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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Understanding Chinese Penis Hanging

Thanks for the clarification Osu.

My mother practiced yoga and ate holistically in the sixties before oprah sold it on tv and so I grew up in a meditative environment as far from combat training as one could possibly imagine.

My thinking though; is that possibly these practices could have been kept sociologically within a peaceful civilisation as a way of preserving the arts for a time of higher need.

While I`m not saying that war is a higher form of existance than peace, it certainly demands a greater focus and discipline.

Originally Posted by Osu-danuki
Oh, so one last point of clarification: so you’re saying the final setup is literally just a figure 8 with the smaller of the two loops encircling the base of the penis and balls as a unit, correct? There is no other knot to be tied besides the one making the loop? Thanks.

Oh wait, I am so bad at reading carefully. So, rather you make an 8, then pull one loop through the other and that creates the little hoop that the package fits into, correct?

Began @ 6.25 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Now @ 7.00 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Goal: 8.0 NBPEL X 6.00 EG

Originally Posted by Osu-danuki
Oh wait, I am so bad at reading carefully. So, rather you make an 8, then pull one loop through the other and that creates the little hoop that the package fits into, correct?

Sounds like you’ve got it right.

In the "Well-known Traditional Qigong in China" video at 5:32 there’s a 6-second sequence that shows it being done.

Minor success! I hung 2.5 lbs from the whole package today with a cheesecloth. I tried a tie like you mentioned but found the slipperiness and varying width to be a problem. The cheesecloth works but seems less than ideal. Any other recommended materials? Maybe cotton gauze? Silk seems so slippery, but maybe it’s traditional because of its strength, I guess? The most surprising thing about it is how easily the balls seem to be able to take the weight. Compared to hanging 2.5 lbs from just my dick by means of a bib hanger, this was much, much easier. Suddenly all the truck-pulling seems less super-human (not that I’m ever planning to aim for huge weight like that, but it’s just cool to have some of the mystery revealed). Thanks again for the experimenting and info, Tom!

Began @ 6.25 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Now @ 7.00 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Goal: 8.0 NBPEL X 6.00 EG

I’m delighted that someone has finally picked up on this! Since there’s no lengthening goal, I don’t know how important the amount of weight is. I’d stick with what’s comfortable and enjoyable.

I don’t have suggestions for cloth. For years I had a piece of nice smooth black cloth - cotton, I assume - that appears in photos and videos I did, but it seems to have gone away. I don’t have the space (privacy) to experiment right now, but perhaps in the not too distant future….

Did you do the massages before hanging?

Originally Posted by drabbuhmot
I’m delighted that someone has finally picked up on this! Since there’s no lengthening goal, I don’t know how important the amount of weight is. I’d stick with what’s comfortable and enjoyable.

I don’t have suggestions for cloth. For years I had a piece of nice smooth black cloth - cotton, I assume - that appears in photos and videos I did, but it seems to have gone away. I don’t have the space (privacy) to experiment right now, but perhaps in the not too distant future….

Did you do the massages before hanging?

Yes, I did, although I had been doing some similar such massages for a while—I’ve been wanting to try this for some time but have never had enough information to feel comfortable trying it on my own previously. The most helpful thing in getting me used to the feel of it, however, was that stretch you suggested where you encircle the base of the whole package with a reverse grip and pull away from the body. That got me comfortable with the idea of that kind of pulling.

Began @ 6.25 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Now @ 7.00 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Goal: 8.0 NBPEL X 6.00 EG

Hi Tom, a new question: Have you noticed any physical change in your balls since you began practicing this? I’ve noticed that mine seem to be hanging lower and looser than usual after just this one week of practice. This is fine with me so long as they don’t just keep getting lower and lower… I don’t exactly want my knees bumping into my balls anytime soon.

I think the most famous Chinese proponent (Master Tu Jinsheng) even claims it will make your whole package bigger, balls included? Have you noticed anything like that, I wonder? Thanks.

Began @ 6.25 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Now @ 7.00 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Goal: 8.0 NBPEL X 6.00 EG

I have only tried this a few times, and not consistently. But afterward my balls always feel bigger, which is quite awesome ;-)

Sorry I have not further experience to share.

If you’re going to practice Iron Crotch Qigong, I would strongly
Advise learning from Master Tu. Mantak Chia’s book doesn’t have
The correct breathing pattern in it, and the way you breath is a very
Important part of this practice. Also, there are Chinese herbs that you
Need to take while doing it. And no ejaculation for 100 days.

You can seriously injure yourself, both physiologically & mentally,
If you don’t know what you’re doing. The real internal arts isn’t a joke
Or toy, it isn’t to be played with.

I’ve been doing Qigong, Tai Chi, & other internal arts for 12 years.
These practices require a seriousness, consistency, & dedication that
Most people don’t have.

I would actually advise Westerners to avoid doing it. The practice
Is primarily for health, spirituality, & various anti-aging benefits,
In addition to increased strength, endurance, & resistance to injury.
A bigger dick is just a pleasant side benefit.

It also increases the strength of your sperm, so any children you have
After doing it for at least a year will be stronger. I don’t know what the
One gentleman’s teacher did or didn’t do, but internal practices, when done
Correctly, don’t damage the sperm. Actually the exact opposite happens.

