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Understanding Chinese Penis Hanging

Originally Posted by kaan
But if done in the right way, and especially some good weights are used (up to 50 kg maybe), I believe some good gains would definitely be seen.

You’ve seen the video (from Nepal I think) where the guy uses heavy weights in an attempt to destroy erectile tissue as a way to spiritual purification?

I haven’t seen and I’d like to; do you have the link, tom?

Oh, never mind, I think now I know the video you are speaking of.

Check this out, I know they don’t use Bib hangers or anything, but on this video this guy pulls an entire bus with his dong.

I assume it’s straight out position, how in the hell does he do this? It seems he’s huge in the pants, but I mean he must have hung weights for years and been way over 100 lbs. Straight out? LOL. Master Yi-Yang is my idol! Sometimes when I hang I say Qi-awwwww!

To those wondering about the PE-related benefits of hanging around the balls, I think that’s not the point. In Chinese they are more playing up the health/martial arts/spiritual cultivation benefits it’s supposed to have, as opposed to the side benefit of getting a bigger dick, though they do also claim it will enhance your sexual power/make you not need viagra into old-age, etc. Since I do meditate and practice Qigong and Yoga, and have recently gotten a bit into hanging (albeit just from the penis with a bib hanger), I can say based on my limited experience with hanging that it is definitely beneficial for these other things. You can feel it pulling on your inner fascia/viscera/tendons or whatever, which is good for them in a very Yoga/Qigong kind of way. In fact, this is why I’m getting into hanging now. Though certainly a bigger dick would be a nice side effect, I’m more doing it in the hopes it will improve my meditation and martial arts training.

I am curious, however, about anyone who has successfully hung weight from the “whole package,” so to speak. If you’ve done it, how did you manage it? Just wrapping a cloth around the whole base? The whole idea scares me a bit—significantly more than just hanging because it feels like the little tubes connecting the testes to the body are pretty sensitive and, I’m guessing, delicate. I’d be very afraid of putting too much squeeze on these, or maybe they’re not as delicate as I think? Would you get significantly up behind the testes, I’m assuming? Thanks for any ideas or experiences.

BTW, I have also heard of that practice in India and presumably Nepal, where Yogis essentially stretch their penis in such an extreme way as to deaden the sensation and functionality, thereby helping them achieve their goal of never ejaculating. This practice is definitely NOT the same as the Chinese Xisui/Marrow Washing/pulling a truck with your junk stuff. That stuff is promoted as a health exercise and is supposed to improve sexual function, not impair it, though I wouldn’t be surprised if the training involves some periods of abstinence from ejaculation, as do most qigong and yoga practices.

Began @ 6.25 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Now @ 7.00 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Goal: 8.0 NBPEL X 6.00 EG

Last edited by Osu-danuki : 05-19-2010 at .

It’s not worth damaging your sexual health for some minor possible martial arts benefits. I only had one teacher who was into that when I was studying martial arts in asia, and his son was born quite badly disabled. I can imagine that the testicle hanging was a contributing factor.

There are many other forms of qigong to explore that will help your martial arts more.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by drabbuhmot
You’ve seen the video (from Nepal I think) where the guy uses heavy weights in an attempt to destroy erectile tissue as a way to spiritual purification?

You don`t need to hang weights if you want to destroy your cock, there are much simpler ways :)

BTW, to anyone interested, I`ve tried `karate belt hanging` too. It is in the hanging forum.(no balls this time). I will most probably get back to it in the future, after I sort my life a little bit.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)


Buy the book of Mantak Chia: `Bone Marrow Nei Kung` there are details about hanging there. They use a piece of silk cloth.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Originally Posted by djufo
If they were bigger as they claim, it would at least one asian king of porn. The few on some movies have no more than 4-5 inches. With that type of punishment to the genitalia I really doubt they can even have an erection. Even more, that vein damage from pulling with the nuts would give them an irreversible varicocele making them sterile forever.

So true lol

Originally Posted by Osu-danuki
I am curious, however, about anyone who has successfully hung weight from the “whole package,” so to speak. If you’ve done it, how did you manage it? Just wrapping a cloth around the whole base? The whole idea scares me a bit—significantly more than just hanging because it feels like the little tubes connecting the testes to the body are pretty sensitive and, I’m guessing, delicate. I’d be very afraid of putting too much squeeze on these, or maybe they’re not as delicate as I think? Would you get significantly up behind the testes, I’m assuming? Thanks for any ideas or experiences.

Actually, since I started massaging the ducts, they are not sensitive or painful at all. After hanging some weight this way, my balls likewise don’t have the feeling of tenderness/soreness they used to. All sorts of warnings about not doing this, but it feels great - very energizing!

