Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Originally Posted by astral_sir
Just curious
Where can I buy a GOOD Vac hanger ?

This question was answered above: yepes - vacu-hanger

Thunder’s member "Monkeybar" there at Autoextender Penis Enlargement Device makes the Vacu-Hanger. I got one a few weeks and find it’s comfortable and apparently effective — I think I’ve gained (or regained) at least 1/4 inch in length so far. An ongoing discussion is here: AutoExtender Vacu-Hanger is ready

Originally Posted by Ike

I got one a few weeks and find it’s comfortable and apparently effective — I think I’ve gained (or regained) at least 1/4 inch in length so far.


First, thanks for the link to the Vac hanger thread.

Second, have you used any other types of hangers? If so, what type and why do you think this one is more effective, if you don’t mind saying?


Originally Posted by Tivase

First, thanks for the link to the Vac hanger thread.

Second, have you used any other types of hangers? If so, what type and why do you think this one is more effective, if you don’t mind saying?


I’ve used the Captain’s Wench and various home made contraptions. The Captain’s Wench has been effective. I can’t say exactly how much I gained with it, as I do a lot of manual stretching too. But, the Vacu-Hanger is much more comfortable, and that’s a huge factor if you want to hang for extended periods of time. I’m up to hanging three or four 20 minute sessions a day right now, and the only thing really limiting that is dick fatigue and available time. The Vacu-Hanger also provides a better overall stretch along more of the shaft. It’s deceptive because it’s so comfortable, but it’s working. I can see it when I measure my flaccid stretched length.

I haven’t tried a Bib Hanger, and don’t ever plan to.

Mr. Happy - I always appreciate your comments - as you well know. But don’t be so picky with well writtel english, some of us are from europe asia africa ..



Later - ttt

Originally Posted by Ike
I’ve used the Captain’s Wench and various home made contraptions. The Captain’s Wench has been effective. I can’t say exactly how much I gained with it, as I do a lot of manual stretching too. But, the Vacu-Hanger is much more comfortable, and that’s a huge factor if you want to hang for extended periods of time. I’m up to hanging three or four 20 minute sessions a day right now, and the only thing really limiting that is dick fatigue and available time. The Vacu-Hanger also provides a better overall stretch along more of the shaft. It’s deceptive because it’s so comfortable, but it’s working. I can see it when I measure my flaccid stretched length.

Thanks, Ike. It seems like lots of guys are pro Vac hanger in the current era.

Originally Posted by Ike
I haven’t tried a Bib Hanger, and don’t ever plan to.

Why the emphatic thumbs down on the Bib? When I read over old posts they seemed to have been preferred and seemed to produce gains for the guys using them, but there seem to be less guys who are enthusiastic about them these days.

Originally Posted by Tivase
Thanks, Ike. It seems like lots of guys are pro Vac hanger in the current era.

Why the emphatic thumbs down on the Bib? When I read over old posts they seemed to have been preferred and seemed to produce gains for the guys using them, but there seem to be less guys who are enthusiastic about them these days.

I, personally, don’t have a penis attached to my body. But my engineer, analytically minded husband LOVES his BIB. He would not consider the use of a vacuum. The idea of fluid buildup (even temporary) and water blisters was not something with which he wished to deal.

I hate beer, some people love it. I love to read Lincoln Child and Douglas Preston, and I can’t see the attraction people have for John Grisham. I love to watch football and baseball, but would rather watch paint dry than watch basketball. We’ve all got different tastes.

Also, the perception is “new” is better; we LOVE new “stuff.” Why do you think companies work so hard to come out with new models and designs of products?
A few years ago when “My Space” came about, practically every kid who could get to a computer LIVED there. The new is wearing off now, and other things are coming along to grab attention.

IntelligentLife - hard to make up one’s opinion without a permanantly attached dick. Vac hanging is much more efficient at lower weights. However, I admit - I had a blister myself when falling asleep while lying in bed and hanging straight up (pulley at the ceiling). By contrast, 15 pounds during 20-30 min doesn’t cause major fluid built-up.

Btw - have you considered ce (clit enlargement)?



Later - ttt

No, Ticker, I have not. Nor do I color my hair, or consider a tummy tuck or liposuction. All of which, at my age, many women cosider to be basic “maintainance.” My only interest in PE has come about because of my husband’s interest, and my desire to be supportive and interested for him.

My comments about the varity of preferences in the human race was just what it seemed-a comment on our diversity in every area of life. I was not attempting to “make up” (I assume you mean “form”) an opinion about PE-just making an observation about human nature and the reasons we will never all agree when it comes to personal preferences. Though, if I thought about it long enough, did enough scientific research, and interviewed enough people, but most importantly, cared enough, I’m certain that I could form an opinion about the “best” way to PE. My male doctor certainly has no problem forming an opinion concerning women’s issues, even though he has no uterus. But, beyond the man I’m married to, I’m not gathering data!

