Thunder's Place

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Ligaments Shmigaments: The way to stretch?!

Originally Posted by xenolith
Simon, the implication is that Bigger may have made shaft gains by doing lig work, and, in accordance with (his) LOT Hypothesis, erroneously attributed those gains to lig growth.

In short, “lig work” may not yield “lig gains”, but rather shaft gains. That’s the conclusion that my, and based on my and rem’s recollection of Bigger’s statements, Bigger’s data suggest.

Here is a relevant quote from Bib’s History Thread:

Originally Posted by Bib
I also know that my head used to be well below my navel when laying down and erect. Possibly 2-3 inches below. Now it is a couple inches above my navel. If all gains were from lig stretch, I don’t think this would be possible. Unless penis inside the body was pulled “out” which allowed it to go “up” further when laying down. There may be some truth to that but I don’t think very much.

This quote suggests that all of Bib’s 4.5” of BPEL gains were attributable to shaft growth, not lig stretching. It is not clear to me that he recognizes this, however, since earlier in the same post he writes,

Originally Posted by Bib
Where it exited my body was several inches away from the “base” or the prostate. Now it is what I consider normal. It exits much lower, only a couple inches from the prostate.

I know that I had good early gains from this ligament stretch; from everything being pulled down and out of my body. If I had to estimate, I would say around two inches.

Maybe I’m being overly critical or cynical, but I frankly find this strange. It sounds like he’s saying he gained 4-5” from tunica stretching (based on the change in position of his glans with respect to his navel), and also gained “around two inches” by lig stretching. It seems as if he thought his lig gains were IN ADDITION TO his tunica gains because he makes a point of saying how much lower his unit is (now only a couple of inches from his prostate, compared to several).

The suggestion here is that Bib gained closer to 6 or 7 inches: 4-5 inches of shaft growth plus 2 or so inches by lowering his exit point. Not to hijack this thread, but the numbers don’t add up and it seems his account cannot be relied upon.

Since Bib isn’t here to clear things up, perhaps it’s better if we put his history back on the shelf and focus on our own experiences, which are more verifiable.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Very interesting stuff Modesto. Thanks very much for tracking it down.

I agree that further understanding will be best served by focusing on the experiences of those here to report them. I guess I’ve volunteered to be first in that regard. Next…?

I suggest that we start recording 12:00 oriented S(stomach)PEL and S(stomach)PFSL measurements (word up newbs) in order to get a handle on the magnitude of shaft sourced gains. I’ll leave it to you shminiuses to figure out whether the magnitude of datum relocation can be derived from SPFSL and BPFSL measurements :) .

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

I’ll leave it to one of the other shminiuses to invent a tape measure that can be stuffed up one’s ass. Maybe we can agree on a ASEL measurement (ass-stuffed erect length).

On second thought, the ass probably moves around. I can hear the arguments already. Was that measured before or after you took a shit? Enquiring minds want to know.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

I suppose Bib’s account might hold up if he measured consistently at 9:00. Then, one could surmise that all of his gains were tunica gains and the lowering of his exit point added little or nothing to his BPEL measurement.

In other words, maybe Bib’s account actually confirms the hypothesis that lig stretching does not produce much in the way of BPEL gains, even when lig stretching is taken to the extreme.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

Where’s Langemann when you need him?

ROFL. Langemann was way before his time.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
I’ll leave it to one of the other shminiuses to invent a tape measure that can be stuffed up one’s ass. Maybe we can agree on a ASEL measurement (ass-stuffed erect length).

On second thought, the ass probably moves around. I can hear the arguments already. Was that measured before or after you took a shit? Enquiring minds want to know.

Nice would be a carefully selected group of fuck dolls with bending joints (and why not rotating) + lube + 1 table tennis ball + 1 flexible ruler.
Run a poll on the most popular positions.
Action please.

While perfectly arguable how representative of women a group of dolls can be, “Real dolls” might come close. The whole pack could set us back a house and a car, but I do believe one can get some fairly adequate EL measurements to show for it.

Originally Posted by xenolith
I suggest that we start recording 12:00 oriented S(stomach)PEL and S(stomach)PFSL measurements (word up newbs) in order to get a handle on the magnitude of shaft sourced gains.

Sounds like a good idea.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson


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