Thunder's Place

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All Night ADS (ANS) Project

All Night ADS (ANS) Project

Of course, anyone would be insane to strap any PE device to his cock before drifting off for a night’s sleep. A central maxim of PE safety is to avoid circumstances in which you cannot directly supervise the condition of your dick while attached to any device.

Nevertheless, having tried Monkeybar’s vacuum hanger, I have been extremely tempted to wear it all night. It is just so damn comfortable, especially at ADS level forces.

I cannot always wear an ADS during the day. It cramps my style, to say the least. Nighttime ADS work would be a boon if it could be done safely. But it’s a big “if.”

The unusual characteristic of MB’s hanger, and any vacuum hanger for that matter, is that it applies seemingly negligible compression to the penis. It does not appear to cut off circulation at all. The slight vacuum at the glans when using the hanger as an ADS may even promote circulation.

This thread is entitled a “project” because I’m not about to strap an ADS to my dick for the night and then see if it’s still alive the next morning. I want to proceed with extreme caution. I would also like your input.

Have you ever used MB’s vacuum hanger as an ADS? How long have you worn it without interruption? If you’ve slept with it on, please fess up.

Also, please do not sleep with your ADS. I’m not asking anyone to try this for me. I simply want to explore and better understand the risks involved in long term use of this device, even while sleeping.

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Last edited by ModestoMan : 06-26-2006 at .


I would recommend the stretching force of the Night ADS should be “upwards” toward your head. In other words if your are lying on your back, the dick needs to be on your lower belly and pulled towards your head. This is because at night you will get an erection and your penis will get harmed if you are pulling your penis towards your knees like a conventional ADS.

Recommendation: an ADS like the Penimaster with the Vacuum head adjustment from MonkeyBar

Why? Because then you can put on a slight tension and aim it upwards.

Also maybe a pulley system that pulls your dick upwards toward your head and at a 45 degree angle from your belly. I believe this would be the safest way to accommodate the nightly erections.

All of this with the vacuum hanging equipment of course.

Also you should start with 3 hours only and move on from there.

I recommend 3 hours because I think I read somewhere here that nightly erections occur every 3 hours (But I’m not exactly sure).

Wake up after the 3 hours and release yourself. Then increase the time later.

You can train yourself to not move while sleeping and you can make such pulley system relatively easily.
That is what I would do if I had my own crib.

And forget trying to explain it to the girls you bring over. Just tell them that it is an exercise pulley for some physical therapy exercise for your shoulder that you have to do laying down on the bed.

What do you think?


I’m 2 weeks into hanging with Monkey’s vacuum hanger. I’m uncut so this hanger has been wonderful in comparison to for example The RediStretcher which by all means is a very good hanger but it hurts like hell already at 5 pounds. This due to the foreskin crawling up between the jaws.

Nothing like that happens wearing the vacuum hanger but I do have a massive fluid buildup. Even when wearing it as an ADS the top half of my glans gets swollen although not that bad. I believe a full nights sleep would be harmful but why not wear it for 1,5h at a time, set the alarm, take a leak, reattach then go back to sleep again? Our sleep is a series of 1,5h cycles which ends with a dream and we actually do awake at the end of each cycle but not completely, unless we need to go to the bathroom badly. That’s why I wake up 4-5 times per night for a piss. I drink a lot (liquid not alcohol :) )

Anyway, I’ve been wearing the hanger as an ADS for 2 hours without other problems then the fluid buildup. I guess that’s something I’ll have to live with. I’ve been thinking about a constriction type of thing for the glans only, it would help me a lot. How about that Monkeybar (guess you’ll be reading this thread) ? Anything you could design?


The erections occur at every sleep cycle during the dream phase. Erection is as you probably know a relaxation of muscles that in the flaccid state prevents the blood from entering the penis, not completely of course.

During the dream phase we are totally relaxed and can’t control our muscles at all except for the eyes and they do move a lot, hence the name for dream sleep, REM (Rapid Eye Movement). I’m not convinced that we get rock hard though so wearing the ADS might work anyway.

You know, I’ve actually put a bit of thought into this so I like to chime in when I see these threads.

We all know of the infamous passage in the Kama Sutra admonishing wasp stings. The interesting part is the penis dangling through a hole in the cot. I think that if there were some way to pump up your penis before sleep and keep it mildly pumped (perhaps via a very loose cockring) then that’s the best you’re going to get. Even then…you’re looking at a pretty dangerous level and something only extremely advanced PE’ers could even tolerate. Simply not worth it.

So please, kids, don’t try this at home.

As smart as you are contemplating this at night really says something about this product in terms of comfort. I guess I’m old school, seeing something that comfortable doing any good is a stretch. As soon as I see credible reports of gains I’ll probably purchase one, it seems like a step ahead.

From what I understand, if the build-up is only the tip of the glans then I don’t see the harm. I guess a blister would form?

