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A Homemade Pump. Yes a Pump, not a cylinder.

A Homemade Pump. Yes a Pump, not a cylinder.

Having never pumped before, and never having done ANY other kind of PE before, I am trying to “figure out” or visualize a little something here.

How does an electric pump “stop” when it gets up to pressure (vacuum)?

I can see how this is acomplished with a hand pump… the operator just stops pumping.

But how does this happen with an electric pump, or other types? Does the motor just shutoff? Does an “air vent” open up to hold the vacuum steady, while the motor keeps running? I suspect the former, but I’m just not clear on it for sure.

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All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins

No takers?

Let me rephrase. How does an electric keep the vacuum hg “steady” inside the tube? By alternately turning on when the vacuum gets low and turning off when the vacuum gets high? Or some other way?

You have a machine capable of going up to 20 in hg, or whatever… it cannot just keep running and running or it would suck your dick off! How does it regulate itself to keep the vacuum where you want it? Pretty simple question, at least I thought… anybody?

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All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins

A vacuum regulator will provide an adjustable, automatic limit. A valve (needle or ball type) will provide an adjustable, manual limit. The pump keeps working the entire time. Pulsing the pump on/off can be done but requires a bit more equipment.


How good are those milk-pump things you have mentioned? Pictures I’ve seen show they have like five hose attachments coming out of them. How hard are they to hook up and get working? I’m torn between one of those or just a regular electric one. I’m trying to understand the theory a little better, but haven’t found any “plans” or schematics that explain how to hook them up.

I don’t know what I’d do with something that has five hoses coming off of it, well actually I do have quite a wild imagination, err, hmm I’m sure I could think up something, I mean, uhh… :)

Do you know anywhere that goes into how they work a little? Do you just block off some of the hose outlets and ignore them?

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All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins

Are you talking about a cow milking machine ? That won’t do what you want it to do if you’re comparing it to the kind of penis pumping we discuss here at Thunder’s Place. It’s a pulsing vacuum that moves a sleeve over the teat. I’d imagine they’re quite expensive, too.

Electric pumps for penis pumping deliver a constant, and usually high, vacuum that is regulated by bleeding in some air until the desired vacuum level is reached. As xaxxat said, that’s done via a valve that you manually set while watching a gauge. There are threads here about the electric pumps. Search for “CTC” which is a popular brand.

The Pulsator is basically a Suck-and-Release device. You plug up all the suction ports except the one in the rear and one in the front. The device cycled about 40 times a minute. It is powered by a constant vacuum source. It works well with a tube. You can find a rebuilt one Ebay for about $40-50. The receptacle Westla talks about can be either “milker shell” with a liner or one that is made from PVC pipe and a bicycle inner tube. The shell is masturbation device. It gives the feeling of being sucked and fucked at the same time.

If you’re looking for a cheap constant vacuum source, a vacuum pump out of a refrigerator or air conditioner will work just fine. You can often get them free from an appliance store that keeps it junk in the back. These pumps pull up 25” in a second or so. They’re also fairly quiet. Add a needle or ball valve (the needle has finer adjustments) and a guage and you’re in business.

Ok, cool xaxxat! All I’m after is a good pump for PE. The pulsation thing might be good for blood flow, that’s why I was looking at it. Have you had any experience with it, would it be better than a constant vacuum? Or just a personal preference thing? Have you tried both kinds?

Ball valves and needle valves… home depot? Auto parts store?

Interesting note:
I found some vacuum pumps at W. W. Grainger website that look suspiciously similar to the ones now being sold by Boston Pump company… for about half the price. One has 1/4” fittings, and one has 3/8” fittings. That was where my thinking was going a whole back (unless the pulsator is better somehow) What size tubing is standard for using on pumping cylinders?

