Thunder's Place

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Ligaments Shmigaments: The way to stretch?!

Ligaments Shmigaments: The way to stretch?!

It is pretty much conventional wisdom here that the ligaments are the best way to make gains. Where this idea came from, I don’t know. But everyone seems to pass it on as the truth. Even I instruct newbies to start stretching at lower angles.

Modesto recently made a recent comment on ligament stretching. In an essence, he said:

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
Another thing to note is that the amount one can hope to gain by moving the attachment point on the PS from Hi to Lo is actually not that great, since the PS is angled at about 45-degrees. For example, if you move your attachment point back 1” along the PS, the penis only extends out 0.3” further at 9 o’clock.

This is because the attachment point moves back 0.707” further inside the body. Therefore, the 1” of movement along the PS buys you only 1”-0.707” = 0.3-ish inches of additional horizontal extension.

However, one may measure more than this using the BPEL technique, since the ruler can be applied lower on the pubic bone and thus can be pushed in further. This is why I think all BPEL measurements should be made from the most forward point of the pubic bone.

Basically, if you don’t know this already, the idea of stretching the ligaments is to lower the exit point and bring the inner penis to “outer penis.”
However, the pubic bone is at a weird angle. It isn’t flat like one would assume. It is at a 45 degree angle, like this picture: IRcruraAP.JPG

Therefore, Modesto is suggesting that when you lower your exit point (by lig stretching), you aren’t getting all the gains you would think. First, since your exit point is lower you can push the ruler in further. If you don’t understand this, look at the picture above and imagine pushing in the ruler at the top of the pubic bone. Now imagine pushing it in at the bottom of the pubic bone. You will have a much bigger fat pad at the bottom then you will at the top. Thus, your gains of ligament stretching will be mostly BPEL, rather than NBPEL.

This all seems find and dandy. In fact, a few men claim they have made small BPEL gains, but not NBPEL gains. This might be ligament gains; who knows.

However, I put a little more thought into something I overlooked for so long. The ligament theory requires the exit point to be lowered. Substantially lower if you make big lig gains. Basically, your whole package should be much lower than it originally was if you made big ligament gains. How often does this happen?!? To be honest, I’m not sure. I haven’t noticed my exit point being lowered at all. I think that if ligament stretching caused big gains, then a lot of men would be discussing their lower exit points.

This brings me to my question, (this is especially important for you big gainers), have you noticed a lower exit point since you started PEing? If so, how much?

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by remek

have you noticed a lower exit point since you started PEing? If so, how much?

Yes! Not by much tho… I’d guesstimate about a quarter of an inch - but then that’s within the ‘normal’ range of uncertainty I feel.

Life is not a rehearsal... we only get one go at it so make sure it's worthwhile!

Started 12 Sep 2005 BPEL=5.75" EG=4.7" Current 19 Apr 2006 (7 months) BPEL=+0.8" EG=+0.4" :up:

my stats

Mine has been lower since I started PEing, at times. But it seems to vary… it’s very strange. I definetly couldn’t give a consistent and reliable answer, I aplogize.

2005 - BPEL 6.0"x MSEG 4.5" (BEG 4.75"/HEG 4.625")

2010 - BPEL 8.0"x MSEG 5.75" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 5.875")

Goal - BPEL 9.0"x MSEG 6.5" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 6.75")

Originally Posted by keraunophile
Yes! Not by much tho… I’d guesstimate about a quarter of an inch - but then that’s within the ‘normal’ range of uncertainty I feel.

Interesting. Your stats say you have gained .7 inches. So in an essence, you would guess your exit point lowered approximately 1/3rd of your length gains.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by theskyisthelimit
Mine has been lower since I started PEing, at times. But it seems to vary… it’s very strange. I definetly couldn’t give a consistent and reliable answer, I aplogize.

Hmm, do your length gains vary a lot too? How about in accordance with your exit point?

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson


So does this mean we should focus on stretching the tunica (i.e., upward stretching)?

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

If stretching the ligs lowered the entire male genitalia, then wouldn’t cutting the ligs also(penis lengthening surgery). Wouldnt someone who has had their ligs cut be the best example of this. If someone has had their ligs cut and also practiced weight hanging, but the penis remained in the same position, then I would say merely stretching the ligs would not cause the penis to drop. However if the penis did drop from cutting the ligs then chances are stretching them will have the same affect.

This is just my opinion.

Originally Posted by SmileyDog
If stretching the ligs lowered the entire male genitalia, then wouldn’t cutting the ligs also(penis lengthening surgery). Wouldnt someone who has had their ligs cut be the best example of this. If someone has had their ligs cut and also practiced weight hanging, but the penis remained in the same position, then I would say merely stretching the ligs would not cause the penis to drop. However if the penis did drop from cutting the ligs then chances are stretching them will have the same affect.

This is just my opinion.

