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Any exercises to get a bigger head


Any exercises to get a bigger head

I can’t seem to find any on here or I’m just not looking hard enough.

I think holds tend to do some for the head don’t they?

Starting/Present: 7.0 NBPEL x 5.5 EG

4/1/07 - 7.0 NBPEL x 5.7 EG - Pic: Chief dantes pics

Settle For: 8.5 NPEL x 6.5 EG

No, not that I’m aware of. Kaplan makes a head enlarger (pumping) and there is some possible examples that using an oversized vacuum hanger will make the glans adapt to that, but no hard evidence.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by mgus
No, not that I’m aware of. Kaplan makes a head enlarger (pumping) and there is some possible examples that using an oversized vacuum hanger will make the glans adapt to that, but no hard evidence.


What about the V Hanger that is prescribed, by measurement, on MB’s site?

Have you noticed any upper shaft and glans increase (or changes, at all) after having used the V Hanger long term? Although, if not, I would completely understand, as with all things related to PE (and all things physical, for that matter) individual response can differ greatly from person-to-person.

For a manual head exercise, try this. I’m sure most of us have done it before. It’s sort of an erect jelq squeeze, or two handed Uli:

1. Get a full erection.

2. With one hand, grab your penis very tightly around the base, like a Uli #3.

3. With your other hand, make a tight OK grip around the shaft, just under your glans.

4: As you hold that grip, relax and alternately release one hand and then the other so that you get more blood into the head, like this:

a. With the grip below the glans tight, relax the grip around the base;
b. Kegel blood into the shaft;
c. Re-tighten the grip around the base while relaxing the grip around the head;
d. Then grab tightly below the glans again, keeping the grip around the base tight too.

Hold for a count of 20 or 30. Repeat.

This same sort of thing can be done with two cable clamps, or an Air Clamp around the base and another clamp — your hand, or a cable clamp — just below the glans.

Be well conditioned, sober and very careful doing this kind of high-pressure technique, especially when using cable clamps or other devices.

Well, when I started with my first film canister project, I could barely get my glans in it. Then I changed to a larger cap and after a few months I started having problems fitting into that one. I was wearing these contraptions bungee-style to my knee, you can see my logged hours in the SuckXtender thread.

So there is at least anecdotal evidence that longterm low-force expansion enlarges the glans, at least a little.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by mgus
So there is at least anecdotal evidence that longterm low-force expansion enlarges the glans, at least a little.


When you have an erection, have you ever squeezed the tip of the glans to feel the the bony tips of the CC’s (I don’t know what that is called - or if it even does have a specific medical name. If it does, anyone feel free to throw it out there and tell me) and see how far above the tips the inflated part of the glans is?

If you haven’t prior to now, I guess it is pointless to try to compare from your beginning point to this point. Though, I suppose that you could compare from now, to any changes in the future, if that is something that interests you. I have done this the last few days, and the glans above the tips, currently feel more spongy and eraser-like (eraser as in the end of a pencil) instead the tissue that it normally feels like.

The other day, I had this weird detached feeling from it, like it was false and not a part of me as I was getting odd sensations from it.. I know everything is fine, overall, it’s just that the V hanger is part vacuum pump, so that part of the shaft and glans is being pumped.

Anyway, my concern has always been that the actual structures of my penis is growing, as opposed to just the glans tissue alone. This is for several reasons:

1) I already have a decent sized glans in relation to the rest of my penis. It is not mushroom shaped in proportion to the rest of my shaft, but it is a very good sized glans when comparing to what I can see in porn.

I kind of like the proportions of my penis and don’t know my thoughts on how much I would prefer the majority of gains comming in the form of a mushrooming glans with not much shaft growth.

2) Not that I am accusing you, or any other developers of vac hanger of cheating, but I sort of think that growth, in the form of glans growth, temporary or permanent, but specifically temporary, isn’t legitimate growth. Again, that is just my opinion.

