Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A Homemade Pump. Yes a Pump, not a cylinder.

Boogie Man69, welcome to the forum.

About the pulsators: These are pneumatic pulsators and are operated by a vacuum source. The pulsators are fairly quiet. The vacuum pump is the major noise source.

A needle valve between the pulsator and tube will allow the pulsator enough vacuum to work with and will give you a way to limit suction in the tube to a safe limit.

I think the pulse rate of these pulsators makes them more for fun than PE. Check out electron’s posts on his machine. Slower, longer pulses may be the way go for PE.

I was reviewing the posts and think Electron’s device would rock .. I may have to try my luck at building one of those :)

I wasn’t sure if it was an independent unit or not, thanks for the clarification Xaxxat,

Hey electron, how about an update?

What would you like to know? My gains? How well the pump works? Or what?

I’ll do an update this weekend probably.

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All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins

Originally Posted by electron
What would you like to know? My gains? How well the pump works? Or what?

I’ll do an update this weekend probably.

All of that would be awesome. What handy work. I would never know where to start.

How do you make a pump

Originally Posted by wannabebig318
How do you make a pump

Are you looking for info on a manual pump or an electric one?


Well it’s been a couple of months and everything still works great. I’m not really surprised by this, after all it’s “built like an army tank.” Everything was over-engineered or over-designed, as it were, that was my original intent. Make it beefy in the first place, so it won’t be “straining” itself or operating “barely at it’s limits” and be breaking all the time. One good item is worth a hundred cheap ones if they are always breaking on you because you were cheap about it in the first place.

Actually, ask me in five years or something, that’s the REAL test I want to do. :)

I have made one slight modification, consisting of moving the little muffler thingie to the rear of the pump (where it exhausts the air) and connecting it with barbs and tubing to the solenoid inlet, so now it muffles the sound from both of the two biggest noise sources, while using only one muffler. I’ll have to snap a picture of it so you can see. The muffler is on the rear of the motor now, it almost looks like a little choo-choo train!

I have followed Avocet’s “Pumping 101” thread religiously and I am seeing gains. I have resisted the temptation to “crank the pressure up” or do “marathon pumping sessions” and everything is going along just fine. So far I am getting smooth consistent gains, and I’m not worried about getting injuries.

What more could a guy want? :)

Start a dialogue! The Gay Role Poll is waiting for your vote! :)

All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins

Just got my Mityvac 700 from Pep Boys and gravel vacuum tube from Petco

Unfortunately my wife took my camera with her to Cancun so no pics for 10 days

Remember, there are never any traffic jams on the extra mile.

Relay stuck!

The relay is sticking tonight. After running for a few minutes, it started working again. Maybe it needs cleaning or a little oil. I’ll have to look into it tomorrow.

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All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins

What would you guys think about me offering a electronic control instead of the relay, sort of an open source project as an addon to electron’s work.

It would consist of
-atmel microcontroller
-printed circuit board
-pressure transducer
-spst relay for any solenoid valve control, ac or dc

This would not be a complete product just a controller for what electron has built.

Basically what it would do is based on user-supplied programs, turn on/off the solenoid while the pump was going to regulate the suck/release action.

I’ve been working on a prototype for a while, seems to work. I have a similar gast pump, but i’m still trying to find suitable solenoid valve, the one i have is tiny and it doesn’t work fast enough for what i want.

You would be able to change the suck/release profile via a computer over the serial port (or usb->serial port adapter).


I guess the solenoid plunger just stuck to the seat. The humidity has been outrageous lately, maybe that was holding it shut. Maybe because it was sitting for a couple of days for my break period, although it’s never done that before. I’ll see how it goes. I didn’t see anything wrong inside.


An electronic control would be interesting. I see no need for programming and hooking it up to a computer, really, for enlargement pumping (unless you were doing it just for the fun of it, or making some kind of masturbation machine)! :) Enlargement pumping just doesn’t require complex rhythms. A little break now and then to allow fresh blood to flow in is all you need. Too much of that, and you begin to defeat your original purpose.

