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Condom Pumping and Increased Tube Pressure

Condom Pumping and Increased Tube Pressure

I tried a short experiment today with condom pumping and higher pressure in tube. It went pretty well but it was a very short, and I mean short, experiment. I went up to 15 hg slowly and backed down to 0 while wearing a Magnum XL condom. I notcied that I had an intense pull along the shaft and at the base. I’m thinking of trying this again just to see if it helps me with length, but I wasn’t sure if this was a good idea. I did, however, notice that the fluid buildup was not anywhere near what I expected and my girth didn’t seem to jump any higher than it was at the end of my session. I measured after my regular session and then again after I tried this out.

15 hg is really high, million. Even with the confinement of a condom. You’d be better off using a tighter condom; I don’t know why, but the key to this method seems to have to do with the counter-pressures of condom constriction against the shaft countered by the vacuum trying to expand everything.



I was thinking about that yesterday. 15 hg is really high, and it’s too high, but it was for at most 30 seconds and I didn’t come out of it any worse for the wear, but I probably won’t do that again. I might try the condom pumping, but in your experience is it just for fluid buildup control or does it help with length?

I got good length gain cycling between high and low pressure. Don’t know if it’s from stretching or pumping. Those are the only 2 PE workouts that I do.

Originally Posted by millionman
I was thinking about that yesterday. 15 hg is really high, and it’s too high, but it was for at most 30 seconds and I didn’t come out of it any worse for the wear, but I probably won’t do that again. I might try the condom pumping, but in your experience is it just for fluid buildup control or does it help with length?

I don’t know the answer to that, million. But I do know that after condom pumping I stay a lot larger for a lot longer than without one.



Hey Avocet8 - I’m getting my pump very, very soon… should I go into Condom Pumping straight away? I could use the Vacuum Pumping 101 workout that you’ve written, but with a condom on from the start!

Does this sound like a good idea for a first time pumper?

I'm pissed of with my gains and loses. I've been doing this for more than 4 years. I keep measuring wrong and the next time I update my signature you will see impressive results.

Well, I tried this again yesterday and it was very intense, but I didn’t push the pressure as high as I did. I rotated between high and low pressures going from 3Hg to around 12 Hg and it worked nicely. I rotated the time 2 minutes low pressure and 3 high pressure, and I did 100 jelqs at the end of the set as usual.

Avocat!! Where are you!!

I'm pissed of with my gains and loses. I've been doing this for more than 4 years. I keep measuring wrong and the next time I update my signature you will see impressive results.

Originally Posted by Marco_187
Avocat!! Where are you!!

Trying to live my fucking Real Life, Marco. :) Gimme a break. And it’s avocet.

When your pump comes, use it for awhile without a condom. Get used to the sensations, the vacuum pressure that works best for you. Get conditioned to this as an exercise, then experiment.

You know what peforeal and gprent are always saying about overdoing? Don’t overdo any aspect of PE or you will end up having to take healing time off. Time off = No gains.



Originally Posted by biggerjohnson
When youre condom pumping should you roll the condom all the way down your shaft to the base or what?

All the way down, as far as it will go. If you have a wider base, the condom will roll back uphill a ways, but no matter.



Thanks Avocet - [Sorry about the mistake]

I'm pissed of with my gains and loses. I've been doing this for more than 4 years. I keep measuring wrong and the next time I update my signature you will see impressive results.

Originally Posted by avocet8

All the way down, as far as it will go. If you have a wider base, the condom will roll back uphill a ways, but no matter.

Thanks man, your advice is always appreciated!

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