My primary interest in the vacuum hanger is as an ADS/stretcher. The comfort is really amazing. So far, I’ve had no problems with fluid buildup at the levels of weight I use (typically about 3#).

I may have some time on Wednesday to wear the ADS for an 8 or 10 hour stretch—taking it off only for bathroom breaks. That will be a decent test of how well it performs over time.

Just because it’s comfortable as hell for 2 or 3 hours doesn’t mean it will be harmless for 8 or 9. Then there are the myriad other things to consider—like nocturnal erections, fluid buildup, rolling around in bed, pinching, etc.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Last edited by ModestoMan : 06-26-2006 at .

Modesto Man,I would never wear any device over night.However I am curious to see how your 8 to 10 hour experiment goes.If this pans out for you it is going to be the deciding factor in my purchasing this device.I’ve been hanging for a year now,with very minimal gains,only about 1/4 “BPEL.I hang with a wench which is comfortable enough for short time with low weight,but I don’t feel like I’m spending enough time hanging due to the fact that my penis gets very sore after three sets or so.I also have very bad discoloration from hanging and pumping.The color doesn’t bother me much,but I would really like to get more from my hanging sessions as I somewhat feel I’ve wasted the last year.In short,by all means let us know how your marathon day works out!:)

Chainz8: Don’t underestimate the value of jelqing. I think it’s an important part of any hanging regimen.

It recently came to my attention that that Bib, who is well known for his allegedly huge length gains, acknowledged jelqing 2 hours a day over the entire 19 months during which he claims to have gained 4.5” of length.

Any time I have gained length, jelqing has been at least one part of my routine. I have never gained from hanging alone, even with an ADS.

(I don’t recommend 2 hours of jelqing a day. 30 minutes is about the most I’ve ever done.)

Changing subjects, Monkeybar’s hanger went on in an ADS configuration precisely one hour ago. It’s still comfy as hell. My only complaint is that the skin on my knee is getting a little irritated by my home-made strap. Nothing a soft wash cloth can’t resolve.

I am “going for 8.” Hours that is. Potty breaks only. Will report back later.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Last edited by ModestoMan : 06-28-2006 at .

I’ve worn it during the day, with semi-hard tension up to 3-4 hrs at a stretch.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Good luck, MM!

chainz8 - MM is dead-on with the jelqing recommendation. I had good gains going with a combination of jelqing and hanging, but I started reducing the jelqing part and the gains stalled. As soon as I resumed jelqing, the gains continued.

5.5 Hours and All’s Well.

I took off the hanger only once for a piss break. I did a quick inspection (no problems) and had the hanger back on within 3 minutes.

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Do you have an estimate for how much tension you are using? Are you using the packaged tension equipment, and if not what does that part of your rig look like?

Originally Posted by chainz 8
Modesto Man,I would never wear any device over night.However I am curious to see how your 8 to 10 hour experiment goes.If this pans out for you it is going to be the deciding factor in my purchasing this device.I’ve been hanging for a year now,with very minimal gains,only about 1/4 “BPEL.I hang with a wench which is comfortable enough for short time with low weight,but I don’t feel like I’m spending enough time hanging due to the fact that my penis gets very sore after three sets or so.I also have very bad discoloration from hanging and pumping.The color doesn’t bother me much,but I would really like to get more from my hanging sessions as I somewhat feel I’ve wasted the last year.In short,by all means let us know how your marathon day works out!:)

chainz 8, since you already have a little discoloration from hanging maybe you should consider Clamping? If you don’t mind lots of discoloration but a huge fat dick with maybe even some length gains like I got then maybe this would be a good route for you? Of course BIB mentioned the rubber band theory with hanging (it’s better to hang first and get all your length gains then to get girth first for overall faster gains, but knowone knows for sure if this is true yet.) Just a few thoughts for you.

Originally Posted by slipstream

Do you have an estimate for how much tension you are using? Are you using the packaged tension equipment, and if not what does that part of your rig look like?

My guess is 2-4#. The rig is pretty simple. I’ve formed a small wire hook (using about 20 AWG solid hook-up wire) through the hole of MB’s glans cap. From there, I’ve run a pair of elastic bands down my leg to a velcro elbow wrap (Futuro Tennis Elbow Support ), which is strapped below my knee. I selected that wrap because it was soft, easy to apply, and had a padded plastic buckle that the velcro end feeds through.

The elastic bands are actually Trolling Snubbers that I purchased from Mack’s Lure, part number 88101. Xenolith gave me the idea to use these. Each snubber has a loop at one end and a hook at the other. I put the loops through the wire hook at the glans cap and wrap the hooks through the inside of the buckle of the elbow wrap. I pull each hook through the buckle, and close it around the stretchy part of the snubber.

The tension obviously varies as I change the angle of my knee. Straight legged is best. However, even when the elastic is lax, I still the benefit of the silicone sleeve, which IMO does a good job of keeping the penis extended all by itself.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Last edited by ModestoMan : 06-29-2006 at .
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