Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

YO Bigger


YO Bigger

Well, up to 22 1/2 lbs. Usually 3 sets SO and 4 sets OTL(2 each leg) a day.

Still no gains in EL. Appears to have a slightly longer flaccid hang.

My question is I’ve been reading about taking time off to rest to allow deconditioning. 3-6 weeks seems to be the recommended time period. Did you take time off or did you just keep upping the weight? I’ve got 8 months now with no length gains, although my girth has increased slightly. I’m holding off any specific girth exercises until I reach 7”, which at this rate will be 2050.



Please give me some more information. What is your LOT? What are you attempting to work on, tunica or ligs. You seem to be in the midrange hanging SO and OTL. Why not BTC or OTS?

I never took off time to decondition. First, I only had a couple of plateaus, and they did not last too long. Second, the deconditioning theory was not around when I was hanging. So yes, I simply continued to increase the weight as I made better hangers, and could tolerate it.

Deconditioning is an option. I would think six weeks would be sufficient. But first, I would like to review your PE strategy. Exactly what you are attempting to do, and how are you attempting to do it.


My LOT is 8:30-9.
I Started hanging with 2 1/2 lbs. 7 months ago SD and BTC, working up to 17 1/2 lbs. With no gains I decided to attack the tunica with SO, fulcrum, and OTL hanging. I’ve been using these angles for the past month and have worked up to 22 1/2 lbs. In OTL I finally am feeling a defiant pull on my inner shaft(in my penis) and I’ve noticed a slightly longer flaccid hang, but no EL gain. I’ve also started wearing a ballzinger in the past month and maybe the slightly longer flaccid is attributable to it.

I’ve tried OTS and it’s very uncomfortable with the weight hanging on my shoulder(even heavily padded) I could attach a J hook in the ceiling to suspend the weight and, true, that would be a straight up hang, but I’ve been getting a, maybe, 70 degree straight up hang with the method I use now.

I swear I must have a steel dick. My gal is constantly telling me how hard my dick is, if she only knew!!


OK, at 8:30-9 on your LOT, try to go back to BTC for a month or two. You may not be able to hang that 22.5 lbs at first, but attempt to consistantly fatigue your ligs, and hang at lower weights in the fatigued state, for at least a couple months. If that does not get the gains restarted, then you can think about a deconditioning break.


Will do.



I am taking a break right now, but the last time I checked my lot it was about 8:30 to 9-ish, too. If I remember correctly, the LOT theory is: Below 9 o’clock, focus on upper angles. Above 9 o’clock, focus on lower angles.

I was thinking that since 8:30 to 9 o’clock is either right at the determining point, to not significantly below 9 o’clock, that a hanger could attack both upper and lower angles. I say this in the context of having enough time to exhaust/ fatigue several angles per day.

My situation would allow me the freedom and privacy to hang as much as needed or wanted. And my thought is that, being right around 9 o’clock, would allow tunica and lig gains simultaneously, without erection angle changing significantly every few months.

Also, based on reading the Hanger’s forum, it seems that lig gains are easier than tunica gains. So it would seem that a never ending attack on the tougher tunica would be beneficial. While, at the same time, fatiguing ligs would keep them from becoming a limiting factor.

So what do you think? A good idea, or a foolish interpretation that taints the attack of either angle enough to render them both ineffective?


>If I remember correctly, the LOT theory is: Below 9 o’clock, focus on upper angles. Above 9 o’clock, focus on lower angles.<

I would say most, if not all guys have the potential for gains from lig stretch with LOTS all the way down to 6-7. That is the way it seems from the data. Of course much data has shown that the LOT can fairly easily rise also. I would say at 8:30-9, you should really hit the BTC angle.

>I was thinking that since 8:30 to 9 o’clock is either right at the determining point, to not significantly below 9 o’clock, that a hanger could attack both upper and lower angles. I say this in the context of having enough time to exhaust/ fatigue several angles per day.<

I agree that if you had enough time, and were able to handle the stress at the attachment point, this might be posible. But given the parameters of hanging, I think that the minimum amount of time for hanging to be effective at any one dedicated angle would be a couple weeks. These tissues are not easy to stretch and deform. For many guys, I am sure it takes days just to get to the fatigue point. Once there, they should ride the fatigue for as many days as possible. I hung from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. It was tough to totally fatigue the tissues at any one angle, much less all the ligs or tunica. However, I did have secondary angles when hanging. But it was usually SO.

