(also posted in “cycling’ thread)
Hey guys!
I’ve been really studying the info, trying to get some feel for what actually may be occurring. Interesting in that I’ve noticed that water pumping seems to have a similar effect as condom pumping. I tried both briefly. Its’ easier to condom pump, because I have to do water pumping in the tub. I believe what is happening with the condom pumping is this. Under vacuum, the fluids in the penis will move toward the area of decrease pressure. There are two major effects, the fluid moving within the circulatory system and penis hydraulics, and the fluid that moves into the inter-cellular space. The fluid moving within the circulatory system and the penis hydraulics is productive, extracellular fluid build up is counterproductive. The important factors are vacuum and time. The vacuum over time will cause the cell walls of the capillaries and lymphatics to actually separate slightly, allowing fluid to escape into the area surrounding the tissues, filling them with either blood or lymph. The lower the pressure, the less chance. The less time, less chance. So…to prevent extra cellular fluid, you have found that you must either limit the vacuum,limit the time or both. The problem is, a certain amount of timeXforce is needed to produce changes. I believe that this is why pumpers have found that PE with pumping gets better results. I think that PEs produce much higher internal pressures than most pumpers use. Pumping pressure is limited by the extracellular fluid accumulation (lymph, bruising, discolouration etc.)
So, what is going on with condom pumping? I believe that of all the tissues of the penis, the skin is probably the first to “leak” fluids into the extracellular space. By applying a counter force to the vacuum, you get a reduction in the net vacuum force. For example, lets say you are applying 6 in hg vacuum, and the condom is applying 2 psi, you are getting about 4 in hg of vacuum force to the skin (may not actually be that exact amount, but you get the idea). It seems to however not diminish the force exerted on the deeper tissues. Plus, it seems that if the fluid is not migrating into the skin, it may help cause a greater migration into the deeper tissues. Either that or by allowing you to use a greater vacuum, you are able to generate higher forces, which then have a greater effect in the deeper tissues.
Think about it, why should PE be necessary? Forces on the tissue walls should be the same whether it is being generated internally or externally. The only difference would be on the valves of the penis (this may turn out to be an important effect). Think about jelqing, 2-3 sec duration…right? Probably pretty high pressures. How about using a safe base line of in hg like 3 and take it up to 7-10 for 1-3 seconds? More might be needed, I don’t know. I believe it should have a similar effect to jelqing, maybe even better. The condom would then apply counter pressure to the skin, allowing the higher pressures to be used with minimum to no swelling and discoloration.
This is all speculation on my part, trying to figure this stuff out. Why do some get results, and other not? I believe that there are 2 basic factors that have to be dealt with (possibly 3).
1. Generating sufficient forceXtime to create tissue deformation (micro-damage to tissues).
2. Allowing enough recovery time to allow micro-damage repair, producing a net gain.
3. Stimulating a cellular growth response (like pressure applied to bone stimulates increased density).
What I like about pumping, is that it can be quantified… jelqing is anyones guess as to what forces are being produced. Therefore reproducing the effects of pumping should be easier. I believe that the reason that lower pressure pumping works is that the damage produced is small enough that you can recover in a day or two. High pressure pumpers may need 1-3 days off for full recovery(too much damage may produce scarring). I believe that the reason jelqing works is that you can generate enough force to cause deformation of some of the ligamentous structures that may take crazy high pumping pressures to replicate. I think that (possibly) with condom pumping at considerable pressures (apx 10-12 in hg) done for 1-3 second “jelques” you may be able to achieve everything that pumping and jelqing can do for you. The only difference is that if it works, we can pass on a objectifiable, and repeatable procedure’s other could use. The only variables ( important ones) would be the vacuum range, time and recover. For example, start off at 2-3 in hg for 1X 10 min the first week, with 50 tube “jelques” to 5 in hg for 1 sec, every other day. Second week, 15 min at 2-3 in hg, with 50 tube jelques. So on, (like Avocet’s beginner routine). After reaching 3X10 min tube time with 50 jelques between, you can begin to move the pressures up by 1 in hg/ week. You should chart progress…size in tube, preworkout erection size, hardness of erections. At some point you will begin to see diminishing returns, at that point drop back to the last productive pressures, or increase recovery time. The problem with penis enlargement is that there at least a few variables that we are working with, which makes this more of an art, and less of a science. I believe by minimizing the variables, we can approach it more as a science and with all of us experimenting, we should be able to make some real inroads in figuring this out!
ps this is just my thoughts, but I’d love to get some feedback from you