Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ligaments Shmigaments: The way to stretch?!

Originally Posted by remek
What about shunica? ;)
My next title:
Tunica Shunica: The biological armor we must crack?!

Maybe Shmoonica would be better? Tunica Shmoonica?

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by remek

More on this. I’m not the one that realized we aren’t making a whole lot of “real penis gains” when we stretch the ligaments. Modesto pointed it out in a one-on-one verbal brawl we were having in the Testing the LOT theory thread. He’s the genius ;)

Genius, shminius ;)

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.


I’m not a big gainer, but approximately 1” BPEL from lig stretching alone. Exit point lowered noticeably but not dramatically; hard to say by how much. Not sure about NBPEL gains BTW.

I’m not subscribing to a general “shaft growth is all we want” approach. Certainly, shaft stretching has - as explained here - potential beyond that of lig stretching, but depending on the position, some or most of the lig inch can be missing in action. I’m also pleased with the hung appearance from stretched lig shmigs.


I’m at 2” of BPEL gains. I don’t know where my BPFSL glans tip extended to relative to my navel (a stable datum) prior to beginning PE, but I do remember it being at 0.5” below the lower perimeter of my 0.5” diameter navel at some point after I’d already made some BPEL gains. How much of those gains were shaft sourced and how much where lig sourced, including those that I now believe were “phantom” gains from datum relocation, I can’t say, but the tip of my glans now reaches 0.25” beyond the upper perimeter of my navel. It reaches to the lower perimeter of my navel when erect.

My “equilibrium” BPFSL has always exceeded my BPEL by 0.75”. In accordance with my understanding of penile anatomy, and, I believe in accordance with LOT Hypothesis, all of the 1.25” of my BPFSL gains, and therefore, based on my observation of a uniform relationship between my BPFSL and BPEL, an equivalent amount of my BPEL gains that I’ve observed relative to my navel, are shaft derived gains.

That leaves 0.75” of length gains, both (BPFSL and BPEL), unaccounted for. I really don’t have any way of evaluating what proportion of that figure is attributable to lig sourced gains, datum relocation or shaft gains. I’m fairly sure that my glans tip reached to even lower than 0.5” below the lower perimeter of my navel…for the sake of discussion, lets say that it started out at 0.25” lower than I remember measuring, 0.75” below. That leaves a remainder of 0.5” of length gains to be distributed between lig gains and datum relocation. Based on Modesto’s relationship that relates length gains to shaft relocation relative to the PS of: PSG*(1-cos(theta)), “where PSG is the amount of shaft peeled from the face of the PS and theta is the angle of the shaft before lig stretching”, approximating my pre PE shaft exit angle (theta) (relative to horizontal) of 45 degrees and assuming a ‘medial’ value for PSG of 0.75”, an erect gain of approximately 0.2” is indicated, suggesting a datum relocation of approximately 0.3”. So, in terms of “insertable” length gains, I may have gained more like 1.7”.

Its worth noting that at some point early in my PE career, I asked Bigger about his “lig” and “tunica” gains. This would have been well over a year ago, but I distinctly recall him stating that his glans tip extended to 2” above his navel. What’s less clear is what he stated about the position of his glans tip relative to his navel before starting PE. I seem to recall him saying that it was 1” below. If we assume that my fuzzy recollection is accurate and further assume that Bigger has a 0.5” diameter navel, then his experience with respect to “lig” gains, may be similar, if not equivalent, to mine, depending on his total gains…I forget if he gained 4.0” or 4.5” BPEL. If it’s the former, then there’s 0.5” of BPEL to account for, which presumably can be done in much the same way that I’ve accounted for my missing 0.5”. If it’s the latter, well, then, IMO, one has to presume that his glans tip started out at more like 1.5” below. At least thats the most reasonable explanation to me.

Grist for the mill.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by mravg
Maybe Shmoonica would be better? Tunica Shmoonica?

That is way better. ;) See, this place is filled with geniuses.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by Ideal
I’m not subscribing to a general “shaft growth is all we want” approach. Certainly, shaft stretching has - as explained here - potential beyond that of lig stretching, but depending on the position, some or most of the lig inch can be missing in action. I’m also pleased with the hung appearance from stretched lig shmigs.

This is surely the truth. Although the NBPEL gains from lig stretching aren’t visible, they can surely be useable in certain positions. And to some people, an inch is an inch - whether it is visible or not.

My advice is still the same: hit it all. Get the shaft gains and the lig gains. At this point, there is no evidence supporting we should hit one target.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by xenolith
I don’t know where my BPFSL glans tip extended to relative to my navel (a stable datum) prior to beginning PE, but I do remember it being at 0.5” below the lower perimeter of my 0.5” diameter navel at some point after I’d already made some BPEL gains.

First off excellent explanation. Secondly, and this is only half joking, in the past two years, my ass, stomach, hair, erection angle and jowls (among other things) have all dropped. Has your navel remained in the same place?

Originally Posted by xenolith
I’m at 2” of BPEL gains. I don’t know where my BPFSL glans tip extended to relative to my navel (a stable datum) prior to beginning PE, but I do remember it being at 0.5” below the lower perimeter of my 0.5” diameter navel at some point after I’d already made some BPEL gains. How much of those gains were shaft sourced and how much where lig sourced, including those that I now believe were “phantom” gains from datum relocation, I can’t say, but the tip of my glans now reaches 0.25” beyond the upper perimeter of my navel. It reaches to the lower perimeter of my navel when erect.

My “equilibrium” BPFSL has always exceeded my BPEL by 0.75”. In accordance with my understanding of penile anatomy, and, I believe in accordance with LOT Hypothesis, all of the 1.25” of my BPFSL gains, and therefore, based on my observation of a uniform relationship between my BPFSL and BPEL, an equivalent amount of my BPEL gains that I’ve observed relative to my navel, are shaft derived gains.