>My situation would allow me the freedom and privacy to hang as much as needed or wanted. And my thought is that, being right around 9 o’clock, would allow tunica and lig gains simultaneously, without erection angle changing significantly every few months.<

It might work for you, simply given the amount of time you have to invest. But you should at least have a primary goal, you are working toward, lengthening tunica or ligs, and the secondary as a backup. Then try to make SURE you work the primary tissues to fatigue every day, and hang in the fatigued state as much as possible, till you just can’t anymore. Then go to your secondary tissues.

>Also, based on reading the Hanger’s forum, it seems that lig gains are easier than tunica gains. So it would seem that a never ending attack on the tougher tunica would be beneficial. While, at the same time, fatiguing ligs would keep them from becoming a limiting factor.<

I think there is also merit in letting the inner tunica rest and decondition for a couple months while working on ligs, and letting the ligs decondition for a couple months while working on the inner tunica. But you are correct, when attacking the tunica, it takes dedication at the SO to OTS angles.

>So what do you think? A good idea, or a foolish interpretation that taints the attack of either angle enough to render them both ineffective?<

My stance from the very first time I strapped on a plate was always ‘divide and conquer’. I realized that the tissues involved were much too tough to make a change by trying to make them all submit at the same time. Dangerous also. Much better to make them all submit one set at a time. Skin first, then the ligs and outer tunica, then inner tunica using concentrated angles. Finally, top it off with some girth. I tried to always have a strategy for attaining my goals, but also a plan and the techniques to get there. I was not always successful, but much of the time I did ok.

I guess my point is; you will probably be fine hitting everything at once, if you pay close attention, realize what you are doing by your actions, what is happening to you at any one time, and the proper actions to take given the input you receive from your body. But I would not recommend hitting all the tissues for most guys.`Just be really careful.


>”I would say most, if not all guys have the potential for gains from lig stretch with LOTS all the way down to 6-7. That is the way it seems from the data.”<

Wow, so at what LOT would one focus solely on tunica work? Only 6 even?

So let me get this right, and repeat it for my own edification: you’re saying if you are anything above six go for lig gains, and for 6 even go for tunica. Right?

My LOT is 6 even.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


>So let me get this right, and repeat it for my own edification: you’re saying if you are anything above six go for lig gains, and for 6 even go for tunica. Right?<

That is considering you are still gaining as you move down to 6-7. If you know you are getting a good stretch, reaching fatigue in the ligs, etc., but you are not gaining for a month or two, then switch to the upper angles for a while, and give the ligs a break. It works the other way concerning the tunica also.



bbs beat me to my follow up question. I was going to ask at which point an angle change was absolutely necessary? Essentially what bbs asked.

So outside of the ‘no gains for a period of time’ means of deciding when to change angles, the multi-angle approach might be beneficial.

I thought of the multi-angle approach for two reasons:

1) Finding an exact LOT isn’t easy. It might just be me, but finding an unequivocal LOT is next to impossible.

2) Hanging in two primary directions sort of mirrors the newbie ‘stretch in five directions’ manual routine.

Of course it’s necessary to have enough time per day to take this approach. And as you said, one specific angle should be the focus, then switch to the angle that is a lesser priority.

I assume when you said that ‘trying to make all the tissues submit at once was dangerous’, referred to extreme overload at once?

Also, I read that when you decided to focus on girth, you took the EU approach. If you remember, how long did it take you to reach your girth goal after you began to focus on it?


>I assume when you said that ‘trying to make all the tissues submit at once was dangerous’, referred to extreme overload at once?<

Yes. Injury.

>Also, I read that when you decided to focus on girth, you took the EU approach. If you remember, how long did it take you to reach your girth goal after you began to focus on it?<

I believe about 18 months.


Hey guys I got a few questions after reading this post. What is the difference between the inner tunica and outer tunica? How would you stretch each one? Also, what is the EU approach?


Since I may have partially ‘talked this question up’, I’ll answer, thereby saving Bib the time to answer questions only he can answer.

>>What is the difference between the inner tunica and outer tunica?<<

It’s the same connective tissue that encases the CC’s and CS (the spongy tissues that engorge with blood to create an erection). The outer tunica is the portion that forms your shaft, from the pubic bone to the glans. The inner tunica is the portion of your penis from the anus to the point that it exists the body, at the pubic bone.

>>How would you stretch each one?<<

The outer tunica can be stretched at any angle, including SD and BTC. To stress the inner tunica, OTS and SO are the necessary angles.

>>Also, what is the EU approach?<<

EU’s are extreme Uli’s if I remember correctly. It’s a girth technique. I don’t have any personal experience with them beyond definition alone, since I am focused on length at the present time.

And bbs,

Long time, no talk to. What’s up man/cousin/homey (which ever is most used around your way)?

Thank’s anon, great explanation.


Great job, thanks.


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