Thunder's Place

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Vac Hanger observations

Vac Hanger observations

I have a Vac Hanger by MB and I have a few observations:

1) It seems that I feel a twinge in the distal? ligament that attaches the glans. Not necessarily full out pain or injury, maybe just stretched a bit?

2) It seems that my erections have a different quality. Maybe it’s because the V Hanger stretches the tunica a good deal, it seems that it is a bit more difficult to get an erection.

3) There seems to be a different quality to my glans. It’s not blistered or anything. Maybe it’s a bit larger - I didn’t measure it or anything, just something I kind of think. Also, it seems that my glans is more sensitive.

Background info:

I am only hanging a pound (yes, 1lb) for 5 minutes, followed by 110 jelqs. I am trying to follow a 1 on, 1 off schedule at this point, with an eye on getting to 2 on, 1 off. But depending on PI’s I may take more days off.

Now that that is out of the way, have any other V Hangers noticed any of the above?

Another observation:

I have tried vacuum pumping before. I was not very dedicated or extremely experienced - in fact, I would say that the things I did were completely wrong, as I did not have a place like this to use as a guide. And I stopped V pumping when I found out about Manual PE, because of the questions about the permanency of any gains that might be gotten by pumping.

That said, it seems like the upper shaft and glans is being pumped a bit when using the V Hanger. While that seems like an obvious, I didn’t consider that when buying the V Hanger.

The problems I noticed with erections have to do with the fact that upper part of the shaft and glans is being slightly pumped and may have bit of lymph build up - even if only very minor - and the rest of the shaft had no lymph collection, in addition to being a bit fatigued from hanging the weight. So, my thought is that my unit is doing two different things. It seems that the upper shaft and glans are at a different stage of erection than the rest of the shaft and base.

And I had a very embarrassing sexual situation with about a week ago with this, let me tell you. I made the excuse that I had just worked out (gym) and that that could sometimes have an effect on erections right after, which she seemed to buy. And that can be true situationally…

But anyhow, back to the V Hanger. Considering the above, I would now wonder how much gain is from stretching (and I do feel the effect of the stress on the base and along the sides of the shaft, so I know it can, and is, stretching) and how much gain would be from the pumping effects of the V Hanger?

Which would question the permanency of some of any gains gotten while using the V Hanger. Meaning those that were the result of pumping, a collection of lymph or blood, aside from any gains that were the results of the stretching aspect of the V Hanger.

Any other guys who have tried pumping notice what they might think is a similar pumping type effect on the upper shaft, and particularly the glans, when using the V Hanger?

Wow, no comments on this.

I have to say that I am definitely of the opinion that some lymph, or other pump type effects, are taking place in the upper shaft, but the glans specifically. Maybe there is a way to make this work… But it is definitely taking place.

What I mean is: My glans is reaching what would be it’s normal full size before the rest of my shaft is. All of which is making me reach the point of no return much sooner than I am accustomed to (I have aways been very much in control of my ejaculations). So by the time the rest of my shaft is reaching full size, I have been ready to climax for a while.

On the similarity to pumping: I am having the feeling of having over pumped, in the glans, specifically. It feels more full (bloated?), than erect. Pumpers who have over pumped will know what I mean.

My thought is, for me maybe, at least, this may never disappear. Meaning, the longer someone has been PE’ing, the longer it will be necessary to hang to produce results. And with a hanger that is also a vacuum, you will be pumping for that same amount of time, with that amount of weight, whatever it is. The more of either will cause more lymph accumulation…

On the positive side, the Vac Hanger may be an effective glans enlarger. The permanence of glans enlargement might be a question, though. Maybe a program that interchanges a clamp type hanger with a V hanger will be an effective compromise, as there would be draw backs to either, exclusively.

Draw backs would be:

Clamp type hanger - pinching, numbness, maybe bruising.

V Hanger - potential for blisters (though I haven’t had one so far). Lymph build up that may represent a problem, either for further hanging that day, or the question of temporary gain vs permanent gain. And, specific to me at least, the problem of loosing control of orgasm with lymph build up.