And it probably has a lot to do with the fact that I am fairly pleased with the proportions of my penis already. I would prefer to enlarge what I have in roughly the same proportions that I have now - just larger. :)

The above are some of the reasons that I discontinued vacuum pumping.. Of course, anyone with a genetically small glans might want to try glans enlargement, so I am not down on it completely, of course. All of this said, I am not panning the V Hanger. I am just thinking out loud and discussing.

Originally Posted by Tivase
2) Not that I am accusing you, or any other developers of vac hanger of cheating, but I sort of think that growth, in the form of glans growth, temporary or permanent, but specifically temporary, isn’t legitimate growth. Again, that is just my opinion.

Well, from my point of view growth is growth. I understand if you want your proportions intact, but what you are saying is abit like saying “girth gains aren’t legitimate, because I want length only”?

Anyway, I don’t think you need to worry too much. First of all there are few examples of “hey, my glans just grew” and the possible (I haven’t measured exactly, I go by look and feel) growth of the glans is fairly small in my case.

I don’t think you need to worry that the main growth would come from glans growth.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by mgus
Well, from my point of view growth is growth. I understand if you want your proportions intact, but what you are saying is abit like saying “girth gains aren’t legitimate, because I want length only”?

No, not at all. I am not suspicious of girth gains.

Though I wouldn’t want excessive girth gains, only, considering what I said about proportions… But that may be a bit excessive, considering that with PE, guys have to consider themselves lucky with gains in any form that they can get them.

Originally Posted by mgus
Anyway, I don’t think you need to worry too much. First of all there are few examples of “hey, my glans just grew” and the possible (I haven’t measured exactly, I go by look and feel) growth of the glans is fairly small in my case.

I don’t think you need to worry that the main growth would come from glans growth.

Thanks, mgus. :up:

I will keep an eye on things.

Again, I am not panning the Vac Hanger, overall. I just am not the greatest fan, personally, of the effects of vacuum. But with that said, it’s not like I have decided to not use the Vac Hanger, anymore. On the positive side, I definitely have to give it a :up: on ease of use, though.

The most effective way that I have found for “glans enlargement” is targeted hanging. It is sometimes difficult to get your glans in the position necessary to promote a strong ballooning of the head. However, I can become 80% erect and then wrap/apply your hanger in a way that causes excessive ballooning of the head.

I hang in this position and then lightly stroke the glans to promote blood a sustain the size of the “ballooned head.” You must stay aroused and feel the “pump” to your glans, it is an excellent exercise for size of the head. Throughout the exercise your head will be throbbing and the blood will expand tissue and the capillaries.
You will realize increased surface area of the corona and lengthen your area from tip to coronal ridge.

Originally Posted by tomswilski
The most effective way that I have found for “glans enlargement” is targeted hanging. It is sometimes difficult to get your glans in the position necessary to promote a strong ballooning of the head. However, I can become 80% erect and then wrap/apply your hanger in a way that causes excessive ballooning of the head.

Hanging with an 80% erection is dangerous and ill-advised, especially with the intent of targeting the glans. This kind of intense, high-pressure exercise should be done with extreme caution; and, if attempted at all, it should be done with the hands or a device that allows close monitoring of physiological indicators, enables careful regulation of pressure, and that can be removed very quickly if necessary.

Newbies: don’t even think about doing something like this.

Tomswilski, what kind of hanger are you using for this, and with what weight? If you’re going to give advice about potentially dangerous techniques, you should take due diligence to include more detail and precaution. You may do this with two pounds. Some smarty will try it with 20 and burst a blood vessel, and then they’ll have a real mess on their hands…which is a really bad visual.

How long have you been PE-ing?

Originally Posted by tomswilski
The most effective way that I have found for “glans enlargement” is targeted hanging. It is sometimes difficult to get your glans in the position necessary to promote a strong ballooning of the head. However, I can become 80% erect and then wrap/apply your hanger in a way that causes excessive ballooning of the head.

Follow this advise and you’ll be able to say

“There’s nothing like the smell of fresh arterioles in the morning.”

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

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