Vac based hanger pull and grasp
Based on Big Girtha explanation :
Simple analogy for compression hanger would be OK grip pull, When you pull, you stretch the skin + internals . That’s why excess skin is needed on back of attachment point.
For Vac based like Penimaser Pro, its like pulling your glans with 2 fingers, just internal penis is stretched. Here excess skin doesn’t matter.
How would you explain Vac based hanger like LG pull mechanism? Since we have part of shaft inside chamber.
I am at 3lbs with LG and feel like sleeves create a seal and grabs the whole penis with no blood circulation cut off.
Also the skin is not pushed forward like compression based hangers to form shoulders, instead a seal is formed. That’s why foreskin growth is minimal .
So we are not just pushing/stretching the skin down but kinda bonded with it using vacuum.
Maybe experienced hangers can explain better. The thread is 14 years old and designs have changed.
This would help in wrapping technique too.