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Pumping To Get Girth And Bigger Head

Pumping To Get Girth And Bigger Head

Just new to this forum and have posted only a few posts so far have spent alot of time reading this forum and talking to some others that belong here. I have been jelqing and stretching for around two months now. Currently my size is 6.75 x 5.25 girth. My goal is 8.00 x 6.00 girth. But i have not made my pump yet i am going to do that today with the mighty vac and the deluxe gravel system.

The ?’s that i have is can i get a bigger head by pumping. Secondly how long will my penis stay fuller after pumping. Finally after pumping will i have problems getting an erection right after pumping.

Thanks ahead of time for all the answers great site i wish i would have found this a long time ago..


Welcome to the board Mickfoley
As a general rule of thumb, stick with a pump whose diameter is no more than a .25 inch more than your current diameter.
5.25 girth means your pump should be about 1 7/8 in order to insure a good seal and efficient horizontal expansion and a 10 inch pump should give plenty of room for your vertical expansion. Generally you will not get length gains until you have maxed the pump girth wise. Incorporate some other length exercises in your pump routine in the meanwhile (Jelqing, Stretching ect.) I do not recommend making your own pump because you can get a fairly decent pump for about 60 to 80 dollars and save yourself the trouble but it depends on your financial condition. (You can always upgrade later)
Your penis will stay full and gradually return to normal after about 8 to 10 hours. Pumps were primarily designed to assist in getting erections so getting an erection after your workout should not really be a concern.

For more info, this thread looks pretty good:

OK, pumpers. We can come out of the closet now

I hope that helps

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Last edited by supersizeit : 07-20-2003 at .

Hey Mick,welcome to Thunders. Have you read Tigerbass’s “Made my pump today” thread? It is insanely easy to put a pump together for under $40.00 US and it will be of the same quality as a manufactured pump since they use the same MITYVACII pump that you can get at the AutoZone. The only difference, if you can call it that, is the cylinder may or may not come with a flange at the base of the tube. Read my “Attention pump builders-seal solutions” thread. That will provide you with a cheap and effective alternative to make a seal. I have been using my homemade gravel cleaner tube for the last 8 months and there has been no need to upgrade. I reccomend that you use a 2”x10” tube, purchase the one Tigerbass mentions in his thread. It will take a bit of time to pack the tube but after that and along the way to packing the tube you must combine your pumping with a rigorous manual routine to make permanent gains. Permanent gains from pumping alone are quite rare, although there have been some easy gainers that have made significant gains from pumping alone, Avocet 8 is one of them. As far as increasing head size goes, you will have to stick to a manual jelq,squeeze, and bend routine for now. What some guys have done to help maximize head size is what I term as a “half jelq”. To do this get yourself about 80% erect. Next, keggle in some blood then squeeze off the lower half of your shaft trapping the blood up into the glans. While you have the blood trapped do some normal dry jelqs from the top of the squeezing hand and stop just below the glans, maintain your squeeze throughout the set. If your hand gets tired from squeezing, just shorten your sets and do a couple of extra sets to make up the difference. Just be carefull of how much you gain in the head, if it packs the tube before your shaft then you will have problems expanding the shaft to pack the tube because you won’t be able to draw a vacuum below the head. Also, since you are new to pumping be sure that you follow Avocet 8’s pumping 101 reccomendations for at least 2 months before upping the intensity of your pumping routine. Good luck and good gains Mick.


got a 10 inch cylinder with a 2 inch diameter pumped for the first time got to pad the bottom for sure on that one. But when i pumped of course i followed the outline to lube the cylinder inside and my penis. penis expanded to fill the inside diameter completly of the tube but felt like it wanted to expand more but could not of course the lenght was not a problem should i worry about the inside diameter of the tube if it felt like that

Mick, you don’t need to worry that you still feel the expansion even though you have packed the tube, this is quite normal. You will still gain some girth in a packed tube, but at the same time after a few sessions you will notice that you are getting longer in the tube. Once again, I will remind you to follow Avocet 8’s pumping 101 routine.

Has anyone tried the “Mushroom Head Cylinder”? If so, does it work well? I have been considering getting one. Would like to get some feed back on this type of cylinder before I plunk down $150 for one.



Before forking out for a mushroom head cylinder you may want to experiment with using the cardboard tube from toilet paper or paper towels to make your current pumping tube focus pressure exclusively on your head.

Measure the length of your penis shaft up to the point where the head starts. Cut the cardboard tube down to that size or a little shorter. Insert penis. Be sure its already hanging good and limp so that the head extends beyond the end of the cardboard. Pump it up.

This should limit the expansion of your shaft in the cylinder while allowing your head to expand as far as it can. Ideally this will allow you to increase your ratio of head size to shaft size.

I’ve also heard of people doing something similar with a bicycle inner tube cut to length. Not sure how this works though.

Regardless - this may give you something to play around with as you consider dropping $150.

EBPL 7.5"

EMSG 6.0"

EBG 6.5"

>I’ve also heard of people doing something similar with a bicycle inner tube cut to length. Not sure how this works though.<

I like your tp roll idea. I’ll try it when I start pumping again.

I suppose the inner tube would be rolled on like a headless condom. To anyone using it, what size of inner tube are you using and what is your girth?

You can wrap just below the head using Theraband, self-adhesive bandage, etc. I get more head expansion from this than any other PE method I’ve tried. Even extreme Ulis don’t blow it up the same as wrapped pumping. Over a couple months of semi-regular use, my head gained some permanent size.

I get erect and wrap fairly snug right below the head with a 1.5” strip of Thera. Use a rubber band to prevent it from unraveling. Pump dry or using warm water. Remove the wrap between sets to restore circulation.

Thanks for the tips, bhd, and hobby. Never thought of those ideas. I will have to give them a try. Who knows, if any of them work, I probably won’t bother getting the expensive cylinder.

Thank Again,

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