Sorry for all the stupid questions, but why make mistakes if I can learn something and avoid it, eh? :nodding:

Thanks again

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All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins

I have a setup that allows for both constant and pulsation suction. I really, really do like the pulsation. I’m currently building a new setup that will give a better release. My old set maintains a slight vacuum during the release phase. I rarely use the pneumatic pulsator anymore. The one I use now is an electricaly operated one (a solenoid type). The pneumatic pulsator would be the one to start with. Or, if you want see how it feels before spending much money, just put a tee fitting in line between the needle valve and the pump. You can control the pulsations by putting your finger over the 3rd port of the fitting.

Home Depot should have the valves.

If you’re going to buy a pump, look for a Garst. You need one with a decent amperage rating. I can’t remember what it should be right now. You can often find a nice Garst with guages on Ebay. Look for one of the oil-less diaphraghm types.

The size of the barb on the tube’s connector determines the size of the tube. I’m thinking that mine is 1/4” and the tubing I use is 3/8” o.d. (1/4” i.d.)

Don’t worry about the questions. I had to ask too! :)

Thanks, xaxxat!

I would think there would be a CFM requirement for the pulsators? Some minimum flow cubic feet per minute for it to work properly.

There are a couple vacuum pumps I’m looking at with 1/4” fittings:

1) Gast 1/16 HP, 2.1 Amps, 0.55 CFM @ 0 PSI, 0.34 CFM @ 10” Hg.

2) Gast 1/8 HP, 4.2 Amps, 1.1 CFM @ 0 PSI, 0.86CFM @ 10” Hg.

On the pressure side, these will go up to 50 or 60 PSI, so they would be great for pumping up tires too! (that’s a good excuse, huh?) :) There are smaller ones with 1/8” fittings, and larger ones with 3/8” fittings, but these are the ones I zoomed in on. I called some industrial supply shops and can go pick one up easily if I want.

I found some interpuls pulsators (L-80, LL-90?) but don’t know how much vacuum (CFM or whatever) they need to run properly. What is your solenoid setup like? Is it a commercial solenoid pulsator, or something you rigged up yourself?

Start a dialogue! The Gay Role Poll is waiting for your vote! :)

All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins

Originally Posted by electron
Thanks, xaxxat!

I would think there would be a CFM requirement for the pulsators? Some minimum flow cubic feet per minute for it to work properly.

There are a couple vacuum pumps I’m looking at with 1/4” fittings:

1) Gast 1/16 HP, 2.1 Amps, 0.55 CFM @ 0 PSI, 0.34 CFM @ 10” Hg.

2) Gast 1/8 HP, 4.2 Amps, 1.1 CFM @ 0 PSI, 0.86CFM @ 10” Hg.

On the pressure side, these will go up to 50 or 60 PSI, so they would be great for pumping up tires too! (that’s a good excuse, huh?) :) There are smaller ones with 1/8” fittings, and larger ones with 3/8” fittings, but these are the ones I zoomed in on. I called some industrial supply shops and can go pick one up easily if I want.

I found some interpuls pulsators (L-80, LL-90?) but don’t know how much vacuum (CFM or whatever) they need to run properly. What is your solenoid setup like? Is it a commercial solenoid pulsator, or something you rigged up yourself?

I wanted to make sure to reply to your post before I get banned again. :)

The recommended pump is a Gast DOA rated for at least 4 amps. I would recommend the larger fittings. You can always find reducers to match them up with your tubing.

The Interpuls pulsators are very nice. They cost a bit more than the Surge pulsators but they will function just fine. I believe the Surge’s need about 12” vacuum in order to self start. I imagine the Interpuls would about the same.

My original solenoid setup used an electrical Surge pulsator. I rigged the controls up myself, using an variable oscillator based on a 555 timer chip. The setup works extremely well. The only complaint I had was the the release was not a complete one. I wanted a complete release so I could get the maximum stretch on the suck cycle. I’ve since purchased a 24 volt 3-way vacuum solenoid that will allow me to introduce atmospheric pressure during the release cycle.

