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Curved silicone sleeve for pump

Curved silicone sleeve for pump


When pumping I use a silicone sleeve for comfort (product name is ‘universal silicone sleeve 4 penis pump’) but the pump is held outwards from my hips and has to be pressed against by groin. This is uncomfortable.

If the same silicone sleeve was curved through 90 degrees then the pump could rest against your stomach and still work. Then the pump would be more comfortable to use. I have designed an injection moulded plastic cast which allows liquid latex to flow and solidify which creates a solid sleeve.

Who would use the 90 degree silicone sleeve? Trying to get an idea over whether it would be popular or not.

Have you actually made one and if so, can you add a pic of the device?

Also, what size cylinder does it work on?

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Right I have made a SolidWorks model of it, it is made out of cast steel. Still a few improvements to make on it.
Also the improved pro extender base is mostly done, I just need to make the thread and pitch the same as for the original pro extender so the same parts can be used. Other than that it is done.

Once the pro extender base, pump curved silicone sleeve and a Vac extender suction cup have been done as well as I can get them, I will post SolidWork images of them before sending them off to a UK draughting company to be made.

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