Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

To all uncut hangers

To all uncut hangers

Hi, guys!
I know that this thread is supposed to be in the hanger’s forum instead here, but because I am new for this forum and not allowed to do it in another forum I do it here with the hope that somebody from the vets would read it anyway.

Although new for Thunders’ I’m not new to PE. I PE-ed in the last 2 years and got some decent gains in girth (~0.8 inches) and only 1/3 of inch in EL.

3.5 months ago I started with hanging. First I used swim cup to hang low weights (up 7 lb.) – the pull was very effective, but it was OUCH – pain in the gland, because of the crazy attachment. Then I start using BIB starter for the last 3 months. Although Bib is superior method of hanging compared to the swim cup “shit”, I had to spend about hundred hours until I was sure I have adjusted the hanger and mastered my wrapping technique well enough to hand comfortably. I hang mostly SD and sometimes BTC with max weight in SD 17.5 lb. I try to hang 6 days a week for 9-11 hours a week.

Anyway there is still a problem I cannot solve and I’m sure it is related to the fact that I am uncut. I discovered that the only comfortable position of my foreskin is to be fully covering my head when hanging, but the foreskin becomes dark, very dark almost black at the end of a 20 min set. Not only that, but after 2 sets of hanging SD the skin of the foreskin becomes so irritated and swollen, that every touch feels awfully painful. The foreskin became so swollen lately that my frenulum begun to bleed.

After a week off, my frenulum is OK now, but the problem with the swollen foreskin and it decolonization comes again after 13 min. Of hanging and after the 2 sent I feel that I have to stop hanging because a set more would mean very swollen foreskin and broken frenulum again.

I wrap with 2 layers – cotton and theraband using a lose wrapping in the front near the head and a little bit more tight wrapping near the base. I tried even a single wrapping – only theraband or only Aid Band self adhesive bandage. Nothing changed – my foreskin continues to get irritated and this limits not only my hanging time in the single set, but also my hanging sessions.

So uncut vets, could you give me some valuable advice how to solve this problem!

Highly appreciate you advice!

Come on uncut hungers! Where are you?

Is the whole America uncut? Should I undergo circumcision in order to get a reply?

Sounds like there’s too much pressure building up in your foreskin. The pressure comes from sliding down of the hanger during hanging I think. Try to attach the hanger very close to where it usually ends up after adding the weight and make sure it’s really tight so the hanger won’t move out of that position.

Thanks Peit!

I tried the to attach the hanger the way you said. It works good for now, but I realized that I have to be very precise in the placement of the hanger and to tighten it a lot.
Thanks again!

You may also have to keep tightening a little during your hangingsession because of tissues stretching a little and blood flowing out of your dick. When you change to this setting you may have to remove some of the weight because there may be less tension on your skin making the same weight feel heavier.


I have a sneaking suspicion that uncut guys will love the HTW, especially when left full length. I would expect that it will allow for collecting and managing the foreskin.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Hi, xenolith!

Good idea about the HTW as ADS stretcher, but I have a suspicion that it would not work for uncut hangers, because you cannot position the hanger over the retracted foreskin. The foreskin is too sensitive for that; at least mine is.
Thanks, though!

Originally Posted by Juri
…I have a suspicion that it would not work for uncut hangers, because you cannot position the hanger over the retracted foreskin.

Don’t retract the foreskin.

How I think the HTW could be used for uncut guys is by rolling the HTW over the shaft with the foreskin over the glans (unretracted). The HTW is very flexible and typically “bunches up” between the front of the hanger and the coronal ridge (for me, a cut guy), forming a cushion to protect the glans. I would expect the HTW enveloped foreskin would just “buch up” along with the HTW facilitating a cushioned, comfortable hang. But, of course, I don’t know…but neither do you, so give it a try! :)

Originally Posted by Juri
Thanks, though!


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Thanks, xenolith!

I will try it as soon as I buy the stuff from Wal Mart!
The only problem I probably would encounter is that the monitoring of my senetive foreskin would be much more difficult with the HTW. But who knows? I will try it anyway.

Originally Posted by Juri

Thanks, xenolith!

No problem Juri…just didn’t want to let you talk yourself out of what could be a very good thing.

Originally Posted by Juri

The only problem I probably would encounter is that the monitoring of my senetive foreskin would be much more difficult with the HTW.

I’m not sure what you’d be monitoring. FWIW, I hang with my glans covered.

Originally Posted by Juri

But who knows?

Neither one of us, that’s for sure.

Originally Posted by Juri

I will try it anyway.

Now you’re talkin’! Good luck :) .

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Thank you very much Piet!

The simple technique that you shared with me works very good, and my foreskin is swelling just a little bit, but does not hurt at all.
Thanks a lot!

I am uncut, hanged for two months and finally sustain 12 libs for an entire set. The captain’s something device ( I have built with foam pipe) helped a lot as I understood how important it is not to stop the blood flow of the main vein right on top of the shaft. I grab the gland with the foreskin and gently pull as I adjust the hanger, making sure the main vein is not being clumped. I use NO wrap at all. Try this: it works for me.

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