Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Breast Pump

After a few days of testing I am wondering why I never bought one before.

If you use it at level 8 or 9, it can pump up to 13-15 inHg. I haven’t tried higher numbers. I found that if you start from 5 inHg and pump it up with a lvl 8 & 30 repetitions per minute, I feel that the force of the vacuum increasing fast causes much better “internal” expansion than static hold. I tried the same thing with the hand pump but I couldn’t pump fast enough to match the machines speed.

Originally Posted by Didgeridoo
After a few days of testing I am wondering why I never bought one before.

If you use it at level 8 or 9, it can pump up to 13-15 inHg. I haven’t tried higher numbers. I found that if you start from 5 inHg and pump it up with a lvl 8 & 30 repetitions per minute, I feel that the force of the vacuum increasing fast causes much better “internal” expansion than static hold. I tried the same thing with the hand pump but I couldn’t pump fast enough to match the machines speed.

Spectre S2 looks heavy duty better than my mini breast pump, how is it working out for you?

21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

My S2 is working out just fine. I’m regularly doing 90-minute sessions now with no edema, and managed a 120-minute session yesterday. Five months ago I would get slight edema after 60 minutes.

I’m not getting anywhere close to 13Hg, more like 1 or 2. Part of the problem is the ridiculously over-long tubes I have, those being the only things left for sale after the reasonable-sized ones had been picked over… the S2 would put a righteous yank on a nipple cup, but it’s still pumping the excess air out of the tube before it dumps vacuum and restarts the cycle.

Just having a go with my mini breast pump and have packed the 1.75 inch tube now moving on to the 2inch tube and hoping to pack that at some point

21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

Still going strong with the breast pump, certainly can’t complain, does the job!

21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

I just got over an involuntary two-week rest break caused by the breast pump. Well, caused by my own stupidity, but it’s my civil right to blame someone else for my mistakes, isn’t it?

TL;DR: if you don’t renew your lube every now and then during a long session, or use something non-water-based, you can get badly chafed. And you might not be aware of it until you remove the tube and air hits it…

Originally Posted by AndyJ
I just got over an involuntary two-week rest break caused by the breast pump. Well, caused by my own stupidity, but it’s my civil right to blame someone else for my mistakes, isn’t it?

TL;DR: if you don’t renew your lube every now and then during a long session, or use something non-water-based, you can get badly chafed. And you might not be aware of it until you remove the tube and air hits it..

Thanks for the heads up I havent used my pump in a couple of weeks so I will get back to it as about to have a bunion surgery so will be in bed for a good 2 weeks I imagine. Hope you have made a full recovery

21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

I think my Spectra S2 has given up the ghost. At a rough guess, I got around 750 hours with it. Given its probable design lifespan was probably a tenth of that, I can’t complain. Heck, I only paid $25 for it, used.

The converted aquarium pump is doing the job now, though I admit I’ll miss the pulsing from the S2.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
I think my Spectra S2 has given up the ghost. At a rough guess, I got around 750 hours with it. Given its probable design lifespan was probably a tenth of that, I can’t complain. Heck, I only paid $25 for it, used.

The converted aquarium pump is doing the job now, though I admit I’ll miss the pulsing from the S2.

any gains with that much hours?

I would say no. The S2 I had simply didn’t pull enough vacuum to do much.

On the other hand, I felt it helped keep fresh blood in my shaft when it was operating, and viewed it as a positive for penile health. I should probably get another one.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
I would say no. The S2 I had simply didn’t pull enough vacuum to do much.

On the other hand, I felt it helped keep fresh blood in my shaft when it was operating, and viewed it as a positive for penile health. I should probably get another one.

How many hg?

Originally Posted by AndyJ

1 to 2.

well yes thats nothing

Breast pump still going strong feeling good and regular pumping now using a 2inch tube with a 1.75inch limiter in there.. I find first thing in the morning is great for pumping

21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length


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