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All Night ADS (ANS) Project

BTW, I’m now coming up on 8 hours. I’ve had not pain or discomfort at all. In fact, I’ve just made an adjustment to tighten the elastic a bit, after discovering that the strap was looser than it needed to be. I’ll try to keep it on until at least 10 hours, unless I run into a problem.

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Mission Accomplished! 8 hours and all’s well. One potty break. That’s it.

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ModestoMan,how did your glans look at your last pee break? Any swelling or fluid? Love Machine thanks for the tips.I experimented a little with clamping but nothing serious.I do jelq a bit after my hanging sessions,but just five minutes or so to get everything moving again.I stopped doing a solid jelq routine because it looked like girth was gonna be fairly easy for me to get ,and I didn’t want to hamper my length goals.

Awesome! Now, I need to find 8 hours of privacy. ;)

Thanks for the details on your tension rig. I PM’d you about a funny detail, but in general this is very similar to my setup. I use a standard webbing strap around my leg below the knee through which I run a couple mini-bungees. The hooks on those are attached four holes I’ve drilled around the edge of a cable clamp. I’ve been using a simplified wenchette thing since I gave up on my homemade vacuum hanger. Once I get the symbian liners to use as sleeves, I’m going to go back to trying that again. I’ll have to try those snubbers, too.

chainz8 - I meant to add in my earlier message that my discoloration is also relieved to a large extent when I jelq. I’m more bronze colored than I used to be, but the purple bruising almost completely disappears. I dry jelq, but I don’t know if that makes a difference or not.


I hate to put you on the spot but do you think you can hang 10 lbs. for an hour with it? Have you felt any soreness in the ab area yet?

Originally Posted by chainz 8

ModestoMan,how did your glans look at your last pee break? Any swelling or fluid?

The last pee break was 7 hours ago. My glans looked fine—normal. No swelling or fluid.

I up’d the tension about 2 hours ago, and I’m still cruising on this thing. I’ll probably take it off when my wife gets home—in about an hour. Then I’ll report back.

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Originally Posted by Mr. Nine


I hate to put you on the spot but do you think you can hang 10 lbs. for an hour with it? Have you felt any soreness in the ab area yet?

The most I ever hanged with this thing was 8# for about 40 minutes. My glans looked a little puffy after that, but it recovered after an hour or so.

Other than as an ADS, I’ve never hanged SD or BTC with MB’s hanger, so I’ve never had an opportunity to feel any ab soreness.

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Mr. Nine,

You just caused me to have a brain fart. I’ve always thought that ab soreness was beside the point for PE, just a regrettable side effect of SD and BTC hanging.

Now, I think it may be more than that. I’m thinking that ligament fibers extending down the dorsal side of the shaft may actually originate in the abdominal fascia. I guess I’ve read that before (that the fundiform lig springs from the fibers of the linea alba), but I’ve never thought much if it.

Could it be that, by pulling down the fibers from our abs, were actually drawing down tissue to our penises, thereby lengthing them?

Let me put it this way. Have you noticed whether your navel had dropped in lockstep with the increase in your dick length?


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Originally Posted by ModestoMan
Let me put it this way. Have you noticed whether your navel had dropped in lockstep with the increase in your dick length?

I remember something about that from an exchange between remek and xeno here, and you and remek here.

I’m going out now, so I finally took off the hanger. My glans is slightly puffy. I attribute this primarily to the fact that I increased tension at around 4pm.

I felt no pain or discomfort, and my dick still looks very healthy (slight puffiness aside).

Total time in hanger: 10 Hours, 50 minutes.

Only one 2-3 minute bathroom break.

Overall, this experiment has been a great success.

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Congratulations on the success of you experiment MM.I doubt I would ever have ten hours to dedicate to hanging at one time,but it’s comforting to know that it can be done.I guess the next step for me is to order a vac hanger.Slipstream,thanks for the input.When I do a healthy jelq session,my unit returns about 90% to it’s original color which was always slightly darker than the rest of me.Unfortunately,after a half hour or so it returns.But as I said I don’t do a full jelq routine anymore,just a quick one at the end of my session.I think it’s time I brought it back into the mix.

ADS work, not hanging. We’re talking 2-4# here.

The hanger’s been off for about 2 hours now. The glans is back to normal, but I still have a wee bit of puffiness between my circ scar and glans.

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ModestoMan I understand what your doing,just used the wrong terminology.I am looking forward to giving the vacuum hanger a try.Both as an ADS and a hanger.

I did this with a home made vacuum ads for a period. Using it around 8 hours every day gave me a small rash like spot on my glans. I figured it was because of the moist, dead air inside the vacuum cap. Since it was a home made device, a dish glove was used for a seal. This makes it important to wet the glans and the inside of the seal for when it is time to take the ads off.

Anyway, just giving a heads up to look for skin trouble if you are planning to do this over a longer period of time. Might not be the case since water is not needed for anti friction measure with the production model that you are using.


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