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Why am I not feeling as much fatigue, although I increased the weight?

Why am I not feeling as much fatigue, although I increased the weight?

Currently I VAChang two hours daily, split into 1 hour sets. Usually one in the morning and one in the evening, no days off.

For the past month I’ve been hanging with 3500g/7.71lbs and feeling good fatigue and stretch as soon as I started hanging.

After the sensations stopped, I thought it was time to increase the weight and one month would on average be the time I spent on a given weight before moving on.

I would usually increase the weight with 125g/0.275lbs increments to milk it out as much as I could, however increasing it did nothing.

I then increased with an additional 125g/0.275lbs, so I’m now working with 3750g/8.26lbs. However the fatigue/stretch I feel is still quite limited.

I want to avoid jumping much higher than necessary in weight due to hitting the limits of VAC hangers sooner or later and increasing the risk of getting blisters.

I currently tripple layer tape with 3M micropore tape and wear a glans cap on top. Once I reach the 4000g/8.81lbs mark I plan to quadruple tape. 1 vertical, 1 horizontal and 1 diagonally going from left to right and vice versa.

Every other day I would also perform a 5 x 5 min double cable clamp prior to my 1st hanging sessions as shockloading and to work on girth gains.

Please chime in.

Should I increase the weight even more?
Should I at this point just invest in an compression hanger as blisters and VAC hanger limits are inevitable?

What I suggest instead of increasing weight, you should increase sets. If you can afford more time try adding more sets, if you can not do more sets I suggest you add a fulcrum. Which adds a new intensity without adding more weight. I definitely suggest you drop the weight when trying a fulcrum. After you milked the weight with the fulcrum then I would add weight. I would just rinse and repeat, Normal hanging sessions as long as possible, fulcrum sessions as long as possible and then add weight.

A fulcrum is a slim rod you lay on your thighs and drape your Dick over it creating a bend in your Dick with the rod. You can do straight down hangs or over the shoulder hangs. Just either have the Dick over the rod for SD, or rod over the Dick for OTS

What happens with weight is if you climb too fast, you enter a retraction state which basically means no matter what weight you choose your body’s natural response is fighting it. But I don’t think that’s your issue, it’s normal for the body to get use to that weight. However if you are gaining I wouldn’t increase the weight no matter what you are feeling.

I have been hanging for 10 years and made a lot of trial and errors over the years.

Last edited by MagerHang : 03-29-2021 at .

I could technically do more sets, but I rather avoid it. I already feel it takes a lot of my time to hang 14 hours per week.

I have no experience with fulcrums, how much should i reduce the weight if I try that?

Can you do fulcrums while seated?

All my hanging sets are divided into 30 min at the edge of an office chair first then 30 min standing.


I am only 8 or so weeks into my first go at hanging, so maybe not the best person to respond. What do you feel when hanging? Only recently I got my setup correct and when I am doing this I feel and internal stretch right up to almost my bellybutton. Do you feel anything similar? I am only doing BTC with a compression hanger at the minute with 4.5 kg weight. I also have a tender spot slightly above my penis which I assume is from hanging and the result of deformation. Do you have anything like this?

Edit. I meant to add, if you lean your body back while doing BTC do you feel the stretch then? I find I fatigue quicker sitting like that.

I do a couple of things that I believe could create lig fatigue faster (and with less weight).

1. Relax while hanging, if you feel that your body is tense in the lower back region (while doing BTC), try to relax that area. Relaxing this region will put more stress on the ligs.

2. While laying straight in BTC, put you feet on a pillow to increase the angle. Another way is to bend your legs slightly.

3. If doing BTC, be sure to use a hard surface (I use a chair) for your ass so the BTC angle is optimal. If hanging from a bed (without a wood frame) you will need 10-15% more weight to reach fatigue (my own experience).

4. Swinging the weights for a couple of minutes.

5. Constant heat.

6. Try UTL for the first set, (reduce weight) concentrate the lig stress on one side at a time.

7. Do stretching between the sets.

You have time on your side while doing VAC-hanging. With a compressing based hanger I reached my first real fatigue zone at 18-22 lbs (in less than 20 minutes). I stayed in this weight zone for almost 10 months. However, with 14 lbs and 40-60 minutes, there should be fatigue for a lot of guys.

All of the above relate to ligament fatigue. When it comes to tunica fatigue it’s probably easier (with less weight) with the use of fulcrums. But I shouldn’t go into this in detail (none or little experience).

Also have any measurements increased, specifically BPFSL? From advice around here it is good to measure that before and after hanging, gives you and indicator on how the stretch worked.

Sorry for not responding in a while, yes you can sit down and do fulcrums hanging. I would start at 2-3 lbs and go from there. I can’t suggest a weight because everyone is different.

But use your best judgment for adding weight.

I wouldn’t do any swinging with weights, I know it’s been passed around here, but I have noticed that it makes my body fight the weights and causes my penis to retract.

I can’t remember the article where I read about refractory response but it’s the natural bodies defense to protect its sex organ, so it doesn’t fall off or get amputated.

A fulcrum is just a slim rod to create bend in your penis while you are hanging. Sitting down is the best position for this.

Did you try doing manuals (by hand) before hanging? That might help accelerate the fatigue so your hanging weight on the vacuum hanger will feel like something again. Like you might bench press 135x10 fresh and it would feel too light. But if you bench press 155 to failure, then 135 will feel heavier again on your next set.

To do manuals in SD angles or lower, I found it helps to lay down with pillows under my back, so my hands can reach down more easily.

Last edited by PE Guy : 04-06-2021 at . Reason: added something to paragraph 1
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