Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

All Night ADS (ANS) Project

No. I’ve lost length since the end of my last gains campaign, which was about 3 months ago. I took a couple of months off to address my discoloration, during which time I dropped back about 1/4”. So far, I have not been able to reclaim that 1/4”.

This raises an interesting point about IPR protocol. With so little I-phase work, how does one cement one’s gains? Are they supposed to reappear quickly upon beginning the next round of PE? So far, it hasn’t happened that way for me, but I’m still hopeful.

My IPR routine is posted in my progress thread here.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

I thought that I should let you know that I wore a HTW (Element model you mentioned having) as an ANS. This felt very safe to me. I found that rolling it over a spent toilet paper roll (twice) helped get it on quickly and nicely. I hung with it also, with some improved comfort aspects.


Any of the htw’s are good for ADS/ANS. I’m using a Conair Pony Wrap because two layers of that is pretty stiff.

This is actually part of a post that I put in a different thread but I thought this would be very relevant:

I have also been experimenting with using the vacu-hanger as an all night stretcher. I have attached a 2.5lb weight to some latex surgical tubing. I hang the weight over the end of the bed, stretch the tubing up to my vacu-hanger and attach it with a hook. The weight establishes the maximum stretching force, and the latex tubing allows for quite a bit of movement without causing any significant change in the amount of force applied to the penis, kind of like a shock absorber or something. So far I have gone up to 4 hours with no swelling or other problems. I’m slowly working towards a full night with it.

Cool dwade let us know how things go for you with the Vacu-Hanger as a ANS. Be careful of though.

Originally Posted by dwade7551
This is actually part of a post that I put in a different thread but I thought this would be very relevant:

I have also been experimenting with using the vacu-hanger as an all night stretcher. I have attached a 2.5lb weight to some latex surgical tubing. I hang the weight over the end of the bed, stretch the tubing up to my vacu-hanger and attach it with a hook. The weight establishes the maximum stretching force, and the latex tubing allows for quite a bit of movement without causing any significant change in the amount of force applied to the penis, kind of like a shock absorber or something. So far I have gone up to 4 hours with no swelling or other problems. I’m slowly working towards a full night with it.

Be careful man, and keep us updated.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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Originally Posted by dwade7551
This is actually part of a post that I put in a different thread but I thought this would be very relevant:

I have also been experimenting with using the vacu-hanger as an all night stretcher. I have attached a 2.5lb weight to some latex surgical tubing. I hang the weight over the end of the bed, stretch the tubing up to my vacu-hanger and attach it with a hook. The weight establishes the maximum stretching force, and the latex tubing allows for quite a bit of movement without causing any significant change in the amount of force applied to the penis, kind of like a shock absorber or something. So far I have gone up to 4 hours with no swelling or other problems. I’m slowly working towards a full night with it.

We might as well define a new term here called something like ANH (All Night Hanging) the inverse of ADH (All Day Hanging) for people who have the balls to attempt this. ANS to me is different then ANH because with ANS you are using what we call a stretcher device (i.e. golf/pe-weights, legstrap ADS, traction/extender stretcher) compared to how one would half to litterly attach a weight and dangle it over some part of the bed to achieve hanging with whatever hanger.

Anyone trying what I call ANH would be very smart to take extreme caution when beginning this PE technique. They also should ouvisouly start with low weights and low amounts of sleep time to begin with when doing ANH.

Maybe a new thread on ANH sometime would be nice to have for people expiermenting with this specialized form of PE?

Sorry that I can’t comment more with details (I’m a marketer, too much risk if I condone anything) - Do not wear any device when sleeping - too risky, even for very experienced with amazing conditioning.

In my opinion, there’s no break or decon with ADS/ANS. The ADS/ANS is permanent and should be used at all stage of your routine - there’s no break from this.

MM, you are entitled to VacExtender (beta group). The smaller cylinder will help you with your experiment as its less intrusive and bit more versatile. You may need to go get some thin elastic string from the fabric store - all you need is about 1/2-1lb to keep it in extended state without restricting anything and 1-2lb at all other time (all you are trying to do is keep slight longer than your natural stretch).

I mean “should” be used. One of the thing that always surprise me about ADS is how much tension is used from the start. Thats not the purpose - rather its function is to extended healing or constant stretching (specifically for tunica stretching as ligs require more force). As you get use to the general idea - the force could be increased when you reached certain stage or resistant point. This increase in force could be minimized with heavier hanging every other day.

When I say you have to wear this all the time - I mean all the time and should become part of daily routine (like putting on a watch). Remember, I never did heavy hanging (moderate force yes) and this worked for me - quite a bit, albeat over a longer period. Think of it this way - hang a 5oz weight on your earlobe for 6 months to a year. At certain stage, your lobe will be stretched and reach a resistant point (ever seen hug lobe with giant ring in it?). Once resistant point is reached - increase the force for next stage. Again, this resistant could be alleviated by supplementing with heavier hanging - which at that point is extended healing only.

I also do think that deconditioning should be carefully considered. Unless you are a heavy PE’er - the lack of gain is due to not enough PE’ing, not because you did too much. Again, this is just an observation and my opinion, but 1-3 hours per day is not enough. I could be wrong as everyone is different.

Lastly, in regard to erect gain. I do think that concentrating on the tunica is important in this aspect as stretching of the cellular structure seem to be only way to make gains on erect length. The lig stretching is fine to get the burried stuff out - giving you a appearance of longer length, but not a true gain. Again, I could be wrong.

Just an update for everyone regarding my use of the vacu-hanger and the surgical tubing. I haven’t yet attempted to sleep all night with the device, but using the surgical tubing makes it very convenient for watching tv on the couch, or in bed. I just place the weights over the end of the couch, or the end of the bed and forget about them. I have gone as as long a 4 hours at a stretch with no problems. As soon as I can find my ruler I will do an update on any gains I have made, but my wife swears that they have accelerated. BTW I’m very lucky, my wife is very supportive of what I’m doing. The last time I checked I was hovering right under 6.75” BPEL. That was back in April. I’m hoping to get to 7” by the end of the year.

I did an over night hang last night for about 5hrs. I’m not sure why people are doing it the way they are but what I did was put on my vac hanger and took some surgical tubing and tied the ends together to make a big circle. I put this around my neck and clamped it to my vac hanger. I only used enough to keep it extended an not able to retract. With this strait up pull when I got an erection at night all it did was reduce the pull of the tubing. I think anyone doing this overnight would be smart to hang in an upward direction.

I would be afraid to be in contact with so much latex over a long period of time. I heard you can develop an allergy to it that way. If I’m wrong someone please correct me, but I’m pretty sure about this.


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