That leaves 0.75” of length gains, both (BPFSL and BPEL), unaccounted for. I really don’t have any way of evaluating what proportion of that figure is attributable to lig sourced gains, datum relocation or shaft gains. I’m fairly sure that my glans tip reached to even lower than 0.5” below the lower perimeter of my navel…for the sake of discussion, lets say that it started out at 0.25” lower than I remember measuring, 0.75” below. That leaves a remainder of 0.5” of length gains to be distributed between lig gains and datum relocation. Based on Modesto’s relationship that relates length gains to shaft relocation relative to the PS of: PSG*(1-cos(theta)), “where PSG is the amount of shaft peeled from the face of the PS and theta is the angle of the shaft before lig stretching”, approximating my pre PE shaft exit angle (theta) (relative to horizontal) of 45 degrees and assuming a ‘medial’ value for PSG of 0.75”, an erect gain of approximately 0.2” is indicated, suggesting a datum relocation of approximately 0.3”. So, in terms of “insertable” length gains, I may have gained more like 1.7”.

Its worth noting that at some point early in my PE career, I asked Bigger about his “lig” and “tunica” gains. This would have been well over a year ago, but I distinctly recall him stating that his glans tip extended to 2” above his navel. What’s less clear is what he stated about the position of his glans tip relative to his navel before starting PE. I seem to recall him saying that it was 1” below. If we assume that my fuzzy recollection is accurate and further assume that Bigger has a 0.5” diameter navel, then his experience with respect to “lig” gains, may be similar, if not equivalent, to mine, depending on his total gains…I forget if he gained 4.0” or 4.5” BPEL. If it’s the former, then there’s 0.5” of BPEL to account for, which presumably can be done in much the same way that I’ve accounted for my missing 0.5”. If it’s the latter, well, then, IMO, one has to presume that his glans tip started out at more like 1.5” below. At least thats the most reasonable explanation to me.

Grist for the mill.


In an essence you know that you gained 1.25 inches of shaft growth. The other .75 (which can be rounded out to .5 because you didn’t measure the tip of your glans to the navel until later in your PE carrer) is unaccounted for.
So, in simplest form:
1.25 inches of shaft growth
.75 (or .5) inches of unaccounted for growth, which might be “lig growth.”

Bib gained 4.5 inches. I remember him telling me the same (that his glan tip extended 2” above his naval.)

Hence, both of the above examples (xeno and Bib), point to the idea that shaft growth produced more results than lig growth. Very interesting.

Thanks for the info xeno! If I decoded any of the above wrong, just let me know ;)

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

:) . Great question manage. Two lines of evidence suggest that it has. The first is that my BPFSL glans tip location changes relative to my navel have correlated very well with my BPFSL gains. The second, which provides an even more quantitative frame of reference, I’d rather not talk about. Sorry.

Did you ever make that solder based CC manage?

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Last edited by xenolith : 03-22-2006 at .

Yep, you got it right rem. And you’re very welcome. I’m happy to contribute grist to the PE thought mill. I think it’s worth noting that, as I indicated, as based on my ‘belief’, which admittedly is less robust than my ‘measurement’, regarding the source of my length gains prior to first measuring my BPFSL glans tip to navel relations, I’m confident in restricting the magnitude of “might be lig growth” to 0.5”, and, as indicated by analysis using Modesto’s method (which effectively accounts for datum relocation based ‘phantom gains’), something like 0.2” is more likely. My gut sense is that the actual value is between these two figures.

FWIW, my fastest post newbie period length (during which I believe, for most, both lig and shaft based gains are made) growth phase was one of heavy BTC hanging. Go figure.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by xenolith

Did you ever make that solder based CC manage?

Yes as a matter of fact I did. Sorry for not posting it.

I just got off the shelf precut shrink tubing and stuffed them with lengths of solder slightly shorter than the tubing, and shrunk the ends. Have to wear 4 of them for a half pound, but as a stretcher they work pretty good, and are wearable under most pants.. I think that your idea was much better for attaining more weight. Even when hanging, I only use 2-5 pounds.

Best regards

Originally Posted by remek

Hence, both of the above examples (xeno and Bib), point to the idea that shaft growth produced more results than lig growth. Very interesting.

Bib also said that he gained 2 inches by lig work, may be 2.5 inches, it was not always clear.

Simon, the implication is that Bigger may have made shaft gains by doing lig work, and, in accordance with (his) LOT Hypothesis, erroneously attributed those gains to lig growth.

In short, “lig work” may not yield “lig gains”, but rather shaft gains. That’s the conclusion that my, and based on my and rem’s recollection of Bigger’s statements, Bigger’s data suggest.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Last edited by xenolith : 03-22-2006 at .

Originally Posted by xenolith
Simon, the implication is that Bigger may have made shaft gains by doing lig work, and, in accordance with (his) LOT Hypothesis, erroneously attributed those gains to lig growth.

In short, “lig work” may not yield “lig gains”, but rather shaft gains. That’s the conclusion that my, and based on my and rem’s recollection of Bigger’s statements, Bigger’s data suggest.

Ok, I see.
It might be interesting to know then, that Bib did 80% of his hanging efforts in btc or downward position.

Originally Posted by SimonClass
It might be interesting to know then, that Bib did 80% of his hanging efforts in btc or downward position.

Right. About the same percentage would apply to my BTC/SD hanging as well. I followed the “Bigger method” for quite some time.

Interesting indeed. And when considered in combination with the glans:navel relocation data, extremely heuristic with respect to where length gains are sourced.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama


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