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Vac damage

Vac damage

Today I noticed the top of my glans was “swollen” after the hanging sessions. It was like a bulb but it went away after some minutes. I did 3* 20 mins hanging and then 3 hour later I got in the shower I noticed a area around the top of the glans was darker and in a spot it looked like blood. What to do?

Sounds like a blister to me. Vacuum hangers are susceptible to water blisters and, more rarely, blood blisters. You can do a search on water blisters to read about other guy’s experiences with them. Some people just leave them alone and some drain them. Most guys seem to take a break after getting a significant blister. It can take weeks to come back from a blood blister. I have had problems with blisters in the past and mention it in my progress log.

Vacuum Hanging Progress

I also posted a tip that helps me, personally, to avoid the blisters in the first place.

Vacuum Hanging Tip

I just got a Vacu-Hanger myself and have been wrestling with issues of near-blister fluid buildup in glans myself. The Vacu-Extender comes with a constriction sleave for glans that works for most of the glans but doesn’t work well for the tip. I’m still working on ideas on what to do about the tip, but you might want to look at the constriction sleeve that comes with the monkeybar hanger for starting ideas on what can do yourself. Without the sleeve, my entire glans swells up incredibly, so I consider it mandatory for vac hanging.

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