Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bathmate worries

I usually enter soft and pump a few times. I usually wait a minute or two between pumps and the furthest my penis gets in the pump is to where it is when erect. But also when I try to go in erect it doesnt seem to expand. I do shave my pubes. But if I let go the bathmate hangs. It stays attached but doesnt stick rigid to my body.

Originally Posted by trynagrow
I usually enter soft and pump a few times. I usually wait a minute or two between pumps and the furthest my penis gets in the pump is to where it is when erect. But also when I try to go in erect it doesnt seem to expand. I do shave my pubes. But if I let go the bathmate hangs. It stays attached but doesnt stick rigid to my body.

I always go into my BM 80-100% erect. When I am 100% erect I don’t have to pump as much as when I am closer to 80% erect. It is very odd that when you try to go in erect it doesn’t seem to expand. My only thought is that your not pressing the BM into your pelvis hard enough to create adequate vacuum pressure to cause expansion. I like to use enough pressure so that I am 1/4” to 1/2” past my NBPEL. Doing this gives me great expansion that lasts after my session is over

ykm123321 is the owner of the gripping trainer website. He also surreptitiously posted here as LetsGrow123 in an effort to promote that site. Please take any product endorsements as very likely to be biased.

I will say that my girth seems a little bit thicker afterwards but it leaves very quickly. I have gotten an erection inside the bathmate before tho. I was thinking about things and trying to kagel blood into my penis and could feel myself get erect and sure enough it was when I pulled it out. Didnt seem any longer tho. Maybe slightly more girth but still didnt last long

Originally Posted by trynagrow
I will say that my girth seems a little bit thicker afterwards but it leaves very quickly. I have gotten an erection inside the bathmate before tho. I was thinking about things and trying to kagel blood into my penis and could feel myself get erect and sure enough it was when I pulled it out. Didnt seem any longer tho. Maybe slightly more girth but still didnt last long

It is good to take it slow and not pump to hard but I think you are probably not pumping hard enough. That is why your glans tip remains at the same point. It is impossible for your glans tip not to move further into the pump unless you aren’t compressing the pump into the body enough

ykm123321 is the owner of the gripping trainer website. He also surreptitiously posted here as LetsGrow123 in an effort to promote that site. Please take any product endorsements as very likely to be biased.

This is what don't like about the BM

Originally Posted by trynagrow

I usually enter soft and pump a few times. I usually wait a minute or two between pumps and the furthest my penis gets in the pump is to where it is when erect. But also when I try to go in erect it doesnt seem to expand. I do shave my pubes. But if I let go the bathmate hangs. It stays attached but doesnt stick rigid to my body.

One is pretty much limited to how much you can pump a Bathmate (one pump). If one goes in erect you are going to get some good Hg, but the one pump is not enough when going in flaccid.

I rarely use my BM in favor of a an LA tube with a hand pump (and gauge) that gives me more control over the vacuum. I can still use my LA in the tub if I am careful not to get water in the pump, and if I am flaccid I just have to pump a little more.

When I pump plenty of water comes out the first couple times. After that I have to wait a minute or so to pump an have any more water come out. Idk I will have to experiment with it a bit more I guess. I’m just not seein the trmporary gains I hoped for. My dick just doesnt look much bigger to me if at all

I really wanted to see my penis bigger even though its temporary. I was looking forward to having the extra motivation.

Starting stats BPEL: 5 in. MSEG: 4 1/4 in

Current stats BPEL 5.4 in. MSEG 4 1/4 in.

Goal BPEL: 6 in. MSEG: 5 in.

Too many temporary gains from pumping can be deceiving, since you’re often working against real meat gains, and you end up disappointed once after taking a day or two off you lose 0.3 inches of girth.

Enter the tube fully erect, start with your manual exercises first, jelq around 60-70 % EL and do slow strokes to work on girth.

Thank you walter. I appreciate all your advice. I’ve tried the bm last night with it upside down and I liked it a lot. I was able to see my penis a lot better and could see it moving up a little. I definetly had some temporary girth gains. About half an inch. I do feel that jelqing gives me a longer lasting pump tho. I’ve come to really believe in the manual work. Just gotta stick with it. Btw I have trouble trying to jelq from anything more than half chub. Once I get to like 60 percent my penis just goes ahead to fully erect and I’m scared to jelq while fully erect.

Just do it the way you feel at your ease with, over time you will get used to it. Definitely avoid jelqing fully erect. Use your bathmate after a good manual session, don’t use too much pressure, temporary gains of 0.5 inches in girth probably mean edema. Focus the core of your workload into the manual exercises, and take your time to get used to pumping.

Originally Posted by trynagrow
Thank you walter. I appreciate all your advice. I’ve tried the bm last night with it upside down and I liked it a lot. I was able to see my penis a lot better and could see it moving up a little. I definetly had some temporary girth gains. About half an inch. I do feel that jelqing gives me a longer lasting pump tho. I’ve come to really believe in the manual work. Just gotta stick with it. Btw I have trouble trying to jelq from anything more than half chub. Once I get to like 60 percent my penis just goes ahead to fully erect and I’m scared to jelq while fully erect.

I jelq 80% to 100% erect with The Penilizer safely. I used The Penilizer b/c I don’t like manual work. I have used my hands for jelqing in the past though. I find when jelqing at 100% I just don’t have to use as much grip strength to get good expansion.

ykm123321 is the owner of the gripping trainer website. He also surreptitiously posted here as LetsGrow123 in an effort to promote that site. Please take any product endorsements as very likely to be biased.

Walter what is edema?

Starting stats BPEL: 5 in. MSEG: 4 1/4 in

Current stats BPEL 5.4 in. MSEG 4 1/4 in.

Goal BPEL: 6 in. MSEG: 5 in.

Thicker skin, lymhocele (= doughnut ) = lymph fluid build up. It gives you a temporary squishy expansion in girth which vanishes over time.

I’ve been stretching and jelqing before use the bath mate, then 10mins in hot water then to cold water!

Starting date: 12/10/2012 = 6.000 BPEL, 4.500 mseg.7/9/2014 = 7.688 BPEL. 4.875 MSEG

Goal = 8.500 BPEL, 6.500 mseg

So then the bathmate doesnt temporarily increase girth?


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