Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

discoloration, red spots or whatever

discoloration, red spots or whatever

Dear all,

I come back with my discoloration problem….When I pump over 4hg (4and 5hg) even for 6-8 min I have discoloration…this discoloration (tiny red spots) go away after one day….It seems since I have started pumping my skin is more sensitive and discolorore more easily…dicoloration is located under the gland…upper part of the shaft…Had you the same problem, is it dangerous…How did you solve it ?

Thank you for you comments.

try pumping slower, and make sure you go in the pump with as strong of an erection possible. Also warm -up is important…hot bath, heat rap..etc

I find your dick will accept the vacuum presure, if you are applying heat while pumping. Last night, I had a bath, soaked for about 10min, pumped for 10 min @ 5-8hg, massaged, pumped again for 10min, warm down, bingo, I had a nice 1.75 pump.Came out of the tube, at 7.6el, and 5.375eg, my wife was making noises i’ve never heard before, also I could barely get my hand around the base after my pumping session. I got those magical words last nice, ” I could really feel the strech” …that tells me I took her to new dimensions last night.

I started last week, this was my 4th pumping session, and i have just about packed the 1.75 tube…when I move to two sets of 15 min, i will be moving to the 2.00 tube, and trying to pack that….just make sure you don’t go crazy with the presure, 4-8hg, is plenty,….you need to condition your love tool, so that it will expand, with no discoloration…I have never had this problem yet..

Last nights routine was

7:00 p.m
5 min warm-up
5 min edging
375 wet jelq
10 ulis, some bends

10:30 p.m

soak in bath for 10 min
pumped for 10 min@ 5-8hg, in the bath, submersed, almost packed the tube, at the 10 min mark
massage, look for discoloration
pump for 15 min@ 5-8hg, jelqing the tube occationally for 20 strokes
massage and cool-down..5 min.

I am going to try packing the 2.00 tube in the next two weeks, important that you pack the stage 1 tube before moving to the stage 2

I can only imagine the wifes eyes when i whip out 7.5+ x 5.9 eg…

I was not allowed anal, last night, something about ripping her in half…


BPEL 7.6 x 5.4MSEG/ 5.8Base

I’ve been pumping for 2 months now and have developed discoloration on the penis shaft and wonder if this is permanent. Thanks for any replies

I pump up to a maximum of 5hg, usually around 4.5hg *BUT* I don’t reach this until at least 20 minutes into the session.

Start off slow, let your cock expand, 1hg, 2hg, 3hg etc. Wait until each pressure is completely comfortable. Your cock will expand and the pressure in the tube will drop slightly, so level out on each hg first.

Also, vary the pressure up and down to encourage blood flow.

Originally Posted by duane4u

I’ve been pumping for 2 months now and have developed discoloration on the penis shaft and wonder if this is permanent. Thanks for any replies

It’s been permanent for me.

I must be the luckiest son of a bitch around here because no matter what I do as far as PE is concerned I have yet to experience any lasting discoloration. Right, now I just cursed my self. I have gotten the little red spots before, but they go away quick. In fact I never knew what they were until I discovered this place. But as far as any darkening of the shaft or the other stuff you guys mention, not here. I did over do it a few times and give myself half a donut, thank God that didn’t stick around either.

I find jelqing for five or ten minutes after every pumping session does the trick.

Age: 42 Start date: July 14, 2004 Non-BPEL 5 5/8"; Erect girth, mid shaft, 5", base 5 1/4"

Current stats: BPEL 7.5"; Erect girth, mid-shaft (MSG) 5.25", base (BG) 5.5"

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