Disconnect the flexi-tube from the cylinder to pevent air leakage?
I’ve been using a LeLuv and the hand pump started leaking. I replaced the inner rubber washer and keep a good amount of silicone grease in it, but it still leaks air and I have to keep occasionally pumping to maintain the 5-7Hg pressure.
Then one day I simply disconnected the clear plastic flexi tube from the top of the main cylinder and it held the air.
When I reconnected the flexi-tube a few minutes later, it was still pretty much at the same pressure as when it was disconnected.
This showed me for certain that the air leak is at the pump, not at the base where my penis goes into the cylinder (which is pretty tight)
Since then, I’ve been pumping up to where I need, and disconnect for a few minutes. It’s much easier than having to keep pumping.
Anyone else do this?