You could make a machine for regular enlargement pumping AND for “fun” if you wanted, and run it by computer and come up with some really interesting rhythms! :D Is that what you were thinking? The solenoid snaps open and shut instantly, you don’t even notice any delay. There is a delay, of course, but I could not give you any numbers in milliseconds, on that. I see no reason why it could not completely open and close three or four times a second, easily, if not more. A person would just have to do some testing with that, and see at what point it starts “losing it.” Would that be enough? How fast were you thinking exactly?

Start a dialogue! The Gay Role Poll is waiting for your vote! :)

All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins


yes, it could be dual-purpose. I was thinking different rhythms might work better for pumping…say pump for a slow duration, then release…or a quick percussion pump.

Basically it would let the user decide how the pump would operate, and with the serial interface…allow upgrades or software changes easily. I would make all the software open-source, so for the adventursome software PE guys they could modify it to suit their needs. I could also just make a serial dongle that would have a simple 2x16 lcd screen and some buttons to use the serial control without a computer.

I’ve got a pcb designed already, I could have about 30 boards in my hands by next week. The circuit board is 2” x 3” in size. I have two relays on the board in case you wanted to power on/off your vacuum pump or some other device…say another solenoid with a different rate of flow.

The way i’m thinking of doing this, is I will offer the bare pcbs for diy’s to solder your own if you have the parts already, or I will sell complete boards for $x price, and a portion of the money will go to thunders of each purchase. I found a source of extruded aluminum cases that would range for around $10 in volume purchases that are the perfect size and excellent quality. There would be a brass 1/8” or so barbed fitting on the enclosure to go from the tee in the vacuum line to the vacuum transducer inside the box.

You could also use this (this would be your coverup for the device) as a vacuum regulator for scientific equipment :P


I have used Avocet8’s directions. My first month, December, I gained 1/4 inch length and 1/16 inch girth. Roughly speaking, I used 3” hg for one 10 minute session during the first week. (The first two days were only 5 minute sessions, then the last five days were 10 minute sessions.) Then, I used 3½ hg pressure and one or two 10 minute sessions for the remaining three weeks.

Then I was a baaad boy. :smack:

In January and February, I slacked off and didn’t do much. I pumped maybe four days out of each month. There was a lot of stress going on and I just felt like screaming there for a while. Too many epiphanies, too little time. :) On the upside, I can also say that I didn’t lose any length during that time. Maybe toward the end of February it started shrinking back a teeny bit, not even a sixteenth of an inch. It bounced right back the first night. I don’t know if that means gains were cemented or not, but it certainly didn’t start shrinking immediately or anything, so maybe something can be gathered from that, FWIW.

In March, I pumped for half the month still using 3½’ hg and two 10 minute sessions, I began playing with three 10 minute sessions. It started creating donuts, so I went back to 2 sessions. Another thing was a weird “cord” appeared in March, that I later had to conclude was a thrombosed vein. I brought it up in this thread. I took it easy from then on but gained 1/16 inch in March.

April was similar, only pumped about half the month. I bumped the pressure up to 4” hg, and immediately began feeling those “good pull” and “tingling” feelings. To avoid donuts, I went down to three 8 minute sessions, and still got a donut beginning to form about half the time. The “cord thing” still appears now and then, but not along the whole length of the penis anymore. It shows up occasionally, but only from the base up to about one-third of the total length. I have now kicked it down to three 7 minute sessions. I gained another 1/16” in April.

For May I am pumping pretty consistently again so far. It should be a good month. Three 7 minute sessions at 4” hg all the way.

For my on/off schedule I will use 3 on 2 off or 5 on 2 off. That 2 day break period just seems to be better in the long run, for letting things heal before you start going at it again. Just my theory so far.

Start a dialogue! The Gay Role Poll is waiting for your vote! :)

All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins


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