From the selective surgical procedure articles I have read, the best gains come from those people who hang weights afterwards. I believe the average gain from cutting the ligs isn’t much if weights aren’t used afterwards (less than an inch, or around that ball park I think). Maybe the surgery entices true ligament gains, and the hanging keeps the ligaments stretch and causes the penis to stretch too. As far as my eyes can see, I don’t think it’s possible to make gigantic gains from ligament stretching. You only have so much ligs.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by quik4life

So does this mean we should focus on stretching the tunica (i.e., upward stretching)?


One would assume so. At this point I am not in the position to make any claims yet. I am simply advocating that I think that only focusing on the ligaments might be a bad thing. I am doing a lot of research at the moment, and hopefully I will strike some gold. But for now, what I recommend is stretching in all directions equally. Hit it all. Personally, I like the rotating stretches.

I would also recommend “dual fulcrum stretches,” for an intense penis only stretch.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by remek

From the selective surgical procedure articles I have read, the best gains come from those people who hang weights afterwards. I believe the average gain from cutting the ligs isn’t much if weights aren’t used afterwards (less than an inch, or around that ball park I think). Maybe the surgery entices true ligament gains, and the hanging keeps the ligaments stretch and causes the penis to stretch too. As far as my eyes can see, I don’t think it’s possible to make gigantic gains from ligament stretching. You only have so much ligs.

I don’t quite understand what you are trying to say. I thought we were talking about the entire penis dropping in relation to its attachment point. Besides that, surgery doesnt increase erect length at all without weights. In fact if you don’t hang weights after surgery I’m pretty sure you will lose some erect length.

As far as hitting different angles I believe you are absolutely right. I didnt make a single gain until I started doing both upward and downward angles. And whenever I hang straight down, I always swing the weight in a circle to stretch as many sides as possible.

A little more clarification quik,

Personally, although I am not at liberty to state this as fact, I am beginning to believe that ligament stretching isn’t the easiest way to make gains. So, in an essence, yes I think focusing on the shaft (the tunica, if you will), is the best way to go. It is quite clear that the ligament gains are very limited, and maybe even much more limited then we perceive them to be. And as I stated in my first post, the gains aren’t even gains. They are BPEL gains. Sure, if you push against your woman with enough force they will work, but they won’t be as visually pleasing.

But, like I stated above, you might not want to give up on the ligaments either. Although, it doesn’t appear to be the best source of gains, it surely provides a little bit (such as the quarter of an inch one guy noted above). Thus, I am giving you the same answer: Hit it all, but focus more on the tunica. That is what I am going to do.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by SmileyDog
I thought we were talking about the entire penis dropping in relation to its attachment point.

This is exactly what ligament gains do (in theory). What I am saying is that the hanging (which is required after surgery), might do more penis/tunica stretching than ligament stretching.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by remek
This is exactly what ligament gains do (in theory). What I am saying is that the hanging (which is required after surgery), might do more penis/tunica stretching than ligament stretching.


This is a very interesting look at stretching but if what you say is found to be true, then what in your own opinion, would be an ideal tunicae only exercise/s?

I experiment with exercises like v-stretches & inverted v-stretches, would these exercises be as effective as an only tunicae stretch exrecise? It would be very interesting to get your opinion on this.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention Remek.

- Lee Beast


The besat tunica exercises are the ones in which you stretch upwards. The higher up you stretch, the more stress is focused on the inner penis. I actually have stumbled upo a very good inner penis stretch. I don’t know if it holds any merit, but I sure as hell feel the fatigue. I will post this stretch later this week — probably tomorrow.

Advanced tunica stretches include A-stretches (aka inverted V-stretches) that are pointed towards the ceiling. You will really feel the tunica stretch on with these. Any type of variation stretch that stretches upward works good on the tunica/inner penis.

For an actual shaft stretch, I have found that the double stretch/dual fulcrum stretch works best.
The Double stretch. has many names. They are commonly known as Dual fulcrum stretches. Call it what you want, I don’t care. The point is it stretches the penis/the tunica very well (and the skin too). To do this, grab your penis an inch below the glans and stretch outward with one hand.
With the other hand grab the penis an inch above base and stretch inward (i.e. towards your pubic bone).
Basically, you are are stretching outward with one hand and inward with the other hand. This provides an amazing stretch along the penis (especially in the areas between the two hands). Even more so, where the two stretches meet there will be great tension (and great traction — what we are aiming for when stretching). I do this stretch for 1 minute for a total of 5 sets. Again, 5 minutes of total Double stretch time.

I have created my own variation of this stretch. I call it the Rotating Double stretch. This is an advanced variation so wait at least 2-4 weeks before adapting to it. Again, the quicker you move up, the more liable to injury you are, and the less chance of gaining you will have.

Basically, do a rotating stretch while doing the double stretch.

Hope it helps.

- remek

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

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