I think the Surge pneumatic pulsator is the best way way to start. The Surge has an adjustable stroke rate of 40-60 strokes per minute. I’m not sure if the Interpuls’ is adjustable. Rebuilt Surges can be found on Ebay for about $50. Rebuild kits are available and are cheap.

I wish you luck with this. I’m sure you will have lots of fun with it.

I’d like to be of more help, but I may not be around much longer as I have a moderator who thinks I have some mental problem and will need constant monitoring… I don’t think he’s going to be happy until I’m banned permantly. As if I didn’t have a life outside of here… :D

I’d like to be of more help, but I may not be around much longer as I have a moderator who thinks I have some mental problem and will need constant monitoring… I don’t think he’s going to be happy until I’m banned permantly. As if I didn’t have a life outside of here…

You stop posting stuff like the above quote and you’ll be around a long time xax. And I for one, hope that you are around for a long time. :)

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Originally Posted by ThunderSS
You stop posting stuff like the above quote and you’ll be around a long time xax. And I for one, hope that you are around for a long time. :)

I only posted that because a moderator sent me a pm saying such.

I just wanted to reply to someone’s request for assistance before said moderator reads my reply to his last pm.

That’s understandable, people have personality clashes from time to time, we wouldn’t be “human” if we didn’t! I enjoy xaxxat’s input here.

The Interpuls can be adjusted to 50:50, 60:40, or 70:30 ratios… but from what I’ve read that’s the “ratio” of suction time versus non-suction time, it doesn’t say how often these pulses occur (pulses per minute). Maybe the incoming vacuum pressure determines that. Perhaps I could get a second needle valve and install it upline from the pulsator, to adjust that rate with.

Do you happen to know what size tubing attaches to the ports on pulsators? Is it 1/4? 3/8 maybe? They don’t say in the literature.

The 4.2 amp pump is $230, the Interpuls is about $90. I can get a good industrial grade gauge (not commercial grade) ranging from $20 up to about $40 if I want a bigger (4 inch) dial on it, and then the needle valve is around $20, give or take a little. Add a little for tubing and gas to run around and get all the stuff, it comes in at around $375 to $400 total, to have a nice pulsating pump where I don’t have to worry about “turning purple” and having blood flow problems. I get a free little 60 PSI air compressor (tire pump) out of the deal, too. Sweet!It’s an interesting idea… I’m still kicking it around a little. Perhaps next week I’ll go start picking things up at the industrial supply houses. I guess I should order a cylinder or two, and maybe I’ll be up and running in a couple weeks. Or I could go look around in the plastics shops, too… :)

Start a dialogue! The Gay Role Poll is waiting for your vote! :)

All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins

You are correct about the ratios. 60:40 is the standard ratio and works quite well. The model determines the max pulse rate. It look as if they all have adjustable rates. Check them out here:

I’m not sure about the port sizes. I’m guessing that the supply port will be 1/2” and the pulse ports to be 1/4 to 3/8”.

A needle valve and guage between the pulse port and the tube would be the way to go. The 12-15” vacuum needed to operate the pulsator would be way too much on your cock. You’ll need to plug up all but one of the pulse ports and the large collection port on the bottom. Needle valves and tubing can be had at Lowe’s or Home Depot. Plugs for the pulse ports can be had at an automotive store. You’ll need to rig up a plug for the bottom port. A correct size coin and some duct tape works well.

If you want to make a custom tube, either cast or extruded acrylic is the way to go. Extruded is cheaper and cast is near-glass clear. You can find them here:

Look in Hollow Rods for the tubes. You can also find sheet acrylic for the tube top. They have both thin and some thick wall tubes.

While there check out the clear adhesive-backed rules. They will fit nicely on the tube and will give you a good idea of how much stretch you’ll get on each pulse.

They also have quick-disconnect couplings for both tube and tubing.

Have you seen the El-pump video? It was floating around here at one time. I’ll see if I can find it. It was what made me decide to make my own suck-n-release outfit.

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