Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Weight Question

Weight Question

Hi guy thanks again for a great site! But I have a question how Important do you think weight loss Is to a PE program I am very over weight and I’m losing weight any way for health reasons but should I hold off on PEing until I lose weight? Thanks again have a great day

What are your measurements?

How much do you weigh?

How tall are you?

Sorry newme :wave:
That was a bit insensitive.
I see now that you said you are “very overweight”.

I would suggest not putting too many things on your plate at once. If you have your weightloss routine down and are ready to start something new then go for it.

Newbie routine

I don’t see any reason to hold off PE while losing weight. Personally I like to change lots of things in my life at once when I decide it’s time for a change of direction as they seem to support each other. If you’re significantly overweight then you may have a couple of inches waiting to come into view anyway, and PE will only make it more so. Not wanting to set great expectations, but say you were in a position to lose 2” of fat pad and add 1” with PE over the next 18 months (pure speculation as I don’t know your situation), It’s not beyond the realms of imagination that a person could actually double their usable length! Was it Bib who said he made some of his best gains while on a diet?

Hey newme, there’s no reason not to start them at the same time. I started a weight loss regime a couple of years ago when I first discovered PE. Learning about PE and wanting to change my dick size actually had a lot to do with finally getting me to the point of committing to the weight loss. I started both (seriously) around the same time and totally committed myself to the goals I set in both areas. Well, over 2 years later my dick is 2” longer BP, and nearly 3” nbp due to the weight loss and smaller fat pad. And like Slack said, I noticed other benefits right away like increased blood flow which definitely helped PE.

WOW thanks for All the advice I’ll keep all you guys posted

Yeah, PE is a total trip. It has had a tremendous positive effect on my life. Just as a few examples, I have quit drinking mostly (only every once in a while), PE being part of the motivation for that. I drink more water now, I don’t have any fear of some chick seeing my flaccid dick or anyone anymore (I used to have one of those acorn flaccids, which really pissed me off and made me a bit shy when it came to that subject), flaccid is alaways hanging now at 5.6-6.1 every day. Erect gains, a little girth. I’m more confident in general now (hate to say it but I think having a bigger dick somehow does help the self-esteem and am not ashamed to admit it anymore).This has all happend since when I started PE pretty almost every day since last Febuary 2005.

I bet a lot of people that find out about this and laugh at the people here don’t know how complex and real PE really is and how much there is to do and learn when you PE. They probaly think just a bunch of freaks tugging on there cocks, how pathetic. But if they look close enough and growup they would see how mature, lively, and intelligent this little community is and it is not a bunch of freaks tugging on there dicks all day (depending on your viewpoint I guess ;) ). I was suprised to find every type of person you can imagine here, people with wives and kids, people who GFs, people who don’t, people who are gay, people who are depressed, people are lonely and need a little help with there size down there, and this place is the cure! Long live PE!

Last edited by LoveMachine : 08-25-2005 at .
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