Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
1). Your husband who is an engineer (read: very smart), does not appear to like the idea of vacuum hanging. Hinting it is inferior?
——NO, not “inferior”-just not something he wishes to use. And, yes, he IS very smart.
3) New stuff is not necessarily better; often it’s ‘new’ for the sake of it - implying old ways are the best, maybe?
Now you appear to be saying “Everyone is different”, while also saying your very smart husband isn’t having any problems because the ‘new’ (there’s that word again) Hard Core Bib is even better. Hubby obviously knows what he’s talking about because he and Bib communicate so much …
And now who’s talking about ‘new’ as if it’s a great thing?
——My husband does NOT have the Hard Core model, he has the “starter” model. I am getting the HC for him because he is very interested. And his communication with Bib came in the beginning when he had wrapping issues. I would hope that anyone on this forum who had difficulties with ANY method they use would communicate with the person from whom they got their product.
——-I’m sorry if I gave the impression that I think “new” is a bad thing. The original question was something along the lines of “a few years back the BIB was the “hot” product-why isn’t it anymore?” (REALLY bad paraphrase!) and my response was intended to point out our human nature to generally consider “new” to be better, or at least fascinating. I was NOT denigrating any thing or anybody-just making an observation about human nature. Or, at least that’s all I thought I was doing. That’s the problem with this method of communication; we cannot get “tone” or read expression, or instantly correct misconceptions.
Is your husband’s goal to hang heavy weight or get a big cock? Perhaps one can do the 2nd without doing the 1st? Why plan for heavy weight now? Is his heart set on it? Why?
——He believes he can achieve greater gains with higher weights. I haven’t quizzed him about why this is. And-he just LIKES what he’s using now.
If you can get results with 5 lbs do you really need 15 lbs? Just curious.
——I guess- because he can?:) !
I really seem to have offended you, and for that I am truly sorry. Sorry for intruding upon an area about which you are extremely passionate, and I only had a once budding curiosity. I believe I will go back to that stack of books I’ve been wanting to read; when I disagree with them, there is no vitriol!