The video I got the clues from (“Well-known Traditional Qigong in China” ) includes various massages. In Bone Marrow Nei Kung, starting page 106, Mantak Chia lays them out step by step:

a) finger massage of the testicles
b) palm massage of the testicles
c) ducts elongation rubbing
d) stretching the ducts gently with massage
e) stretching the scrotum and penis tendons
f) tapping the testicles
g) resting

The suggested timetable is daily for 50 days before trying the chi weight hanging (I waited at least 50 seconds), which is on page 168. (The PDF is password protected and I can’t copy the text.)

I found a Link removed torrent on the pirate bay for all of his books[/url]; if you want to get it that way just be aware that you don't have to download everything in the torrent - you can pick and choose which files. Otherwise you download a huge amount of stuff that’s no doubt good, but off-topic right now.

He suggests wrapping the cloth around your junk and then tying a knot, but a much more elegant approach appears in the video I reference above and yes, it works brilliantly with a men’s silk neck tie.

1) tie the ends together to make a loop
2) flip one end to make a figure 8
3) reach through the upper loop and pull through the lower part of the top of the X

I know, that makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE! See attached diagram.

You can now tighten the upper loop securing penis and testes. I used a milk jug with water (start with very little, obviously) and a ~ keychain carabiner.

It’s awesome, it feels great. You can also just use your hand, which is no doubt safer - I attached a photo doing it without any toys (or ties) in this thread.

(8.0 KB, 101 views)

Hi Tom, thanks so much for the info. I will definitely give this a try, with hands first and maybe gently testing out the actual hanging.

Began @ 6.25 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Now @ 7.00 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Goal: 8.0 NBPEL X 6.00 EG

Originally Posted by drabbuhmot

He suggests wrapping the cloth around your junk and then tying a knot, but a much more elegant approach appears in the video I reference above and yes, it works brilliantly with a men’s silk neck tie.

1) tie the ends together to make a loop
2) flip one end to make a figure 8
3) reach through the upper loop and pull through the lower part of the top of the X

It’s awesome, it feels great. You can also just use your hand, which is no doubt safer - I attached a photo doing it without any toys (or ties) in this thread.

Oh, so one last point of clarification: so you’re saying the final setup is literally just a figure 8 with the smaller of the two loops encircling the base of the penis and balls as a unit, correct? There is no other knot to be tied besides the one making the loop? Thanks.

Began @ 6.25 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Now @ 7.00 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Goal: 8.0 NBPEL X 6.00 EG

There line between self-inflicted duress and masochism.

I have trained with some pretty intense martial arts types before and they were all missing a little something in the reason department, and most are too injured to train or practice any longer.

I have a frighteningly high pain threshold and have withstood injuries in athletics and while working in the construction business, and I worry when I see practices such as the ones in the videos from other cultures that we don`t fully understand in the west that could be taken on face value, resulting in permenant injury.

Many martial arts practices are ancient military training techniques designed to be used by highly trained individuals in states of combat readiness.

The casual western observer doesn`t necessarily have that mindset, as it is part of a complete way of life including privations of most normal western comforts.

The closest people get here are tri-athletes or marathon runners or powerlifters, who are able to do nothing but focus on training and practice for 8 hours or more a day, giving up family, friends and often work as well to win at competition.

Originally Posted by a-unit
There line between self-inflicted duress and masochism.

I have trained with some pretty intense martial arts types before and they were all missing a little something in the reason department, and most are too injured to train or practice any longer.

I have a frighteningly high pain threshold and have withstood injuries in athletics and while working in the construction business, and I worry when I see practices such as the ones in the videos from other cultures that we don`t fully understand in the west that could be taken on face value, resulting in permenant injury.

Many martial arts practices are ancient military training techniques designed to be used by highly trained individuals in states of combat readiness.

The casual western observer doesn`t necessarily have that mindset, as it is part of a complete way of life including privations of most normal western comforts.

The closest people get here are tri-athletes or marathon runners or powerlifters, who are able to do nothing but focus on training and practice for 8 hours or more a day, giving up family, friends and often work as well to win at competition.

But qigong practices like hanging have not historically been limited to hardcore martial arts practitioners. In fact, they were probably developed more by religious practitioners seeking enlightenment and medical practitioners looking for ways to improve health besides medicine. It’s probably more that martial artists adapted practices developed by religious and medical practitioners than the other way around (though I’m sure there was cross-pollination). Similarly, Chinese martial arts have a long history of being practiced for reasons other than pure combat training. Read Meier Shahar’s book on the Shaolin Monastery—I think it does a pretty good job arguing that the whole “Taiji for health” type of thing is actually not so recent a phenomenon (though maybe Tai Chi specifically for health didn’t come about till the 19th century, civilians and non-military types have a long history of practicing Five Animal Frolic, Eight Pieces of Brocade and even some martial art forms usually lumped under the category “Shaolin” for health and athletic-type reasons as opposed to just for fighting).

Began @ 6.25 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Now @ 7.00 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Goal: 8.0 NBPEL X 6.00 EG


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