Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



There’ll be quiz later.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

Fluid build-up is a concern, particularly at higher weight, but there are methods to deal with this being discussed and it’s a less worrisome problem than one might think.

But rule out innovation? :-s

Maybe reconsider.

And we all have different levels of discernment when selecting items for our use: hair-care products, automotive parts and services, or PE devices.

Be aware: sometimes new improvements are motivated only by a need for improvement.

No, no…never rule out innovation-that’s why husband is getting the Hard Core starter. And, from my reading, there have been changes made over time to the BIB hangers (something about molds?) that I assume were a needed improvement. He isn’t having the issues you mentioned with nerves or compression-but that may be because of his analytical abilities and his communication with Bib. His only initial difficulty was with wrapping, but he solved that through communication. He wants to hit very high weights eventually, and would rather not change methods along the way. Other people may, but he doesn’t want to.

My whole point was this-people are different, and different methods (in all areas of life) work better for one person than another. There is no “one method- one size-fits-all” in any area of life. That’s why my car has that adjustable seat and steering column :) !

I really don’t know why I’ve even become involved in this conversation…except that I do appreciate an honest exchange of ideas, and I do appreciate the customer service and quality Bib has provided. I was MOST apprehensive of this whole enterprise in the beginning, but I’ve become quite intrigued. And, it’s a nice diversion from my normal routine.

Thanks for allowing my inane input!

On the Vacu-Hanger, made by Monkeybar at, how long does shipping take after an order?

Why not ask Monkeybar directly? You can PM or e-mail him from the autoextender site.

Originally Posted by intelligentlife
My whole point was this-people are different, and different methods (in all areas of life) work better for one person than another. There is no “one method- one size-fits-all” in any area of life.

That was only one of your points.
There were three.

Originally Posted by intelligentlife
But my engineer, analytically minded husband LOVES his BIB. He would not consider the use of a vacuum. The idea of fluid buildup (even temporary) and water blisters was not something with which he wished to deal.

1). Your husband who is an engineer (read: very smart), does not appear to like the idea of vacuum hanging. Hinting it is inferior?

I hate beer, some people love it. {etc.}
We’ve all got different tastes.

2) We’re all have different tastes.

Point made, but not the whole point.

Also, the perception is “new” is better; we LOVE new “stuff.” Why do you think companies work so hard to come out with new models and designs of products?
A few years ago when “My Space” came about, practically every kid who could get to a computer LIVED there. The new is wearing off now, and other things are coming along to grab attention.

3) New stuff is not necessarily better; often it’s ‘new’ for the sake of it - implying old ways are the best, maybe?

I don’t know. You tell me.

Now you appear to be saying “Everyone is different”, while also saying your very smart husband isn’t having any problems because the ‘new’ (there’s that word again) Hard Core Bib is even better. Hubby obviously knows what he’s talking about because he and Bib communicate so much …

And now who’s talking about ‘new’ as if it’s a great thing?

Is your husband’s goal to hang heavy weight or get a big cock? Perhaps one can do the 2nd without doing the 1st? Why plan for heavy weight now? Is his heart set on it? Why?

It’s a little strange.

If you can get results with 5 lbs do you really need 15 lbs? Just curious.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by mgus
There are only two makers, as far as I know: Monkeybar and CrashEx. Both can be purchased from respective site.

What’s the website of CrashEx?

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
Why not ask Monkeybar directly? You can PM or e-mail him from the autoextender site.

MB is still sick, I’m still waiting for his recovery.

BTW, can someone UNCUT makes a video (close-up) how to use Vac Hanger, I watched the video from MB’s site, it’s not clear and I do not know if the guy is uncut.

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
Why not ask Monkeybar directly? You can PM or e-mail him from the autoextender site.

In the forum area of his site, I found this:

From Monkeybar’s forum
Just to let everyone know, I’ve came down with lyme disease and been under the weather for last few weeks (severely). The orders are going out but I’ve been slow in responding to some email/PM. I’m slowly recovering… Sorry for the delay.


So, I guess the question is: How long has it taken to have a product shipped from Monkeybar?

Usually that type of information can be found on a site like Amazon, etc, but I didn’t see that on the autoextender site. Which I guess isn’t alarming considering that this is probably a relatively small PE oriented site compared with a site that has millions of dollars exchanging hand on a daily basis…

But anyway, how long has it taken others to receive a product from Monkeybar?


Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

1). Your husband who is an engineer (read: very smart), does not appear to like the idea of vacuum hanging. Hinting it is inferior?

——NO, not “inferior”-just not something he wishes to use. And, yes, he IS very smart.

3) New stuff is not necessarily better; often it’s ‘new’ for the sake of it - implying old ways are the best, maybe?

Now you appear to be saying “Everyone is different”, while also saying your very smart husband isn’t having any problems because the ‘new’ (there’s that word again) Hard Core Bib is even better. Hubby obviously knows what he’s talking about because he and Bib communicate so much …

And now who’s talking about ‘new’ as if it’s a great thing?

——My husband does NOT have the Hard Core model, he has the “starter” model. I am getting the HC for him because he is very interested. And his communication with Bib came in the beginning when he had wrapping issues. I would hope that anyone on this forum who had difficulties with ANY method they use would communicate with the person from whom they got their product.

——-I’m sorry if I gave the impression that I think “new” is a bad thing. The original question was something along the lines of “a few years back the BIB was the “hot” product-why isn’t it anymore?” (REALLY bad paraphrase!) and my response was intended to point out our human nature to generally consider “new” to be better, or at least fascinating. I was NOT denigrating any thing or anybody-just making an observation about human nature. Or, at least that’s all I thought I was doing. That’s the problem with this method of communication; we cannot get “tone” or read expression, or instantly correct misconceptions.

Is your husband’s goal to hang heavy weight or get a big cock? Perhaps one can do the 2nd without doing the 1st? Why plan for heavy weight now? Is his heart set on it? Why?

——He believes he can achieve greater gains with higher weights. I haven’t quizzed him about why this is. And-he just LIKES what he’s using now.

If you can get results with 5 lbs do you really need 15 lbs? Just curious.

——I guess- because he can?:) !

My individual replies are inside the quote box-and I don’t know how to change that!

I really seem to have offended you, and for that I am truly sorry. Sorry for intruding upon an area about which you are extremely passionate, and I only had a once budding curiosity. I believe I will go back to that stack of books I’ve been wanting to read; when I disagree with them, there is no vitriol!

Last edited by intelligentlife : 11-20-2006 at .

Sorry-I ran out of editing time.

It’s been educational (on many levels) hanging out here-but I never wished to cause any bruised feelings. And, perhaps, there are NOT such feelings. But I don’t like feeling that I’ve offended people (unless that was my intent), and so- I wish you all well and good-bye!

I don’t think Mr. Happy bruises all that easily. Discussion frequently is sharp here - as long as it is about ideas and not the person proposing an idea.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by Tivase
In the forum area of his site, I found this:

So, I guess the question is: How long has it taken to have a product shipped from Monkeybar?


I ordered my vac-extender on a Saturday (I think) and got it the following Tuesday or Wednesday (not sure). Anyway, less than five days, and I live on the other side of the world from the US.

Quick delivery, in other words.

Originally Posted by Vaeltaya
I ordered my vac-extender on a Saturday (I think) and got it the following Tuesday or Wednesday (not sure). Anyway, less than five days, and I live on the other side of the world from the US.

Quick delivery, in other words.



That’s what I needed to know. Thank you, my friend!

Originally Posted by intelligentlife
It’s been educational (on many levels) hanging out here-but I never wished to cause any bruised feelings.

You’re very sensitive

Originally Posted by mgus
I don’t think Mr. Happy bruises all that easily.

Apparently I’m not so sensitive.

Originally Posted by mgus
Discussion frequently is sharp here - as long as it is about ideas and not the person proposing an idea.

For the record I was challenging the tone of her ideas - they seemed presented with a sensibility that makes the Bib reign supreme.

There are many who swear by the Bib. Fair enough.

But let’s not discount the innovative thinking behind the Vacu-hanger - it was not developed as a fad. It was designed to solve the problems of compression, and circulation. Which it does.

Perhaps intelligentlife is just enamored of her husband, trusts his judgment regarding his new-found hobby, and is a another satisfied customer of Bib’s customer service. That’s great.

But beyond a certain point it starts to sound like marketing. I’m bit wary of that.

Originally Posted by intelligentlife
And, perhaps, there are NOT such feelings. But I don’t like feeling that I’ve offended people (unless that was my intent), and so- I wish you all well and good-bye!

Scared off by only two of my posts?

That’s gotta be a record.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:


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