same balloon can take on many sizes given the amount of air in the chamber. When the balloon is deflated it assumes its original size (relatively speaking/I know deformation has occurred and it will never be the same), the flaccid penis responds similarly, it does not grow or stretch to new proportions as a result of PE (relatively speaking).

What percentage of posts deal with flaccid size on this site? It does not mean anything and from my way of thinking it (on average) changes very little. Yes, there will be exceptions; the penis is a curious fellow. Grower/shower, who cares, its about the erection—-we want a big erection. So, we optimize our existing erectile pressure by enlarging our pipes which induces a larger volume of blood and a huge erection.

Its great to have a nice bulge and you will if you optimize the circulatory system but one should not get preoccupied with something as innoucuous as “flaccid gains.” Your pretty much stuck with your flaccid appearance (most of us), so work on the part your not stuck with; a bigger boner.

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo

Tomba, thanks for clearing that up. Can you tell us about your hanger? What do you you use to hang with?

Ok, I agree with you that most of us are primarily interested in increased erect size.

I see that you concede that there may be those who have experienced significant increase in flaccid size…that is all I’m asking… because it seems to be a fact.

All that aside, you seem to be exceptionally well informed on this subject and I welcome you to this forum and look forward to more of your contributions.

I would love to see you start a thread on your routine, thoughts and findings.


sparky, I think he already has one. (:


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