Yep, I think maybe I'm a fast gainer - bowflex hanging
Started May 1st, 2008 with starting stats of 6NBPEL, 6.8BPEL and 5.75 EG as of yesterday, I am now 7.4BPEL and 6.0EG. .6 inches in EL gain. (Maybe more as I think I was generous in my initial measurements, and stringent in my current measurements.) .6 inches in length in about 4 1/2 months with several weeks off during the summer.
Must state that I’ve been diligent in putting the time in and voracious in my readings from fellow Pe’ers here.
I was originally just doing the X4 extender with some stretches and jelqs, but just received monkeybars vachanger, ads and antiturtle sleeve last week. Part of my incentive to start hanging was that I happen to have a bowflex in the garage ( bought used off Craigslist for $200) and heard several reports about hanging off this.
Must state that this is a great arrangement. I can pull at all sorts of different angles, and can easily change weights. I put the TV on in the background and hang away, taking a break during commercials. Am not yet sure what angles or weights or lengths of time I should be doing as the bowflex system gives a much different pull sensation than regular weights and unsure what a 10 or 15 pound bowflex pull compares to with a free weight. But is certainly much lighter.
Am concerned about what weights I can safely use with the vac-hanger, and what durations to avoid the dreaded fluid buildup. Am also wondering what angles would be best. You can do a BTC pull where everything is pulling directly backward that seems to give a great lig stretch. I’m feeling achings in my pelvis that I never felt before.
Any fellow bowflex hangers with any tips or suggestions, give me a shout. Thanks.