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
Mr. Happy, I always appreciate your comments, as you well know, but don’t be so picky about well written English. Some of us are from Europe, Asia, Africa

I am well aware of the international aspect of Thunder's Place, as well as the challenges English presents to the foreign speaker. I am also aware that even among native speakers there are different skill levels (as well as learning disabilities, etc.), all of which present themselves on this forum. We do try to be sensitive to this.

However, the gentleman I was addressing is not foreign, he is in college and is just being a little lazy (by his own admission). I was politely encouraging him to make the effort.

Let me do my job moderating. You just keep on tick tick ticking. :)

And, when you have a minute, look over my corrections to your post. You never know - your English may improve. (:

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

IntelligentLife: very smart post, I was just kidding you a little. My lady is not so supportive regarding my pe addiction but has not asked me to stop so I guess she is smart enough not to put me under the pressure of growing fast baut enjoys the benefits of our activities here anyhow.

Incidentally, - may I ask; do YOU enjoy your man’s dick growth?

Later - ttt

Mr happy - where is the correction of my post?

You know, I spent two years in the us (in THE city) but this dates back to 1989.

My english was excellent then and is already improving since I joined that thread. I always have an online dictionnary open if I am insecure about wording but it still is a hard job to communicate in a foreign language.

We in europe, due to the historical diversity are used to do so, but in your country rare are those who master a second language.

Other than that, do your moderator job, you are doing it well.

‘Keep your glans’ up’ as we say over here (see I learned that it’s glans not gland *s*)

Best regards


Later - ttt

There are only two makers, as far as I know: Monkeybar and CrashEx. Both can be purchased from respective site.

If you read up on the threads here, you can make your own decision.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
IntelligentLife: very smart post, I was just kidding you a little. My lady is not so supportive regarding my pe addiction but has not asked me to stop so I guess she is smart enough not to put me under the pressure of growing fast baut enjoys the benefits of our activities here anyhow.

Incidentally, - may I ask; do YOU enjoy your man’s dick growth?

I’m sorry the lady in your life is not as supportive of your PE activities, but am glad for you that she is at least appreciative of your results.

And, yes, though I’m not terribly comfortable discussing it, I DO enjoy the results of my husband’s PE. In fact, I am going to order the BIB Hard Core for him. Not that he’s reached the limits of his BIB starter yet, but my understanding is that Bib (Bigger?) is just one guy, and not a really young one at that. I assume that at some point he will stop producing hangers, and my husband is in awe of the workmanship and engineering of his BIB. Also, I see from the site that I can use a credit card now to order-and, as an American consumer, I’m all in favor of not having to leave the house to spend money :) !

Vacu-Hanger just a fad?

Originally Posted by intelligentlife
Also, the perception is “new” is better; we LOVE new “stuff.” Why do you think companies work so hard to come out with new models and designs of products?

In a general sense this is true, but it is important to recognize some new things represent concrete improvements.

The vacuum-type devices were not developed out of a need to capture consumer imagination or claim a market share, but to solve the difficulties of attachment to penis. It wasn’t developed merely to be “the next big thing.”

Whether or not the Bib is “a wonder of engineering,” the problems associated with clamping devices are myriad: uneven stretching of outer skin, compression of the inner tissues of the penis, wrapping issues - time consuming and if done improperly conceivably leading to a damaged dorsal nerve, and the ever present problem of circulation.

Vacuum attachment solves all of these problems. Circulation is not impeded, the outer skin and inner shaft have none of the stresses associated with clamping style hangers.

The total weight is less with the Vac-Hanger. However, the point of attachment concentrates the weight so less is needed, making the heavier weight the Bib can support fairly immaterial until the point of maxing out on the vac-hanger is passed. Plenty of time to get good results in the meantime.

Originally Posted by intelligentlife
He would not consider the use of a vacuum. The idea of fluid buildup (even temporary) and water blisters was not something with which he wished to deal.

Fluid build-up is a concern, particularly at higher weight, but there are methods to deal with this being discussed and it’s a less worrisome problem than one might think.

But rule out innovation? :-s

Maybe reconsider.

Originally Posted by intelligentlife
We’ve all got different tastes.

And we all have different levels of discernment when selecting items for our use: hair-care products, automotive parts and services, or PE devices.

Be aware: sometimes new improvements are motivated only by a need for improvement.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

*eagerly takes notes from Mr Happy’s posting*

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.


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