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Wench users: Skin shaft sensitivity. Help.

Wench users: Skin shaft sensitivity. Help.

Ok. I’ve had it. This is it. This week coming up is finals week, so I called in for work today and tomm. Figured, hey, I’ll get in alot of study time and alot of hanging time too (which I did, 6 sets today). BUT, the shaft skin sensitivity was ENORMOUS. I seriously don’t know how to get past this. I am thinking of taking a break for around 4 days to let the skin hopefully ‘heal’ and get tougher. This seriously has the potential to make me never wanna hang again it’s that bad. Any other Wench user experience this!? PLEASE tell me how to get past this. What, use some kind of lotion or a diff. wrap, what!?!?! And please don’t advise me to get a Bib. As much as I want one, my living situation right now is not conducive to me buying a commericial hanger. PLEASE HELP!!!

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

What are you using for a wrap now? Do you have some kind of a rash? Is your skin rubbed raw?

For my inner wrap I am using a Johnson and Johnson product for which no name is on it. It’s very soft and can be all too easily ripped. Kind of a light brownish material. Don’t know how else to describe it. And then for my outer wrap, I am using ACE self adhesive wrap. I don’t have a rash. Rubbed raw. I’ve never heard of that before so I don’t know what it means, but I suppose it’s a possibility. Do you use the Wench Gprent? Thanks for responding so quickly, I wish others would as well.

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

I’m not a hanger, but I have read a lot of their threads. I know theraband is the recommended wrap and I saw doing a search that you were looking for theraband as well.

I am thinking, that while you take some time off to heal up, you can find a store that sells theraband. Maybe you can even buy it on-line. Just google theraband and see what you find.

Yea, I think I’ll try the time off. Hopefully it will heal. So, what is “rubbed raw”?

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

Come on guys, please respond! I’m looking for a solution that will prevent me from having to take the next 3 or 4 days off! Help out please!

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

Did you ever scratch an itch so bad that the area turned pink and even started to bleed? That’s what rubbed raw means.

So you say you will try to take the time to heal, but not as long as 3 to 4 days?

Have you tried positioning the Wench and the clamp closer to the base where the skin is tougher and/or away from the sensitive area?

Unfortunately, you are using the same wrapping materials I do. An Ace sports underwrap ( thin foam ) and Ace self-adhesive bandage on top of that. I had no problems with that when I did hang with the Wench for a few weeks. I wonder if you are using enough wrap. Also, use an Aloe-Vera w/ Vitamin E type of lotion during and after hanging sessions until the sensitivity goes away. I am assuming the sensitivity comes from the area being rubbed raw.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG


I often forget just how sensitive I myself am to textured (cloth) wraps. The only thing I use is straight Theraband - as it is completely devoid of texture. I have never used anything that even came close to this stuff for comfort.
Your post just reminded me of my own wrap angst when I first began hanging: My skin hated everything except Theraband.

The link Gprent provided might just be your saving grace.


Originally Posted by chickenchoker
Did you ever scratch an itch so bad that the area turned pink and even started to bleed? That’s what rubbed raw means.

So you say you will try to take the time to heal, but not as long as 3 to 4 days?

Have you tried positioning the Wench and the clamp closer to the base where the skin is tougher and/or away from the sensitive area?

Unfortunately, you are using the same wrapping materials I do. An Ace sports underwrap ( thin foam ) and Ace self-adhesive bandage on top of that. I had no problems with that when I did hang with the Wench for a few weeks. I wonder if you are using enough wrap. Also, use an Aloe-Vera w/ Vitamin E type of lotion during and after hanging sessions until the sensitivity goes away. I am assuming the sensitivity comes from the area being rubbed raw.

Yea, I don’t want to take the 3 or 4 days off because I have been on a no rest day schedule and I really don’t want to give my ligs the opportunity to complete heal and retract.

Hmm, I could position the Wench closer to the base but that would mean I would have to cut a new piece of nylon loop to be long enough to get to my head so I can hang of it.

Wow, you had no problems and you were using the same materials as me? What was the maximum weight you hung with the Wench? Perhaps I will try using more underwrap like you suggest. I’ll also use the lotion. Thanks alot for responding to this ChickenChoker. You’ve helped alot.

And no, I have never scratched an itch so bad that the area turned pink! Hahahhaha, yet another advantage of being black. No pink! Lmao.

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

Originally Posted by CaptnHook

I often forget just how sensitive I myself am to textured (cloth) wraps. The only thing I use is straight Theraband - as it is completely devoid of texture. I have never used anything that even came close to this stuff for comfort.
Your post just reminded me of my own wrap angst when I first began hanging: My skin hated everything except Theraband.

The link Gprent provided might just be your saving grace.


Yea, your intuition says that cloth wraps should be nice and gentle, but they are amazingly not. So you use no underwrap at all Cap? Just THeraband? Hmm, I have to get me some of that stuff. How many pounds are you hanging off the Wench now Cap?

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

Originally Posted by Alrdybig
What was the maximum weight you hung with the Wench?

about 8 lbs.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

I’m of the mind that if skin irritation due to wrapping materials is your only problem you should directly address that, and not invite other/further complications by altering placement of the device.

Theraband has a property that interacts perfectly with my skin. I even warm it with my rice sock before wrapping and it sort of moulds itself to my shaft - as well as provide a nice internal warm up. It is washable and adding a light dusting of talc prevents it from sticking to the skin when you unwrap (though, even talc irritates me so I almost never do this).

>How many pounds are you hanging off the Wench now Cap?<

I thought I had stopped hanging because I met and cemented my length goal - but I have been testing out a new hanger I designed and am loving it so much that I have to admit now: I’m back in the game.
When I was hanging with the Wench I was up to 15 lbs (17lbs as a test) but usually hovered between 7.5 - 12 lbs. I never needed much more than that to gain.
I was planning on building a CCH3 this weekend but I got sidetracked. I still use the Wench when I’m jonesing for a day of ADS.

i use a small baby sock with the foot part cut off and ACE self adhesive wrap.

I position the sock so that the “cuff” part is just touching the bottom of my glans and start my wrap there as well. I find that the only setback i experience on occasion is a small bubble of fluid where the wench squeezes the head.

I am hanging 12.5lb SO with no problems with skin irritation. here is a post of an image of what i started doing with Theraband and a baby sock so you can see.
I have since developed on this method and am able to wrap quite loosely and still manage to maintain good pressure.

Thanks alot for all the advice guys. Yesterday I hung 3 sets again as usual. I took some of CC’s advice and wrapped the area that was sensitive with a little more underwrap, and I also globbed my penile shaft in lotion just before I put on the wraps and the Wench. On the first step, I noticed some slippage, probably because I put on too much lotion, BUT there was absolutely no pain coming from the skin. Pretty nice actually. So on my second set, I put less lotion on and went for five cable clamp clicks instead of four. I got the extra strength needed to do this by putting my unit and the cable clamp between my legs and using my hands as a conduit of power for my leg power (or specifically, thigh power). When I was all done, I looked at my unit and noticed the shaft was peeling. Just like dry skin does everywhere else on your body, probably as a result of the lotion. So I scratched some dead skin off and scrub it off this morning in the shower. Thanks for the help guys! Ohh, and Cap, I’m definently gonna get me some Thera.

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

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