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Bathmate worries


Bathmate worries

I was just wondering if anyone else who is on the smaller side uses a bathmate hercules. When I use the pump I feel like its decent pressure but my dick barely grows inside the tube. Like I measure at exactly 5 inches BPEL and my penis barely reaches the measurement marks on the front of the tube. I’ve seen other peoples pictures who are about the same or very close in length way bigger in the tube. Does your size dictate how much suction there is? I feel like I’m missing something. Also I should mention that my fat pad conceals about an inch of my penis do when erect I measure 4 inches NBPEL. Any advice or info is greatly appreciated

That is a normal perception. Disregard the markings on the tube. They are meaningless because the more you pump, the more the reference changes. If you must measure. Measure your BPEL without the device on. Then, go into the device fully erect and pump a couple times just to get it to hold on so you can have both hands free. Now take another BPEL measurement lining up the ruler from outside the tube as best you can. Now pump up a couple three more times and measure again. Those are your references. If there are any benefits to be gotten from Bathmate pumping at all, you will not need to pump at high pressure. The natural tendency is to want to really get a high pressure pull to feel like you’re accomplishing something. WRONG! But there are better, faster methods for achieving length, if that is what you are after.

I appreciate your comments. I will say tho that if I simply stick my penis inside the bathmate while erect its about the same place as when I pump. I will say I want to gain only about an inch in length and girth my goal isnt to feel huge, I just want to be average. And if I make gains and feel like trying for a bit more then maybe. Also would you be able to reccomend anything for length gains? I hear bathmate is mostly good for girth not so much length

Only thing the numbers on the bathmate are good for is showing you if you are getting longer over time — eg. hitting 160mm the first month you use it, then 170mm the next month. For real measurements, use a ruler and measure BP like others have stated.

Side note, I think I actually tried to measure the scale on the bathmate when I first got it, and found the markings aren’t even equally spaced out, so 160mm could be 16cm, but 170mm wasn’t 17cm. Good pump, but horrible sticker. lol

Current: BPEL 8"/NBPEL 6.75" MEG 5.2", BPFL 6.75"/NBPFL 5.5" FG 4.5"


Realistic Goal: BPEL 8.5"/NBPEL 7.5" EG 5.5" | Optimistic: BPEL 9"/NBPEL 8" MEG 5.75" | Dream: BPEL 10"/NBPEL 9" MEG 6.5"

I guess they print the stickers so it seems you’re making quicker gains in the cylinder than you really are. If it’s the case then it’s awful, if it’s not then it’s still awful then can’t provide their customers with decent stickers charging such a hefty price. Where did you buy yours?

Trynagrow, start the newbie routine, and use the bathmate lightly at the start, work your way up for both.

Thanks everyone I appreciate it. It just seems that other people who claim to be 5 inches look way bigger in the tube then I do. I can barely see my penis in it but I think I’m gonna have to dedicate more time to manual exercises.

Starting stats BPEL: 5 in. MSEG: 4 1/4 in

Current stats BPEL 5.4 in. MSEG 4 1/4 in.

Goal BPEL: 6 in. MSEG: 5 in.

Originally Posted by Phoenix7672
Side note, I think I actually tried to measure the scale on the bathmate when I first got it, and found the markings aren’t even equally spaced out, so 160mm could be 16cm, but 170mm wasn’t 17cm. Good pump, but horrible sticker. Lol

That would be crazy if Bathmate was making the measurements inaccurate to make it look like a person was gaining more then they really are. Had to find out for myself so I just measured the line on my hercules and XX-40 and the measurements on them check out.

ykm123321 is the owner of the gripping trainer website. He also surreptitiously posted here as LetsGrow123 in an effort to promote that site. Please take any product endorsements as very likely to be biased.

The scale on my Bathmate is accurate from 90 up to 200mm. The zero starts about 35mm from the end of the bellows and that compensates for the bellows contraction under pressure.

It could be that the Bathmates with the inaccurate scales are the counterfeits that have flooded the market.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

I did get my bathmate from the official website. Anyways I guess its just not doing what I hoped

No , don’t think like that, you have got yourself a useful device, if used properly. You’ll need to be extra careful and listen to the advice in order not to overtrain and to gain, but coupled with the newbie routine there is no reason you won’t gain if you’re patient . Search for the various bathmate threads on the forum, there are quite a few which will be helpful, this one is start (other useful links into it) Finally got one!

Very appropriate and practical advice Walter. Just stick with it, Trynagrow. Don’t worry about it. I will throw this in here though. The rubber base has a concave shape that you are supposed to position underneath the penis. However, I found I get a better seal and easier to pump if I do it the opposite. This then puts the scale underneath the tube where I can’t read it. Plus I use the Bathmate in the 104F spa at night, outside in the dark so it doesn’t matter anyway. I just go by feel and comfort, laying back, totally submerged. This really makes it easy.

Thanks I appreciatec all the advice. I will try give it a shot. I was curious looking at the pump if it would work the other way around. Only differene is I have to use it while in the shower. Il jusy stick to the neebie routine and light bathmate use

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
Very appropriate and practical advice Walter. Just stick with it, Trynagrow. Don’t worry about it. I will throw this in here though. The rubber base has a concave shape that you are supposed to position underneath the penis. However, I found I get a better seal and easier to pump if I do it the opposite. This then puts the scale underneath the tube where I can’t read it. Plus I use the Bathmate in the 104F spa at night, outside in the dark so it doesn’t matter anyway. I just go by feel and comfort, laying back, totally submerged. This really makes it easy.

I use my xx-40 this way also and it does work better.

ykm123321 is the owner of the gripping trainer website. He also surreptitiously posted here as LetsGrow123 in an effort to promote that site. Please take any product endorsements as very likely to be biased.

Originally Posted by trynagrow
I appreciate your comments. I will say tho that if I simply stick my penis inside the bathmate while erect its about the same place as when I pump.

I don’t understand how this is possible. If you simply stick your penis in the BM and the tip is at one point, when you push the pump down to create the vacuum seal and increase pressure it should be further into the pump unless you are barely pressing the pump towards the body. The hercules has about a 2” compression range alone. Now when you figure in how much you compress it and the penile expansion that occurs with that compression your penis should be further in the pump no matter what unless you have a faulty pump and no suction is being created. Do you lose suction? Do you feel a build up of pressure around your penis? Did you shave the your pelvis around the base of you penis?

ykm123321 is the owner of the gripping trainer website. He also surreptitiously posted here as LetsGrow123 in an effort to promote that site. Please take any product endorsements as very likely to be biased.

Do you enter your cylinder erect?

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