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Vacuhanger as ADS?

Vacuhanger as ADS?

Quick question: Is it possible to use a vacuhanger as an ADS with loose fitting clothes, or is it just too bulky?



Not to be flippant about this, but only you can say whether the Vac Hanger by MB is stealthy enough to not be an embarrassment for you.

I have a Vac Hanger by MB, and although I don’t use it as an ADS (nothing to do with stealth, I jut don’t ADS yet) it would seem too bulky for my preference unless I was mostly going to be around the house, with no scheduled guests while wearing fairly loose sweat pants and a shirt that I had un-tucked (if I was ADS’ing around the waist because of he lump near the pocket area).

All that said, there are probably more low-profile ADS systems available. Some guys make them, but for commercial this MB system seems to have promise. I don’t actually have it, but I considered it when buying the V Hanger. Maybe I will get it at another time.

I wear one also.

It depends on your body shape. Some guys can get away with wearing it, whereas for others it will create a very noticeable bump. This is a little more discreet.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Me, too, but I alternate with the AutoADS, which is a bit stealthier. I find it’s not so much the bulge but the length that I need to be aware of.

I’m 20 years old. I don’t wear tight fitting jeans. I use the Vacu-Hanger as an ADS 5 days a week. No one will ever notice it, unless you are wearing some very tight fitting pants. I usually wear jeans or sweatpants, and this thing is hidden behind both.


Current Stats, BPEL x EG (base): 6.5'' x 5''

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