I will do more thinking on this…


It seems that my previous days problem of not having my normal erection and staying time was not an issue today. Maybe my fatigue level was the issue (as I do feel fatigue in the base, behind the balls, and along the sides of the shaft).

Although, my glans was more sensitive and it does possibly seem a bit larger, though I have no before measurements to compare with. If there is/was lymph build-up that was causing the glans to be larger, and consequently a more stretched feeling, and maybe combined with more surface area for friction to act upon, maybe I am now more accustomed to it, as I was in control of my orgasm again today.

Any other things I notice, I will post.


I vacu hang and pump. I have the same issues with lymph build up and tend to find that doing some jelqs after hanging and/or pumping takes care of the lymph build up. Hanging too much or too heavy can affect erection quality for sure. I am trying to do as much hanging as possible without affecting my erections. Sometimes I over do it, but that is starting to happen less and less. I really dunno about your theory on increasing the size of the glans. I think what you are seeing there is simply a temporary build up.

Originally Posted by notsolittle
I vacu hang and pump. I have the same issues with lymph build up and tend to find that doing some jelqs after hanging and/or pumping takes care of the lymph build up.


First, thanks. I was beginning to think I was talking to myself.. :)

OK, so it isn’t my imagination taking over, you are noticing this as well.

I do jelq after V hanging. And I have to say that I have never had any visible lymph - definitely no donut, which I did have happen when I tried vacuum pumping. But then, I did say that I didn’t have a guideline like this place when I tried that.

Anyway, I went into some detail in this thread, like said, though, my glans feels like an eraser? And there is no way to jelq the glans?

On the positive side, when jelqing, maybe there will be more fluids, blood and lymph to make jelqing more effective. And, also, I don’t seem to be so excessively sensitive anymore. But, again, my unit has this detached feeling to it because of the lymph. It’s like it’s not mine, the erection levels seem thrown off..

Originally Posted by notsolittle
Hanging too much or too heavy can affect erection quality for sure. I am trying to do as much hanging as possible without affecting my erections. Sometimes I over do it, but that is starting to happen less and less.

I can definitely understand that. I tried 2lbs to start with and I was way sore. I cut back to a single pound, I wasn’t sure how to do any less than that. But, really, I probably should have used, maybe, 1/2 or 3/4’s of a pound, as I had to take more days off than I should have. But I seem to be in a good groove, now.

On hanging as much as possible, the more you hang, the more lymph build-up, right?

Originally Posted by notsolittle
I really dunno about your theory on increasing the size of the glans. I think what you are seeing there is simply a temporary build up.

Well, yesterday was 24 hrs after last using the V hanger, and I still noticed it.

Again, if a PE’er was able to use absolutely the same weight and time through out his career, then I might think a guy could become accustomed to the vacuum effect and lymph build-up. But with the nature of PE, and hanging specifically, weights and times will continue upward (until a decon break). So that continual temporary lymph should remain pretty much a constant, I would think.

As I said in the ‘exercises to get a bigger head’ thread, I am not really after a bigger glans, specifically. But if it happens as a matter of course, with normal PE, and hopefully in proportion to the rest of any growth, OK. But I don’t think I really want a ballooning glans that is growing out of proportion to the shaft.

But I don’t know? Maybe I just prefer things the way they are because that is what I am familiar with and I am resisting change. I don’t know. Maybe a bigger glans might not be so bad. But temporary lymph build-up does seem deceiving to think that that is all growth, because it certainly wouldn’t be.

Of course, some pumpers think that temporary gains become permanent… And again, there are two aspects to a vacuum hanger - the vacuum portion, which, as you might be able to tell, I am not the greatest fan of. But there is, also, the weight hanging aspect of a vacuum hanger which is stretching the penis. Which should eventually become solid gains.

Though I would caution vacuum hanger users to not view all changes in measurements as solid gains. Because, almost certainly, some of any changes in measurement are the result of lymph build-up even if it isn’t completely noticeable.

Disclaimer: I am not panning the V Hanger, overall. It pretty easy to use. This is just a discussion of what I have noticed.

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