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Best way to use pumping to supplement routine, not as main tool?

Best way to use pumping to supplement routine, not as main tool?

So after years of thinking about it, a single month of results early on that I had trouble reproducing (have never stayed committed longer then a month, and after doing a handful of one month routines and not seeing the return of the gains I got discouraged and stopped), I’m rededicating myself to the effort.

I’ve started a moderate routine, and after a couple weeks I’ve actually measured a 1/8" girth increase and 1/4" length. That’s roughly half the girth, and the same length I had the first month I did PE. A much needed boost to my motivation to work in a routine with a wife who does agency work, so doesn’t have the same schedule week to week (works days one day, overnight the next and it can change on a dime), and a 3 and an 8 year old.

Anyway, I’m alternating weeks. Week one I do multiple short sets of jelquing, two handed squeezes (horse?), and a touch of clamping every few hours throughout the day. 1-2 minute warm wrap. Roughly 20 second Uli to get it plump, 30 second squeeze, followed by about 20 jelqs at 70-80%. Sequence is repeated 3 times finished by a 2-3 minute BTB clamp.

Week two I do a short stretching session in the morning, and a single moderate jelq, squeeze, clamp session at night. Morning stretch SU, SO, left, right, left up, right up, each for 40 seconds, then 10 full circles clockwise, and 10 counter clockwise. Night is like an extended version of my short sessions from week one. 5-20 minute warm wrap, 45 jelqs, 20 second Uli to plump, 20 second two handed squeeze, repeat sequence 3-4 times, finished with a 5 minute BTB clamp.

I just ordered a wide mouth tube from lapdist. I have the harbor freight brass pump with gauge and brake bleeder cup. I also have my wife’s medela breast pump, a really really good one:

Breastfeeding Resources, Education, and Support | Medela

So I have the option for regular manual pumping, water pumping, and the equivalent of the CTC modulated pumping.

I plan of just playing with the different methods for a few months so I can get familiar with each, and learn my body’s reaction and signals. After that, I would like to add pumping to a PE routine. It may be the same as I’m doing now, but if gains slow in say 3 months I may be looking to switch it up.

Basically just looking for feedback on a good way to incorporate pumping into a larger routine, without it being the main exercise.

The key to incorporating pumping into a larger routine is balance between what time and effort you are putting into that versus the rest of your routine. If you start a larger routine, I’d suggest that you scale down your pumping effort until you figure out how your body and your EQ is reacting to it.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
The key to incorporating pumping into a larger routine is balance between what time and effort you are putting into that versus the rest of your routine. If you start a larger routine, I’d suggest that you scale down your pumping effort until you figure out how your body and your EQ is reacting to it.

Absolutely Lamp. That’s why I mentioned I’m looking to just play around with pumping for about 3 months. Just planning for the future. Basically wondering if there is any incorporation that is considered generally more productive then others.

I’m inconsistent but generally do 10 mins at low pressure, then jelq for 5, get a strong erection and repeat. Up to an hour of this seems to be pretty good for me. My EQ has improved and I think my length and girth have improved somewhat.

Current: Flaccid 4x4 NBPEL 6.5 BPEL 7.5 EG 5-5.25

Goal: Flaccid 6x5 NBPEL 8 BPEL 8.5 EG 6

I just started doing the same. I added 2, 3 min, high pressure pumps to my newbie routine. I warm up stretch first, pump, jelq, warm down. I’m planning on doing this for a month. Ill tell ya one’s fantastic to START my jelq session with the extra 1/2 inch. My dick looks huge and feels great from the get go.

Originally Posted by happi_g_more

I just started doing the same. I added 2, 3 min, high pressure pumps to my newbie routine. I warm up stretch first, pump, jelq, warm down. I’m planning on doing this for a month. Ill tell ya one’s fantastic to START my jelq session with the extra 1/2 inch. My dick looks huge and feels great from the get go.

You should really stick to low vacuum sets.

Here are some general thoughts, trips.

First, you don’t want to overdo.

Second, I understand your approach of ‘just playing with the different methods for a few months so I can get familiar with each, and learn my body’s reaction and signals’. There’s nothing wrong with that, as long as you don’t overdo. I’d suggest that you familiarize yourself with PIs and EQ:


Now, with all that said…. I’d suggest that rather than just playing with the different methods, that you try doing the Newbie Routine instead.

Newbie Penis Enlargement Routine

The reason I suggest that is that if you’re just playing with the different methods (especially if you don’t take good notes), you won’t know what is working (if something does work). Worse, if you’re changing things up all the time, you may think that something is working when it’s really something that you were doing last week that is starting to show results.

If you do the Newbie Routine, you’re doing a standard set of PE exercises in a graduated way. Combine that with regular but not-too-frequent measurements, and you’ll be in a good position to try additional methods when you’ve completed the Newbie Routine. Even better, you’ll have a little better conditioned penis which is less likely to get injured.

Now, with all that said, if you want to combine pumping into the mix, I’m not against that. With the caution about watching your PIs and your EQ, and generally not overdoing, throw a little pumping into the end of your session. Do 3 - 5 minutes at 2 - 3 inHg vacuum. It’s just another way of applying stretching to your penis. I wouldn’t go to multiple sets or longer duration or more vacuum right away. One of the principles that I always throw out there about pumping is that you need to make a plan before you start your session, and then be disciplined enough to follow it. The reason for that is that at least for me, pumping feels good, and it’s tempting to go just a little longer. Resist the temptation, especially when you’re starting. Remember that you want to try to coax growth out of your penis, not force it out. Forcing results in injuries and toughening, which both work against your goal.

If it works better for you, do the Newbie Routine and then do a short pumping session some other time of the day. It’s better to do it regularly than at any particular time, but I think just before bedtime works out well, as the nocturnal erections reinforce the stretch that you’ve applied. I think another good time to pump is in the morning, after your unit is well warmed up from that nighttime of periodic erections in your sleep.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Thanks for that Lamp. Just to be clear, I have been doing the newb routine for a couple of weeks. I plan on staying with the newbie routine for at least 3 months, during which time I wanted to gain experience with pumping, so I could add it to the newbie routine at the end of the 3 months.

Perfect. That sounds good, trips. I don’t think a little short duration, low vacuum pumping will hurt you at all with the Newbie Routine, and may even help a little. One thing I didn’t mention in my earlier post, which is kind of a standard piece of PE wisdom, and that is, if something is working, stick with it until it isn’t working any more. Don’t feel obliged to increase force/duration/frequency/repetitions arbitrarily or according to a schedule. Except for the Newbie Routine, which does have a schedule… but maybe even the Newbie Routine should not be an exception, because members have reported results with an even more minimal routine than the Newbie.

The big problem with PE is the very slow feedback loop of growth. Other than newbie gains, which can be relatively quick, gains tend to be slow, so it can be hard to know whether what you are doing is working, and when you need to increase force/duration/frequency/repetitions to get growth to continue.

That’s where PIs and EQ give you a little more dynamic, quicker feedback loop. It’s been said here before that no one has ever reported “My dick is beat to shit, and I can’t get an erection to save my life, but boy, am I getting great gains!”

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

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