>1. hang 20# for entire set. usually move up 1.25# each week. have never had any much soreness, no pain, no discoloration, no trauma. started bpel 5.75” now 7.375” measured on top of erect penis. usually hang 7 days/week now.<
Damn! Those are some really good gains, especially coupled with little soreness. The easy answer to your previous posts question is, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. And brother, yours ain’t broke. At some point, you will probably begin to have regular soreness as you move up. You will reach a weight that gives fatigue, and hopefully continues the gains, and you will remain at that weight for a while.
If I understand correctly, you have been hanging less than four months? That is a better rate of gain than I had. Please recognize the risks as you move up in weight.
>2. work tunica only as i want to maintain my nearly straight out erection.<
If your erection is straight out now, I doubt that a little SO or BTC hanging will affect it much if any. However, read the answer to #1 again. Only if/when you plateau, you might think about it.
>3. worked girth along with length and gained quite a bit at base but only .375 mid-shaft. erect girth now 5.75” mid-shaft.<
That is great that you have gained significant mid shaft girth while gaining that much length. Do you plan on continueing this approach? I guess the better question is, at some point will you stop length gains and concentrate on girth?
>4. have not tried DLD Blasters but do ‘hump and hold’ while hanging ots (over the head in my case). <
At some point, you might want to try the blasters. Of course, read #1 again.