Thunder's Place

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What is considered a "Big Head"?


What is considered a "Big Head"?

I have been getting the head pretty engorged during my BIB Hanger sessions. I recently measured the head after hanging and it seemed huge to me (that shiny stretched to the max look). It measured 6.5”. I will have to measure it when it has not been expanded by hanging and see what it is. My mid-shaft erect girth is about 5.75”.

What I don’t know is what is a “big head” measurment. We have all this info on length and girth (base, mid-shaft, etc.) but I don’t remember seeing anything on Head size. I recall “Uli” said his head was 9.0”, which is amazing, but what is normal, big, small, etc?

Any help?


Tough to say, really.

I’ll speculate that everone is a bit different as far as shape goes. Pretty hard to measure, too. I guess you just find tubes of different size and try to see which one you can cram your cockhead into. Once you cannot do this and have to move to a larger size, you will have gained. Can’t really see using a tape measure to do this very easily and I have tried…the coronal ridge always presents a problem there. If I recall correctly, it was a fella named Alcatraz who claimed his head was “nearly nine inches around at the meatus”, which causes some anatomical confusion for me, provided I recall correctly. At any rate, regardless of where that girth is, that’s damn nearly the size of a beer can. Folks requested a photo in disbelief, but never got one. One can assume some guys just have a more readily expandable head than others. I too, noticed the head getting engorged during hanging sessions. Especially in the early experiments and over-wrapping sessions. Oddly enough, that amounts to a 15 pound “uli” for twenty minutes and although it wasn’t intended to increase head size, the head did not appear to get much bigger normally, if at all. Hence, I don’t do “ulis” anymore…can’t really see them working to any great effect on me. I have since used less wrap and less blood in the head and found greater confort at higher weights for longer, multi-session hangs. Sorry to ramble. groa


It was Uli with the beer can meatus, Alcatraz just reposted his routine after one of the many troll attacks wiped out the original.

I have managed to get my head up to where it is almost the same girth as the shaft. I started out with it being at least 3/8” smaller on corona. As you say, it is hard to measure the thing. I mainly did the sadsak head exercise to increase the head size, ever since I started PE. Also did some pumping with all but the head covered by a latex sleeve, don’t know if this helped or not.

Would still like it to be a little larger than shaft and will keep trying to make it that way. Going to do some wrapping after this experiment thing is over with.

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what’s the sadsak head excercise?


Like a, more like a squeeze....

Hey Bebop,
Welcome aboard. The sadsak head ex is an exercise from the Big Penis site. Not wanting to piss the people at BP off (I do that enough already), I’ll see if I can find it in “public” and post a link.


Fourth reply in thread, poster is goodthang.

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Last edited by ThunderSS : 10-22-2001 at .

measuring the Head

I agree it is tough to measure the head. My method is to measure around th ridge. This means I am not measuring solely perpendicular to the body (like one would do when measuring girth of the shaft). It is not a perfect measuring method, but will be able to show me if I get gains, which is all that matters. I found it very interesting that Bigger said that the part of the head he noticed growing was the underside (close to the pee-hole). I laugh becasue I did notice a kinda “butt” appearance to this part of the head while engorged from hanging.

Anyone else know what I am talking about?

By the way, this forum is now my favorite, great people here!!!



I noticed exactly what you are speaking of from hanging. Seems that occurs at what looks like a transition point between the CS and glans. Technically, its the same part of anatomy (CS/glans), but that one area seems more sensitive to swell or stretch. I suspect it may well have been due to my placement of the hanger and wrap on different occasions, as their was more exposed at the far end of the hanger and allowed blood to pool-up under pressure. Never had this from the wrap alone which is typically (for me) used far down near the base. The previous effect makes a good case for the “uli thing” or “exuli” with a Bib, but have yet to try that. Gonna try the mild pressure, long term, full shaft stuff for a while first. groa

Jeez, 6.5?? I’d say anything over 5” for head size would be big. My glans is slightly smaller maybe by 1/2” or slightly more in girth than the rest of my penis and I’d like to eventually increase that size to about the same or maybe slightly larger than the shaft.



You understand the way I am measuring though right? I wrap the tape around the ridge of the head. My head is shaped so that the underside is further up the shaft then the top side. Does that make sense? So that really I am measuring somewhat diagonaly to the penis. Does that make sense?

Really, I am just trying to get a good baseline for my measuring so that I can tell if I get any growth. I am still hoping to someday get to your impressive 7.5” length. I’m 1/2” behind you, but hoping the BIB Hanger will help close the gap… LOL. Since getting my Bib Hanger in July, I have gotten much more into the PE again. Really want to get to the 8” goal with a nice full flaccid dick also.


Yea man I understand how youre measuring. Havent measured the head of mine yet. GOOD LUCK catching up to me !! LOL, I dont mind the competition…but, like I said good luck. I’m getting help directly from the MAN BIB himself so I can wear my stretcher 8 or 9 (maybe more?) hours a day. I’m also gonna give that girth wrapping an honest shot starting tomorrow. That should be fun!

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
This is my favorite forum too(‘course I’m a little prejudiced). Great bunch of guys! We need to get more members and some of the current members to post.

I have mentioned occasionally without data to back my statement up, that it seems that there might be a relationship between the volume of posts a member makes over time and their gains.

I say this to newbies who are struggling and losing interest after months of PE yet have only posted a couple of times.

It would be useful to have correlative data to prove my hypothesis one way or the other.

A poll maybe?

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

I have always been interested in glans specific exercises and wonder if anyone is or was doing a successful glans specific routine.

I also wonder if a glans specific routine can be used side by side with a regular PE routine without affecting gains or is it one or the other?

Mems routine, in the jelqing part you incorporate sadsaks slinkys which targets the head and corona, blowing it up like nobodies business+ it makes your unit hang extra fat and low when finishing.

Originally Posted by a-unit

Just kidding, a-unit. :p

If you’re serious, I might try fetching that data and going over it. :)

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

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