And after you get to a certain weight, the testicles will sometimes
Automatically go up into the body. You just relax and they’ll come back down.

The practice works. It does everything Master Tu says it does.
But if you’re just doing it for a big dick, you may want to stick to
The tried and true extensive database on Thunder’s.

Better safe than sorry.

Originally Posted by LBM1

It also increases the strength of your sperm, so any children you have
After doing it for at least a year will be stronger. I don’t know what the
One gentleman’s teacher did or didn’t do, but internal practices, when done
Correctly, don’t damage the sperm. Actually the exact opposite happens.

It increases the “strength” of the sperm? Fucking with one’s balls is going to damage your sperm. Some are lucky and don’t get serious damage and they will say it “strengthens” it. But of course, I don’t understand the “deepness” of this procedure and I’m an ignorant. :)

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"


Thanks for the info. I haven’t tried iron crotch for 4-5 years, but I’ll make sure to check Master Tu’s info if I ever do it again.

I have an opinion about the intense power though. It can drive you crazy or crack your skull, no kidding. :) Actually I don’t even want to do PE nowadays, because I don’t feel like I’ve developed enough skill to effectively cultivate the huge amaount of sexual energy without losing the power.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Originally Posted by kaan

Thanks for the info. I haven’t tried iron crotch for 4-5 years, but I’ll make sure to check Master Tu’s info if I ever do it again.

I have an opinion about the intense power though. It can drive you crazy or crack your skull, no kidding. :) Actually I don’t even want to do PE nowadays, because I don’t feel like I’ve developed enough skill to effectively cultivate the huge amaount of sexual energy without losing the power.


You’re right. The energy surge you get is intense! And you’re hornier than
You’ve ever been you’re whole life LOL That’s why he gives you
Meditation techniques for after the practice, to cool down and sublimate the Qi
To the lower dan tien. If you don’t, you absolutely will have major problems,
Both mentally and physically.

You get some very powerful qi effects. I did my first hard gong with him.
He bent steel rods in my throat, and hit me in the back with a small steel girder.
We had just picked the stuff up from Home Depot, so it was real steel.
Didn’t feel a thing. And this was after only one week of training with him.
(Then he took the girder, chopped it into a V with his bare hand, then stood
On a dozen and a half of eggs (some of them had broken from the vibrations of the stage
From the previous demo) while he painted a Chinese calligraphy painting of Lao Tzu ! Amazing.)

I’m lifting 35 lbs. Now after 4 months of consistent training, and swinging
8.75 lbs., penis and balls, 4.75 lbs. Balls only. In that time, I’ve lost 7% bodyfat,
My eyesight improved, I’ve gotten very strong, and I’m barely hungry or thirsty.
Oh yeah, and I gained a half an inch in length, and my balls have muscles now LOL
I know it works.

I’m on track to swing 15 lbs. And lift 50 lbs. By September. You have to give the
Soft tissues, specifically the fascia, time to adapt. The fascial system is the key
To a lot of the incredible things you see in internal martial arts.

These practices are time tested. You just have to be serious about it, and most
Importantly, find someone who knows exactly what they’re doing. You don’t
Entrust your boys to just anyone LOL. Master Tu is that guy. Check out his site
When you get a chance. He’s an amazing guy. And really cool.

With regards to the previous commentator, Traditional Chinese medicine, qigong,
& Martial arts has a proven effective application history of thousands of years.
You may not understand it, believe it, or care for it. But you can’t say it doesn’t work,
Especially if you haven’t done the research or extensively practiced it, which I have.

Is it dangerous? It absolutely can be, but so can a lot of things we do in life (like PE :)
You treat these practices with the humility and respect that they deserve, and they’ll
Repay you a thousand fold.

If you’re interested in learning more, I’d suggest getting a copy of Ted Kaptchuk’s
” The Web That Has No Weaver”. He’s associate director of the Center for Alternative
Medicine Research and Education at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston
And an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, so he talks from both
The Eastern & Western points of view. The book is required reading in most TCM &
Acupuncture degree programs in the country.

Mantak Chia’s books have a lot of great information in them, but you have to filter a lot of
Stuff. Also, you absolutely need a teacher. Things happen during your practice that have to be
Adjusted & accounted for (which I’m sure you all know from being on Thunder’s).

Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming’s books and videos have a lot of good info also. Again, take his seminars and
Classes. I can’t emphasize that enough.

It’s always good to learn something new from a different viewpoint. Keeps your brain healthy.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

What the hell is the deal with the caps at the beginning of every line of your post? Makes the shit extremely hard to read.

I have no idea ThunderSS. I didn’t type it like that. It’s still doing it. I
Don’t know why. The caps happen when I hit preview post. Is there something
In the control panel that might be causing it? It is annoying.

Thanks again, good read. Unfortunately you can’t find qigong masters anywhere, which is my situation now. Tough luck :) Anyway, I think I can do allright myself. I am not a total newbie, somewhat like an intermediate level (or so I think). I was swinging about 10 kg (22 lbs) when I quitted. For 3 sets, 10 minutes each.

I won’t start these days but I’ll probably get back to it in the future. But in a more moderate way :D

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)


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