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Buying a pump


Buying a pump


I’ve found pumps on ebay.

One is by dr kaplan without a sleeve on the bottom

And another is a “pro magnum” with a sleeve.

Which do you guys reccomend?




Do you know what the cylinder sizes are and if those sizes are appropriate for you?



Generally speaking, cylinders that come with those rubber sleeves on the bottom are crap and not worth the bother. Kaplan pumps are generally over priced, but Ebay does have some good deals as long as you can get the proper size as avocet is reminding you. If you need help with sizing, let us know your erect length and girth.

I use a Kaplan pump that I bought at a local adult store that was listed for about $90. It is a manual pump, had a 1.75” tube and is equipped with a guage. I didnt think it was a bad price considering I had seen others in the mid $150 range. I think you can find the Kaplan pumps on Ebay for a bit cheaper. I have had really good luck with my pump and enjoy pumping a lot. I dont own and have never used a pump from LA Pump but plenty of guys here seem to talk them up. I believe they are a bit higher in price but I dont know for sure.

Good luck and pump on.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Thanks for the replies guys.

The kaplan is 9”x2” cylinder
The pro magnum is also 9”x2”

I’m 6.5”nbpel by 5”eg


I my opinion you should start with the 2” tube but it will take longer to pack it, thats all. A 5” eg will pack the 1.75” tube a lot sooner, maybe too soon.

The more experienced guys hopefully will chime in soon for you.

Good luck


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Thanks 789.

I appreciate your advice.
I’m leaning toward the kaplan after your comments.


no problem mrdave. The reason I gave you the 2” tube advice was because I was 5 inches (I think) when I started with the 1.75” tube and got rid of it pretty quickly and I wanted to save you a few bucks.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

You are right on the boarder line for being able to use a 2 inch tube and actually the 1.75 would fit you best and would be able to take you up to a girth of 5.5 inches, at which point the 2.0 inch tube would be perfect and would take you up to a girth of 6.3 inches.

If you are getting a real good deal on the Kaplan with the 2 inch cylinder, you can give it a try. If you experience problems constantly trying to keep your balls out of the tube, then the worst that can happen is you have to buy a 1.75 inch tube. If you can make the 2 inch work, it should last you a long time before you out grow it.

Thanks gprent and thanks again 789.

This is definately a very supportive place.

It is a good deal on the 2”.

I think I’ll go for it.

Thanks again


I just did the same thing: bought a Kaplan off ebay - I’m pretty sure it’s a 9x2, but since I’m 7(bp)x5, I won’t be unhappy if it’s 9x1.75.

Lookin forward to it on Monday!

Started: 7.1x5 1/1/04

First Goal 7.25x5.5

kaplan pumps overpriced? I thought that they were the cheapest of what is considered “good.” I have no idea how much these LA pumps are, but i know I don’t want to be spending much more than what the Kaplan pumps are (in fact, I’d like to be spending less.)

Are there any other “cheap of the good” pumps out there? What pumps does everyone else have?

Last edited by Lumo333 : 10-27-2004 at . Reason: typo

Originally Posted by Lumo333
kaplan pumps overpriced? I thought that they were the cheapest of what is considered “good.” I have no idea how much these LA pumps are, but i know I don’t want to be spending much more than what the Kaplan pumps are (in fact, I’d like to be spending less.)

Are there any other “cheap of the good” pumps out there? What pumps does everyone else have?

If you go to the original Kaplan site, those package deals for hand pump and cylinder go for around $200 compared to $140 for the lapdist. There are discount sites where you can find the Kaplan sold for less.

One thing about the Kaplan cylinders is that they taper down to a smaller diameter towards the head, so, if your head is the same girth or larger girth then your shaft, these cylinders would not fit well. The lapdist cylinders are constant diameter for the length of the cylinder.

In that sense, the lapdist ones sound better.

There are, however, a few issues for me:

- I am in Tokyo, Japan. Shipping could be a problem.
- I am a poor student. While I don’t want to waste my money on crap, the cheaper the better.
- Japanese dorms are not so sound-proof. Electric pumps (or anything that makes noise) could end up causing a very embarrassing situation.

Why is it that Kaplan Pumps can be sold so cheaply from other sources? Is this also true for other pumps?

Thanks for the help, I am excited to get into this!

- lapdist ships to Japan
- This is a quality pump and cylinder
- I recommend a hand pump, completely silent

I would go for this deluxe package. You might get it cheaper to order the pump and cylinder separately and eliminate the video. Let us know your erect length and girth and we will help with cylinder sizing. Don’t go by the lapdist sizing, they recommend too small.

All Products | LA Pump

I guess the Kaplan pumps sell cheaper at other sites because they don’t have the Kaplan markup. I haven’t seen the lapdist type system sold anywhere else, but you can look, now that you know what it looks like.

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