Originally Posted by Osu-danuki
I am curious, however, about anyone who has successfully hung weight from the “whole package,” so to speak. If you’ve done it, how did you manage it? Just wrapping a cloth around the whole base? The whole idea scares me a bit—significantly more than just hanging because it feels like the little tubes connecting the testes to the body are pretty sensitive and, I’m guessing, delicate. I’d be very afraid of putting too much squeeze on these, or maybe they’re not as delicate as I think? Would you get significantly up behind the testes, I’m assuming? Thanks for any ideas or experiences.
Actually, since I started massaging the ducts, they are not sensitive or painful at all. After hanging some weight this way, my balls likewise don’t have the feeling of tenderness/soreness they used to. All sorts of warnings about not doing this, but it feels great - very energizing!
The video I got the clues from (“Well-known Traditional Qigong in China” ) includes various massages. In Bone Marrow Nei Kung, starting page 106, Mantak Chia lays them out step by step:
a) finger massage of the testicles
b) palm massage of the testicles
c) ducts elongation rubbing
d) stretching the ducts gently with massage
e) stretching the scrotum and penis tendons
f) tapping the testicles
g) resting
The suggested timetable is daily for 50 days before trying the chi weight hanging (I waited at least 50 seconds), which is on page 168. (The PDF is password protected and I can’t copy the text.)
I found a Link removed torrent on the pirate bay for all of his books[/url]; if you want to get it that way just be aware that you don't have to download everything in the torrent - you can pick and choose which files. Otherwise you download a huge amount of stuff that’s no doubt good, but off-topic right now.
He suggests wrapping the cloth around your junk and then tying a knot, but a much more elegant approach appears in the video I reference above and yes, it works brilliantly with a men’s silk neck tie.
1) tie the ends together to make a loop
2) flip one end to make a figure 8
3) reach through the upper loop and pull through the lower part of the top of the X
I know, that makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE! See attached diagram.
You can now tighten the upper loop securing penis and testes. I used a milk jug with water (start with very little, obviously) and a ~ keychain carabiner.
It’s awesome, it feels great. You can also just use your hand, which is no doubt safer - I attached a photo doing it without any toys (or ties) in this thread.